Saturday, 3 February 2018

Who Says Liberia is a "Racist" Country?

February 3, 2018

See, when the current President of The United States of America, Donald Trump, referred to Africa as a "shithole," some Liberians flew off the hook. Because, according to them, such a description of Mother Africa was "gross" and so it angered them. Worse of all, they consider Trump a "racist."
But recently, the President of the Republic of Liberia, George Weah, called Liberia, a "racist" country. Why? Because he says it has a "racist" clause in its Constitution denying citizenship to Whitey. Suddenly, I hear no noise and anger from my Judeo Christian brethren who lashed whitey the Trump.
So one is left to ask, is this one of those situations when a Black man considers it a term of "endearment" when he calls another Blackman a "nigga," but calls a whitey a "racist" when the whitey calls the same Black man a "nigga"? Whatever the answer is, will determine the path we tread with this issue of citizenship in Liberia.

If you ask me, in my personal opinion, what I think about Weah and Trump in this case and the provocation engendered thereby, I say both Presidents plus those who took offense with Trump's description of Africa, seemingly lack a true sense of history and the true definition of who a racist actually is in these specific terms. Otherwise, the opposite would have been true!

Just to throw in some historical facts:

Liberia and Haiti are the first two Negro states in the world that Whitey claimed were unable to demonstrate nationhood. So both were established by our Forefathers and Mothers as the only safe havens for all people of Negro descent to come live and practice nationhood. But Whitey, being a slave master, who destroyed the humanity of the Black man, was never welcomed in both states for citizenship by our Forbearers. And so to avoid any confusion of the mind, our Forbearers carved this into law in both Negro states. To put more weight on this decision, our Forbearers followed up with a very strong and powerful warning that no generation in both countries should ever break such a sacred promise.

But interestingly indeed, whitey is never at rest until he undermines the Black man's effort to freedom. So he finds ways and means to subdue the Black man.

When Haiti gained her independence in 1804, it took America sixty (60) years to recognize her. Why? You tell me!

The same applies to Liberia. When she gained her independence in 1847, it took America more than ten years to recognize her. Why? I'm hoping you'll tell me too!

The reasons behind the Whiteman's suppressive attitude towards the Black man, forced the two Negro states into a self defense mode by denying whitey citizenship and land ownership in both states. For how can former slave and slave master live together under the same roof considering the excruciating pain Black people endured in the slave plantations under Whitey? Strangely indeed, Whitey's quest for domination has not changed nor diminished over the time. In fact, it remains unabated. Give him one more chance and he will enslave us!

In 1915, the USA military surrounded the Capitol and held the Haitian Senate under gun point to remove the clause in its constitution which denied whitey Haitian citizenship. The Haitian Senate still refused to do so under gun point. Later on, the US government sent in experts to forcibly remove the clause against the legitimate will of the Haitian people. Suddenly, Haiti painfully fell in this respect.
America did not stop there. She tried unsuccessfully to undo Liberia's clause so as to complete it's full subjugation of the Blackman. Unfortunately for America, no level of threat and intimidation has changed the Liberian people's determination to hold on to the Clause! Today as was in the past, Liberia is majestically resolute and unshakably strong not to allow Whitey Liberian citizenship.
Some people say, Africa is in its current poverty stricken condition because our people are "lazy" and that only Whitey can develop our countries for us, right? Wrong!

What then is the problem, one may ask?

Simple! Africa is the only continent and people to ever suffer three major diseases and holocausts in the world: (1) slavery, (2) colonialism and (3) neocolonialism. The remnants of these three illnesses set the fundamental basis for misinformation, misintegration and miseducation of the African people.

So where are we?

Emphatically I must declared in corporate terms, Donald Trump's case is sealed in terms of its irrelevance. But Weah's case is still afresh because it touches the very foundation and purpose of our being!

So in our next post, we intend to delve deeper into history as to why that Clause was placed in our Constitution and why it has been there this long and why we are determined to keep it there for as long we have to and why it is UNTOUCHABLE!

It has been written, so shall it be!

I am T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell, social justice advocate, victim of police brutality and political persecution, speaking and working on the ground in Liberia.

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