upcoming emergency meeting of marylanders
July 14, 2013
Dr. John Henrique Clarke once observed, “History to a people is
what a mother is to her child.” The history of Maryland must be preserved
for obvious historical reasons.
Recently, the Ministry of Public Works demolished private
properties in Pleebo City as a “street expansion project.” Similar exercise is
pending in Harper City.
The disturbing news has captured the attention and deepest concern
of Marylanders everywhere necessitating an All-Important Emergency Meeting on
Saturday, August 3, 2013, 2pm at the G. W. Gibson High School Auditorium,
One of the reasons constituting this meeting is to express our
profound support for our Heritage and Values in places that reflect our History
as a people out of the sacrifices of our Forefathers and mothers.
This Meeting will help to make a case of national development and
preservation of history!
The Meeting will develop a single and profound approach to
influence Government’s decision in this respect. Because by law, the people
have a voice when a project involving government action, approval, or funding
may affect properties that qualify as Historic Places.
The Meeting will charge a committee with historic preservation
leadership in Maryland so as to design an approach how to respectfully raise
our concerns to the Government. It will promote preservation, enhancement and
productive use of Maryland’s historic resources. The committee will advise the
Superintendent and Congress on historic preservation policy. It will designate,
preserve, protect, enhance, and perpetuate those sites, structures, objects,
and districts which reflect outstanding elements of Maryland’s cultural,
artistic, social, ethnic, economic, political, architectural, historic,
technological, institutional or other heritage; and will establish a
method to draw a reasonable balance between the protection of historic
properties and the County’s unique historic character and Central Government’s
development projects by creating a quasi-judicial commission that will review,
and approve or discourage any proposed demolition of, moving of or alteration
to property of historic value in Maryland.
Compensation for properties already demolished in Pleebo by
Government will also top the agenda.
“History to a people is what a mother is
to her child”
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