Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Letter To Supt. Betsy Kuoh-Toe On Behalf Of Electric Volunteers

January 29, 2015

Thomas G. Bedell
Concerned Citizens Action Committee (CCAC)
Reevy Street, Harper City, Maryland County
CELL: +231.886.920.151/777.088.427

Betsy Kuoh Toe
Maryland County
Republic of Liberia

Dear Madam:

I trust you are enjoying God’s grace and doing well with your varied responsibilities!

This letter is two-fold: First, to congratulate you on your historic preferment as the second female and first citizen of Barrobo to become superintendent of Maryland County since 1857. Second, to follow-up and formalize a complaint I discussed with you in your office on January 21, 2015. Several citizens and residents of Maryland retained my service to advocate, represent their interests and negotiate in their behalf an amicable settlement in a misunderstanding between them and The Cross Border Electrification Project under the watchful eye and management of The Liberia Electric Corporation (LEC).  

Madam Superintendent, my clients duly informed me that they have not been fairly treated by their recruiters and therefore seek a redress and/or response.

Based on my clients’ complaint, they are divided into two separate groups:

The first group includes those who were recruited in 2011. In this group, some of the individuals served as pole planters and wiring technicians while others served as trainers and consultants for the Electric Company during this period under review.

The second group includes those who were recruited in 2013 from various towns and villages surrounding Harper City as pole planters and wiring technicians (please see attached letters from General Town Chiefs).

According to my clients, all of them, prior to engaging field work, attended a three-month training program which qualified them for the job. Based on our clients’ complaint, the Electric Company did not have its own trainers. As such, I am told, some of our clients who are well-trained electricians by education and profession, previously trained at their own expense, have served and are still serving as trainers free-of-charge with a promise from the recruiters for future employment and stipend. 

My clients have one story and one interest:

They were recruited by Messrs. Joseph Leay and Joseph Dahn in 2011 and 2013 respectively. According to them, they were recruited to serve in the capacity as volunteers with a promise to be employed at the completion of a three- month work period. The second group claims it was recruited with the consent of their town chiefs (please see attached letters). My clients also informed me that the three months volunteer service that was agreed upon was completed. But they were told to continue with a promise of future employment. But up to the minute we opine, my clients have been working assiduously hard for the past three unbroken years conducting training, planting poles and wiring poles throughout the Harper District without any compensation, whatsoever. And that troubles them!

My clients also informed me that during this period under review, they insisted to be fed during hard labor field and office work. But they were denied. 

In October, 2014, my clients tell me that working materials used on the field were depleted. So field work could not continue. But Mr. Joseph Dahn (who understandably represents the interests of the Electric Company), instructs them to report to work a five-day week schedule  ( Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) until materials arrive. As we opine, my clients tell me, they are currently reporting to work each and every day (five days a week) at the Head Office adjacent the Catholic Covent from 8am to 4pm. Although, there’s no work to be done at the Head office, my clients tell me, the threat to terminate their service and disrupt possible future employment hangs over them. As such, they are currently complying with the five-day work authorization.

On January 22, 2015, I personally spoke with Mr. Henry Lewis, Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) liaison officer in Monrovia to ascertain the facts. Upon inquiry, Mr. Lewis duly informed me by way of cell phone that, to his knowledge, there’s not a single soul that works in Maryland County under the Cross Border Electrification project known as “volunteers.” He also added during the phone discussion that there’s no LEC office and representative in the entire Maryland County. In our cell phone discussion, Mr. Lewis inquired from me as to who recruited these individuals. I informed him, as per my clients, Messrs. Joseph Leay and Joseph Dahn were the recruiters. Besides knowing Mr. Leay, Mr. Lewis tells me that he does not know of any Joseph Dahn in Maryland. He emphatically stated that there is no one in Maryland who has any authority from LEC to recruit. Therefore, according to Mr. Lewis, if anyone has recruited any volunteer, it is not up to LEC’s knowledge. I then asked Mr. Lewis, after three unbroken years, if he has not heard or known about a sizeable number of Maryland citizens and residents performing such tasks as planting light poles and electrifying. His response was in the negative. After all was said and done, Mr. Lewis advised I issue a letter of complaint to the LEC Management in Monrovia for redress.

Madam Superintendent, having heard from Mr. Lewis and considering his denial, we cannot but be troubled both in mind and soul. Our citizens and residents, who have continued to pull themselves by their own boots strap to feed their families, pay their children’s school fees and have complied with the prescribed work ethics to achieve their full human conditions, have their lives now hanging in the balance.

This being the case, Madam Superintendent, we do hereby appeal to your honorable offices and as mother of the county and its chief executive to help us find an amicable resolution to this matter. An amicable resolution that we desire is a win-win situation. Our clients want to benefit and we also want the Electric Company to benefit as well as Maryland. In the absence of an amicable settlement, litigation is a last resort!

Therefore, Madam Superintendent, we hereby seek an audience with you at your earliest convenience.

May God bless the work of your hands! I am,

Yours truly,

Thomas G. Bedell  

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