Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Letter To The Maryland Legislative Caucus On The County-Sitting

Thomas Gbuo-Mle Bedell
Reevy Street, Harper City, Maryland County, R. L.
Cell: +231.880.226.566/886.920.151/777088427

August 2, 2016


Maryland Legislative Caucus
Capitol Building
Republic of Liberia

Dear Honorable Gentlemen:

 I trust you are enjoying God’s grace and doing well with your varied responsibilities.

I'm sure you are aware of the pain of our county’s economic crisis that is being felt everywhere, including homes and schools of your constituents in Maryland.

That is why we urgently need your help.

As a constituent, and a parent, taxpayer, community member and a social justice advocate who won relief and reparation for our citizenry, I am asking you to support The County-Sitting to discuss and adequately appropriate the ONE MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS of County Development Fund that is supposedly sitting in escrow while the entire County and people wallow in financial despair.

Since 2005 up to present, Maryland County has continuously suffered immeasurable budgetary problems beyond description due to internal wrangling within the Caucus.

If this internal wrangling continues, Honorable Gentlemen, it will surely hurt the students and our innocent youths who suffer through loss of programs and scholarship opportunities.

For example, at a time when our children, students and youths are expected to achieve at higher levels than ever before, we cannot afford to dismantle our quality programs. Our children and youths deserve more than just a bare-bone education; they deserve rich and varied educational opportunities that will help them succeed and compete globally. Without relief from you all, these kids may not get that chance. If the internal wrangling in the Caucus continues undiminished and there is no County-Sitting very soon at which time funding can be made available for development programs, even more opportunities for our children, youths and county will be lost.

We urge you to seek the hosting of the County-Sitting very shortly. Maryland County, its students, youths, and schools need your help now to make sure that our schools and students get the funding they need to provide the best education possible for them and for the development of the County.

Can we count on you to please speak with your fellow legislators and take the necessary bold steps to ensure that internal wrangling in the Caucus no longer be allowed to undercut quality education and development in Maryland County?

As a member of our civil society, especially the revolutionary sector, there are other constitutional and democratic ways and means to compel our leaders to act which includes and not limited to protest demonstrations, refusal to pay taxes, to vote and to rebel against injustice, but for the sake of human decency and civility and the progress of our county and youths, protests and demonstrations are not the best way, unless we have no other alternative.

Thank you for considering our concerns. We look forward to talking with you personally on this issue and seeing you in Maryland at the County-Sitting very soon. I am,

Respectfully Yours,

Thomas G. Bedell

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