Fifteen Reasons
Why President Sirleaf Needs To Visit Maryland County and Hear The People’s Cry:
1. The
West African Power Pool (WAPP) which is supposed to provide electricity to
Maryland has failed and is exactly two years behind schedule as per its sponsors:
EU & AfDB.
2. Currently,
a handful of individuals have received electricity. Majority, forming the
larger commercial & private sector have been left out.
3. More
than 30 young men and women served as volunteers in three years planting light polls
manually and doing the wiring.
4. The
planting of polls covers 75% and wiring covers 10% of Harper District. There
are polls stretching to some parts of Pleebo/Sodokeh District. But there is
little evidence these young men and women who gave us electricity will be hired.
5. The
volunteers are worried whether or not they will ever be employed having served
in that capacity for three unbroken years without compensation. Could they hire
friends and relatives?
6. The
Tubman University is an academic promise to Southeastern Liberia and the nation
as a whole. It is growing. Is the allotment from Government also growing to
support the University?
7. All
Maryland elected officials in The Liberian Congress are at loggerhead with President
Sirleaf. This situation negatively impacts upon the growth & development of
Maryland. What’s the cure?
8. An
available by the Liberian government as MONETARY REPARATION to Shipwreck
victims. The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) through its former head, Hon.
Harrison Karwea, Superintendent J. Gble-Bo Brown (now Senator) former Senator
John Akel Ballout and Senator H. Dahn Morias FULLY paid the victims. THERE’S A
9. What’s
about MEDICAL and PSYCHOLOGICAL REPARATION for the victims? Will ever come?!
10. Ritualistic killing is once more raising its
ugly head. Each time one citizen dies, the entire nation is hit in the knee
11. The
Cavalla Rubber Corporation (CRC) and Maryland Oil Palm Plantation (MOPP)
reached a point when violence is imminent. If nothing significant is done to
pay redundant and current employees as well as landowners their rightful dues,
no telling what could unfold.
12. The Fishtown/Harper Highway Project is experiencing
serious glitches: erstwhile and imminent demolitions on private property in the
city of Pleebo reached a disquieting and catastrophic dimension. If nothing is
done by the Liberian government, The African Development Bank (ADB) will pull
the pluck on the Project and the road will never be paved again for decades to
13. Did
The Ministry of Public Works hands-in-gloves with some local officials in
Maryland rob private landowners their Rights and Legal Dues thereby engaging in
corrupt practices?
14. What
happened to the THIRTY THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS for Radio Harper? We want
to know? Can an audit be conducted by The Liberia General Auditing Commission
15. Why is it that International Nongovernmental
Organizations (INGOs) are hiring outside of Maryland? You mean chauffeurs,
cooks, security companies, &c.?
These and many other things
need to be addressed when President Sirleaf arrives in Maryland. Otherwise the
proverbial bell that tolls will do so for too much that could go wrong!
I am T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell; a
volunteer worker, social justice advocate, speaking and working on the ground
in Liberia and a victim of police brutality
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