Monday, 9 April 2018

I Am Not Alone; God Is With Me: A Response To My Friends On The Other Side The Roosevelt Henderson Concerns and Questions On The Appointment of Dr. Elliott Wreh Wilson President of Tubman University

April 9, 2018

Our objection to the appointment of Dr. Elliott Wreh Wilson as President of The William V. S. Tubman University in Harper City, Maryland County, by President George Weah, is simple and clear. The man has the academic credentials. But his morals let him down.

In mid-2017, he physically attacked another professor who works at the same university. Both men are Marylanders. This incident occurred in the open on the same University campus. It was violent and provocative. It attracted the attention of tens and tens of students who assembled and watched him try to humiliate Dr. Gardiner. Essentially, physical violence replaced academic application!

We hail Science and technology today. It is a giant medium of communication. It makes the process 10 times easier in academia. By so doing, it consolidates the foundation for the growth and development of any civilized society. So when violence occurs on a university campus between learned men, academic priests become hooligans of the worse grade. That being the case, in academia, violence is a “no, no!”

What happened on the University Campus was morally wrong! Dr. Wilson’s physical attack was unwarranted, unacceptable and uncivilized! Besides being a professor at the University, Dr. Gardiner is a husband, father, uncle, nephew and cousin.  

From this ridiculous situation, several questions abound: Could Dr. Wilson not resolve a misunderstanding between him and Dr. Gardiner through intellectual exercise via scholarship? What would have happened if at all there was bloodletting or a family person of Dr. Gardiner taking Dr. Wilson up to task? Would this not be a proliferation of violence? Certainly, it would be!

To comprehend this, one has to revisit history.

Samuel Kanyon Doe was President of Liberia when Dr. E. Segbe Boley complained to him. Dr. Boley informed him that Dr. H. Boima Fahnbulleh was in the “habit” of “undermining” him (Boley) through his authorship. President Doe understandably was shocked. And so he asked Boley if he and Fahnbulleh had the same level of academic degree. Boley answered in the affirmative. President Doe then advised Boley to take on Fahnbulleh through the same academic fashion: write and defend himself. For this is what scholarship and academic inquiries is made of; not physical violence.

All things considered, Dr. Wilson has no excuse to physically attack Dr. Gardiner or any student or faculty member of the University.

The story is clear: Dr. Wilson is as wrong as he can be to physically attack another professor! So my friends on the other side need to understand that the suspension of Dr. Wilson was by his peers at the University. And unless in a military coup d’état where decrees are issued, Dr. Wilson cannot return to the same university while suspension still hangs over him to become its President. It beats every ounce of the University Policy Procedures.

To say a victim of Dr. Wilson’s violence is not your friend or relative and so you care less, is a sham! That could be Mr. Roosevelt Anderson’s attitude. I guess that’s why he asked if the victim cannot speak for himself and why others, besides me, are not saying much. Maybe Mr. Henderson has forgotten or maybe he doesn’t know, we are social justice advocates. And many and oft a time we are “watch dogs” and “whistleblowers.” And so, when we act, we do so purely on seeking justice. Without a doubt, if this were the other way around and Dr. Wilson was violently attacked by Dr. Gardiner, we would be defending Dr. Wilson as we do now for Dr. Gardiner. So there’s no prejudice here! Both men are Marylanders, humans, professors and an integral part of our society. So social justice advocates have the right to come in.

Social justice advocacy is the best thing that has ever happened to democracy. Its purpose is to influence public policy outcome with and/on behalf of a vulnerable group or community or indeed the wider public good.

Therefore, our appeal to our Legislature is resolute! The appointment must be rescinded. Sen. J. Gble-Bo Brown who now heads the Caucus has his first greatest task. He must take us seriously our lose our support!

We seek nothing personal. We have a record of advocacy that is unflinching and unbeatable: we were not wrong when we sought justice for Sen. Morais et al when the Liberian government imprisoned them on charges of ritualistic killings. We took the Liberian government up to task to produce evidence or set the prisoners free. When the Government could not provide any shred of evidence, it set them free. In 2009 we were not wrong when we filed a case of Reparation for shipwreck victims. Some men, women and children died in three shipwrecks. They were not our relatives. But were humans!

Our advocacy was robust and undiminished. In 2011, for the first time in the history of Liberia, the Government paid Reparation to poor women and men some of whom lives and revenue sank in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. We felt justice was partially served. The same applies to 2010 when Dr. Elizabeth Davies Russell’s administration paid Honorarium to former William V. S. Tubman College of Technology workers who escaped and returned after the war. We also felt justice was served! When the Ivorian Refugees damaged 16 sugar cane farms belonging to the poor people of New Half Graway and we took The United Nations Commissioners for Refugees (UNHCR) to task including the Liberian government, reparation was paid. Justice was also served! When in 2010, we help resolve troubling issues between the Kudemoweh and Numoweh chiefdoms that had been in conflict for decades and reunited them, our advocacy had reached the greatest height of God’s work.

Our friends on the left, including Mr. Henderson, should not ask victims to speak when they don’t have to. The trauma is enough for them to deal with as a consequent of the result of violence against them! So Henderson et al must know we are not alone; God is with us! For all those on whose behalf we stand are not related to us as family or friend. They are God’s children like all of us! And we represent them pro bono! We will not relent until justice flows like a mighty stream throughout this country, even with guns at our breasts.

Dr. Wilson must resign or we appeal to our pro poor President, H. E. George Weah, to withdraw the appointment!

But if Dr. Wilson must lead the University that he claims is named after a Congau man that he dislikes, and that some of his victims at the University are Congau people who he claims were hired by their Congau relative, Dr. Elizabeth Davies Russell, then he must first come to grip with his violent and discriminatory behavior by attending and graduating Anger Management classes and Sensitivity training.

There’s where we stand!

We hope we don’t have to address Mr. Henderson and our friends on the left again!

T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell

Tuesday, 3 April 2018


July 11, 2013

Thomas G. Bedell
Harper City, Maryland County
C/O Maryland Congressional Caucus
Capitol building, Monrovia, Liberia

Ministry of Justice
Ashmun Street, Monrovia, Liberia



I, the supra mentioned, a social justice advocate, founder & copresident of KudeNumo Peace Initiative Foundation, Inc. (KNPIF) – the author of peace in the Glebo Peninsula in Maryland County, founder & chair of The Shipwreck Victim Action Committee of Maryland County that won REPARATION from the Liberian government in 2012 for poor women & men, cochair, Concerned Citizens Action Committee of Maryland, and a volunteer worker from the US to Liberia as an answer to President Sirleaf's call for Liberians to return home and help in the reconstruction effort, do HEREBY HUMBLY REQUEST a PERMIT  to carry on a PEACEFUL, NONVIOLENT PROTEST MARCH on Monrovia on Wednesday, July 31, 2013 from Downtown Monrovia to The American Embassy, Capitol Building and other key locations including UNMIL offices to seek assistance in addressing and resolving my case of police brutality.

This POSITIVE ACTION will begin Friday, May 24 with an issuance of STATEMENTS. I begins from Downtown Monrovia to the American Embassy, UNMIL offices and ends at The Capitol Building when I interface with The Maryland CONGRESSIONAL CAUCUS.

I do not desire police escort and/or protection during this Peaceful March; I am a serious victim of police brutality and a trauma patient as a result. Therefore, police presence could trigger a flashback.

I am not against the police. But you can rest assure I am against police brutality! It is a VIOLENT ACT; more so, when the Government supports and endorses  such violence against citizens and residents alike! It is UNHEALTHY to our National Patrimony!

Thanks for your anticipated PERMISSION for me to EXERCISE one of my CONSTITUTIONAL and DEMOCRATIC FREEDOMS and The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights to EXPRESS my DISCONTENT and PAIN to cry out to a CIVILIZED world, call on all international governments, nongovernmental organizations on human rights to help others and I who have been brutalized by the police out of my misery.

We will summon all peaceloving and anti police groups and persons and those who have a practical nature, all who possess idealism, dynamism and immense sense of patriotism and human rights, all who believe in goodness, truth and beauty, to unite to support my antipolice brutality campaign and call for justice so together we can built a new society where each of us will have a peaceful and tolerant future.  Intent in this new society for us to work for ourselves and enjoy what the Creator has bequeathed to us, those things that until now we have been deprived of by the Government of Liberia which holds judicial power in its hands. We have arrived at a decisive moment in time when it is no longer possible to go on sustaining injustice.
We have the right to live without the fear of injury or being killed by the police. Our peaceful demonstration will compel the Justice Ministry that it MUST quit distorting and hiding from the truth and depriving people of justice. For Truth is the most important Core Democratic Value. Because our democracy depends on truth, our government and its citizens MUST tell the truth and establish a bond between the citizens and its leaders. Truth MUST be the glue of that bond.

The right to live is a human right. The Government's primary responsibility is to protect lives and safety of its citizens not destroy it.

I look forward to your response as soon as possible. I am,

Thomas G. Bedell a volunteer worker, speaking and working on the ground in Liberia and a victim of police brutality.

CC:         Maryland Congressional Caucus
                Superintendent of Maryland County
                Maryland University Students
                Independent National Human Rights Commission (INHRC)
                Human Rights Watch (USA)
                Liberian Human Rights Groups
                American Embassy
                European Union

Position Statement
                                             Presented to Hon. Alfred T. Thompson                                            
District Commissioner, Harper District, Maryland County, R. L.
By The Leaders, Women, Men, Youth & Farmers of The Half Graway Ferguson Community, Cape Palmas
Harper City Hall, June 18, 2012

Hon. Commissioner, March, 2011, Refugees emerging from the Ivory Coast that were placed on The Bishop Ferguson High School Campus by The Liberia Refugee Repatriation and Resettlement Commission (LRRRC) headed by Cllr. Wheatonia Y. Dixon Barnes, destroyed eleven (11) sugar cane farms within the Ferguson Belt with impunity. These farms belonged to eleven tax-paying and law-abiding citizens residing in the Ferguson Belt. Several complaints were filed to the office of Superintendent J. Gble-Bo Brown. Additions to that, complaints were also filed in the offices of LRRRC both in Monrovia and Harper respectively. One year and three months ago today, both LRRRC and the Superintendent’s office fail to produce positive response. As you know, the destruction of the farms was astronomical. As such, it has been an economic burden on us. The damage in terms of dollars and cents is equal to Sixty-six thousand ($66,000.00) United States dollars. After intensive Positive Action mounted on the Superintendent’s office from us and our friends, children and other social justice advocates, the Superintendent’s office was forced to establish a “Commission of Inquiry” to investigate the matter. Even though we are not satisfied with the composition and Report submitted by the Commission which was headed by The Catholic Justice and Peace Commission, its formation and activities justifies our legitimate claims. Page 3, Item Number three (3) on the “Introduction” page of the Report, our Case is clearly substantiated. It reads:

Assessment and Finding:”

“Below are the following findings the committee would want to share in this report”

1.      “The committee identified 8 small farms that were destroyed and not 11 farms”
2.      “The 8 small farms are observed by the committee are being used for defecation by the refugees”
3.      “That the farms destroyed have started growing due to heavy rain falls…”
Hon. Commissioner, having inherited the area from our Foreparents who inhabited the area for more than 100 years before us, we have done all that is required under our Organic Laws to maintain and protect the area. When the Refugees were brought into the area, we, as custodian of the area, were not informed. Yet and still, as a decent people, we gave our fullest support. But our generosity and hospitality was and continues to be abused by both LRRRC and the comity of refugee management.  

Hon. Commissioner, the failure of LRRRC and the local government of Maryland, yea Liberia, to recognize the Report of its own “Commission of Inquiry” which confirms the destruction beyond human imagination, is a clear and deliberate violation of our Rights as law-abiding and tax-paying citizens of the Republic of Liberia.

Therefore, based on the supra mentioned undisputable facts, the Superintendent’s office and LRRRC denied us the ability to obtain our full human conditions. It is under this vein we hereby declare and register our distaste and disdain and thereby DEMAND reparation; otherwise we will resolve into NONSTOP and continuous peaceful and nonviolent street demonstrations in order to capture the undivided attention of the Liberian government. This will include and not limited to “Sit-ins,” passive resistance and PROLONG marches along the streets of Harper and maybe transfer our activities to Monrovia to meet with Her Excellency Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia to submit our legitimate claims.

We have called on all international and local government and nongovernmental organizations to help us out of our misery, but none came to our rescue. Even The UNICEF which is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential, continues to sit on the proverbial fence watching our children being kicked out of their class rooms only to make room for refugees. Consistent with The UNICEF Mission Statement, it is committed to ensuring special protection for the most disadvantaged children - victims of war, disasters, extreme poverty, all forms of violence and exploitation and those with disabilities. But when the Refugees launched an unprovoked attack on our children and their parents, UNICEF has been sitting by and watching. Are our children considered children of a lesser god?

Hon. Commissioner, we want to summon all of you who have a practical nature, all who possess idealism, dynamism and immense sense of patriotism, all who believe in goodness, truth and beauty, to unite to support our reparation demands so that we and the Refugees can built a new society where each of us will have a peaceful and tolerant future. In this new society we will work for ourselves and enjoy what the Creator has bequeathed to us, those things that until now we have been deprived of by the LRRRC and Refugee management who hold economic-financial power in their hands. We have arrived at a decisive moment in time when it is no longer possible to go on sustaining unnecessary economic pains as a result of Refugee violence.

We are calling on you and all others to bring about a change that is in the interest of the refugees and citizens of this country. We are calling on you to turn this economic bankrupt situation around, to disinvert it and head it in the right direction. We want to live life; we want to produce for ourselves and our fellow men and our children; we want to live in peace with everyone. Nor can we let anyone go on exploiting us and destroying our children’s future. We
intend to put a stop to all of this because we want to live in a time of peace now — that peace we have always desired but which has been denied us.

Hon. Commissioner, we are greatly disturbed by this broad daylight violence against us. And so we are now prepared to take matters to the Liberian government. And if need be, we shall take this matter to The United Nations for redress.

Our children have been denied schooling and we, as their parents, have been denied economic progress. Therefore, we unequivocally, with all we can command from the roof our tongues, demand reparation!

We look forward to your immediate response to this human catastrophe.

Attached is a copy of the Report of the Commission of Inquiry set up by your office and headed by The Catholic justice and Peace Commission. The Report is captioned,

“The Committee Report

Eleven Sugar Farms reportedly destroyed at Bishop Ferguson Community in Harper by Ivorian Refugees

Harper City, Maryland County
Republic of Liberia

Prepared and Submitted on behalf of the Committee:

Thomas B. Mawolo
The Catholic Peace and justice Commission
Cape Palmas Diocese”

Signed - Victims:
1.       Monday Howe
2.      Alexander Harris
3.      Perry Harris
4.      Thykindon Harris
5.      Quiah Harris
6.      William Harris
7.      Nyemande Elizabeth Harris
8.      Martha Harris
9.      Victor Harris

                        Victor Wade Harris/CLAN CHIEF/HALF GRAWAY CLAN

                T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell/Founder/Operations/CCAC/Social Justice Advocate

cc:       Superintendent, Maryland County
            Ministry of Internal Affairs
Legislative Caucus
KudeNumo Peace Initiative Foundation, Inc. (KNPIF)

Position Statement Presented to Hon. Alfred T. Thompson District Commissioner, Harper District, Maryland County, R. L. By The Leaders, Women, Men, Youth & Farmers of The Half Graway Ferguson Community, Cape Palmas Harper City Hall, June 18, 2012

Position Statement
                                             Presented to Hon. Alfred T. Thompson                                            
District Commissioner, Harper District, Maryland County, R. L.
By The Leaders, Women, Men, Youth & Farmers of The Half Graway Ferguson Community, Cape Palmas
Harper City Hall, June 18, 2012

Hon. Commissioner, March, 2011, Refugees emerging from the Ivory Coast that were placed on The Bishop Ferguson High School Campus by The Liberia Refugee Repatriation and Resettlement Commission (LRRRC) headed by Cllr. Wheatonia Y. Dixon Barnes, destroyed eleven (11) sugar cane farms within the Ferguson Belt with impunity. These farms belonged to eleven tax-paying and law-abiding citizens residing in the Ferguson Belt. Several complaints were filed to the office of Superintendent J. Gble-Bo Brown. Additions to that, complaints were also filed in the offices of LRRRC both in Monrovia and Harper respectively. One year and three months ago today, both LRRRC and the Superintendent’s office fail to produce positive response. As you know, the destruction of the farms was astronomical. As such, it has been an economic burden on us. The damage in terms of dollars and cents is equal to Sixty-six thousand ($66,000.00) United States dollars. After intensive Positive Action mounted on the Superintendent’s office from us and our friends, children and other social justice advocates, the Superintendent’s office was forced to establish a “Commission of Inquiry” to investigate the matter. Even though we are not satisfied with the composition and Report submitted by the Commission which was headed by The Catholic Justice and Peace Commission, its formation and activities justifies our legitimate claims. Page 3, Item Number three (3) on the “Introduction” page of the Report, our Case is clearly substantiated. It reads:

Assessment and Finding:”

“Below are the following findings the committee would want to share in this report”

1.      “The committee identified 8 small farms that were destroyed and not 11 farms”
2.      “The 8 small farms are observed by the committee are being used for defecation by the refugees”
3.      “That the farms destroyed have started growing due to heavy rain falls…”
Hon. Commissioner, having inherited the area from our Foreparents who inhabited the area for more than 100 years before us, we have done all that is required under our Organic Laws to maintain and protect the area. When the Refugees were brought into the area, we, as custodian of the area, were not informed. Yet and still, as a decent people, we gave our fullest support. But our generosity and hospitality was and continues to be abused by both LRRRC and the comity of refugee management.  

Hon. Commissioner, the failure of LRRRC and the local government of Maryland, yea Liberia, to recognize the Report of its own “Commission of Inquiry” which confirms the destruction beyond human imagination, is a clear and deliberate violation of our Rights as law-abiding and tax-paying citizens of the Republic of Liberia.

Therefore, based on the supra mentioned undisputable facts, the Superintendent’s office and LRRRC denied us the ability to obtain our full human conditions. It is under this vein we hereby declare and register our distaste and disdain and thereby DEMAND reparation; otherwise we will resolve into NONSTOP and continuous peaceful and nonviolent street demonstrations in order to capture the undivided attention of the Liberian government. This will include and not limited to “Sit-ins,” passive resistance and PROLONG marches along the streets of Harper and maybe transfer our activities to Monrovia to meet with Her Excellency Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia to submit our legitimate claims.

We have called on all international and local government and nongovernmental organizations to help us out of our misery, but none came to our rescue. Even The UNICEF which is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential, continues to sit on the proverbial fence watching our children being kicked out of their class rooms only to make room for refugees. Consistent with The UNICEF Mission Statement, it is committed to ensuring special protection for the most disadvantaged children - victims of war, disasters, extreme poverty, all forms of violence and exploitation and those with disabilities. But when the Refugees launched an unprovoked attack on our children and their parents, UNICEF has been sitting by and watching. Are our children considered children of a lesser god?

Hon. Commissioner, we want to summon all of you who have a practical nature, all who possess idealism, dynamism and immense sense of patriotism, all who believe in goodness, truth and beauty, to unite to support our reparation demands so that we and the Refugees can built a new society where each of us will have a peaceful and tolerant future. In this new society we will work for ourselves and enjoy what the Creator has bequeathed to us, those things that until now we have been deprived of by the LRRRC and Refugee management who hold economic-financial power in their hands. We have arrived at a decisive moment in time when it is no longer possible to go on sustaining unnecessary economic pains as a result of Refugee violence.

We are calling on you and all others to bring about a change that is in the interest of the refugees and citizens of this country. We are calling on you to turn this economic bankrupt situation around, to disinvert it and head it in the right direction. We want to live life; we want to produce for ourselves and our fellow men and our children; we want to live in peace with everyone. Nor can we let anyone go on exploiting us and destroying our children’s future. We
intend to put a stop to all of this because we want to live in a time of peace now — that peace we have always desired but which has been denied us.

Hon. Commissioner, we are greatly disturbed by this broad daylight violence against us. And so we are now prepared to take matters to the Liberian government. And if need be, we shall take this matter to The United Nations for redress.

Our children have been denied schooling and we, as their parents, have been denied economic progress. Therefore, we unequivocally, with all we can command from the roof our tongues, demand reparation!

We look forward to your immediate response to this human catastrophe.

Attached is a copy of the Report of the Commission of Inquiry set up by your office and headed by The Catholic justice and Peace Commission. The Report is captioned,

“The Committee Report

Eleven Sugar Farms reportedly destroyed at Bishop Ferguson Community in Harper by Ivorian Refugees

Harper City, Maryland County
Republic of Liberia

Prepared and Submitted on behalf of the Committee:

Thomas B. Mawolo
The Catholic Peace and justice Commission
Cape Palmas Diocese”

Signed - Victims:
1.       Monday Howe
2.      Alexander Harris
3.      Perry Harris
4.      Thykindon Harris
5.      Quiah Harris
6.      William Harris
7.      Nyemande Elizabeth Harris
8.      Martha Harris
9.      Victor Harris

                        Victor Wade Harris/CLAN CHIEF/HALF GRAWAY CLAN

                T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell/Founder/Operations/CCAC/Social Justice Advocate

cc:       Superintendent, Maryland County
            Ministry of Internal Affairs
Legislative Caucus
KudeNumo Peace Initiative Foundation, Inc. (KNPIF)

JOINT PRESS STATEMENT MAY 5, 2010 Of Chiefs, Elders, Women & Youth Numoweh & Kudemoweh Chiefdoms

Concerned Citizens Action Committee of MARYLAND (ccac)

Maryland Avenue, Harper City, Maryland County
CELL: + 231. 666.6957/771.70498



Chiefs, Elders, Women & Youth Numoweh & Kudemoweh Chiefdoms

Fellow comrades, Government officials present, members of the senior staff of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), members of other International nongovernmental and Human Rights organizations, members of the Media, fellow Compatriots, Brothers & Sisters, Ladies and Gentlemen:

We thank all of you for granting us an audience by accepting our invitation to be here with us today during our Press Conference being held in the Hall of the Catholic Mission. We want to use this time and occasion to express our strongest distaste and discontent with the unjust, unlawful activities of the Government of the Republic of Liberia and its accomplices against our people.

We wish to thank UNMIL for its ongoing advisory role to the Liberian government and our people during these difficult times.  We also thank The Catholic Justice & Peace Commission (JPC) and the Center for Sustainable Human Development Inc. including other Human Rights organizations that we cannot name for lack of space and time. Indeed, we are grateful to all the people of Maryland and the Republic of Liberia for their ongoing support during these difficult times.  We welcome you all to this Press Conference.

Who are we and what do we stand for?

The Concerned Citizens Action Committee of Maryland County, shortly referred to as, CCAC, is a representation of the people of the Kudemoweh and Numoweh chiefdoms of the Harper District of Maryland County. We are the voice of both Chiefdoms. We were established in March, 2010. We are a creation of the arbitrary, unconstitutional and unlawful arrests of Maryland citizens couple with the reckless behavior of both National and local governments in the recent ritualistic killing case in the County. Our purpose is to protect the interests of both Chiefdoms and all Marylanders in all matters affecting them and to attain their freedom from all discriminatory laws and actions whatsoever. To this end, since our establishment, we have endeavored by every constitutional method to bring to the notice of the Government and international community the legitimate demands of peace-loving and law-abiding Maryland citizens, especially those who have been arbitrarily arrested and arbitrarily detained. We have also repeatedly pressed, in particular, the inherent rights of those comrades of ours to be directly represented in all court proceedings regarding the false incrimination and imprisonment of the arrestees.

This attitude to form the CCAC is a demonstration not only of the willingness and readiness of peace-loving Kudemoweh and Numoweh citizens and residents to cooperate with the Government but also evidence of our sincere desire for peace, harmony, friendship, justice and tolerance amongst all sections of our population.

Now let’s begin to deal with the Issue before us:

First, let’s make it very clear to the whole world and the people of Liberia that we categorically condemn, in no uncertain terms, the barbaric acts of ritualistic killings with all the emphasis we can command. No one has the right to murder another person. PERIOD!

In the event murder is committed, it is our strongest belief the accused killer MUST be immediately arrested under the guidance of our Constitution. The accused MUST be given a Speedy & Fair Trial under the Law of Due Process. If that person is convicted through a competent court of jurisdiction, we believe the Law of the land should and MUST take its course.

Equally so, we openly and, without mixing words, condemn with all the emphasis we can command, the arbitrary arrest of any citizen and/or resident on cardboard box evidence especially so, when the arrest is determined by a juju man’s “mojo.”.

It is in this spirit we encourage both the Government and people to respect human life and the Rule of Law. 

Recently, the Government of Liberia exercised a repressive policy of arbitrary arrest, imprisonment, segregation and Gestapo-styled tactics of treatment of our people in Maryland County. The Government continues to insult and degrade our citizens and residents that have been arbitrarily arrested and unlawfully detained by depriving them of their fundamental human and constitutional rights enjoyed by all democratic people around the world. The Government categorically rejects offers to respect the Constitution of this Republic and grant the accused their human and constitutional rights. The consequence, therefore, has been the gradual worsening of human relations in Maryland County and a rising tide of bitterness and tension. Such a position by the Government has aggravated our people more when it clandestinely, under the cover of darkness, removed the accused from where they were held in prison to an unknown destination for unknown reasons.

In this situation, we have realized that the cumulative Gestapo tactics of the Government shows that its sole intent is to crush potential and emerging leaders of our County. We believe the Government’s intent in this case is to also destroy the economic position of all of those citizens who strongly and openly oppose bad governance in the County. We also realize the Government is making assiduous efforts to deny these emerging leaders the full capacity to seek elective positions in the upcoming election of 2011. We consider this approach by Government as a Gestapo tactic employed by Hitler Germany prior to the World War to silence its opponents. This Government tactic is also meant to prevent the unity and development of our County and people especially the Kudemoweh and Numoweh chiefdoms and at the same time, humiliate them by charging its children of million of “crimes” committed many years ago.

We have no doubt in our minds that this current wave of arbitrary arrests in Maryland is politically motivated. It is a fear and smear tactic employed by both the Government and the Maryland Legislative Caucus to suppress our good leaders from challenging those who have currently failed us.

The following points summarize the events that raised our eyebrows:
1.     A month before the arrest of the accused, threatening cell phone texts (SMS) were sent to a selected few. The messages claimed the selected few who received those messages were “killers.” And that they were already known by the Government. The messages continued by saying the selected individuals would be arrested in due course. Suddenly, a witch doctor arrived in Harper City and remained in the City for close to a week without being monitored. Soon he employed his magic pen. His magic pen only was able to identify the selected individuals who received threatening text messages prior to his coming. As strange as it was, all the arbitrary arrests were immediately closed as soon as all the selected names were arrested and jailed.
2.     Was it by accident that at the completion of the arbitrary arrests 7 Kudemoweh and 7 Numoweh citizens were in police custody? How and who obtained such a strange balance of citizens from both chiefdoms? Notice, these two Chiefdoms have been under intense pressure by the Government and Caucus for a protracted period of time. Why? Because there’s a thinking in the Caucus and some local government quarters that the Numoweh and Kudemoweh chiefdoms do enjoy most of the better jobs in the County. And that these two chiefdoms hold almost all the best educated persons in the County. Strangely indeed, this Government and Caucus strongly share the belief that all possible contenders for elective posts in 2011 would definitely come from both Chiefdoms. And so to keep them out of the race, they had to employ the Gestapo tactics of Hitler Germany: purge them!
3.     During these arbitrary arrests, only Cllr. Fulton Yancy’s house was searched. When he was taken to court after mounting pressure from the people and Defense Counsel, the Circuit Court considered the search unlawful and illegal. Why did the witchdoctor refuse to search the homes of the balance 16 men and one woman? Was the Government only aiming at Cllr. Yancy alone? If so, why? Well, Cllr. Yancy was set free on Bail until reports surrounding items supposedly collected from his home are professionally examined and made available to the Court.
4.     The witch doctor coming to Harper to perform his mojo was a unilateral decision made by few individuals in the Caucus and local Government along with their friends. The entire County and its civil society were not contacted. So no civil society member agreed to the selection of the witch doctor or partook in the events producing the witch doctor.
5.     The witch doctor performed behind close-door. Besides those who brought him to Harper (some Caucus members and some Local government officials), he did not perform for anyone else to see how he derived at the selected names and/or conclusions. This act troubles the mind of every civilize man and woman on earth!
6.     The witch-doctor’s magic pen understandably named all the culprits but did not remember the name of the Nigerian pastor. If the pen has such magical power to write the full names of those arrested, how come it could not write down the name of the Nigerian pastor? Did it forget? Or those who gave the names did not know the name of the Nigerian pastor?
7.      In the beginning, the Liberian Government informed everyone that Madam Doeayenen Landford was its “Best” witness who is or was an “eyewitness” to the murder. But when she appeared in Court, she said she did not see anyone or anything. And she asked that nobody should force her to lie on anyone that she did not see commit murder. To date, the lady is now a suspect instead of being a “State witness” in the case. Why? Is it because she refused to read the government’s script and refused to falsely accuse innocent people? To date, Madam Doeayene Landford is also languishing in incommunicado.
8.     Amb. H. Dan Morais was arrested along with others and kept in jail for more than 72 hours without a charge. His and others’ constitutional rights were violated. When pressure came to bear on the Government of the Republic of Liberia from the people and legal defense, the Government decided to set them free. Why in the process of setting Ambassador Morias free, he was immediately arrested again for the “murder” of one Alphonso Chelleh. This case of Alphonso Chelleh was never mentioned while the Ambassador was unlawfully and illegally jailed. But as soon as the Government found that it had no reason to hold him in jail, it manufactured one case under the cardboard box. The case was then taken to court. The Harper Magisterial Court found no merits in the case. And so it dismissed the charges and set the Ambassador free. Then another attempt to rearrest him and others was made for the murder of another person. This time, they dragged in the case of the “murder” of Madam Tumu Weade Allison. Understandably, she was murdered on Lake Sheppard. All in all, the Government witch-hunting and launching political smear tactics continued.
9.     Mr. Roland Barlea is one of the followers of the witch doctor and one of those who secretly brought him into Harper to perform his magic. Mr. Barlea and one of the accused (Lancelot Clarke) were coworkers at the J. J. Dossen Memorial Hospital in Harper. Mr. Barlea was chief administrator and Lancelot Clarke was maintenance supervisor. But a problem developed at the Hospital that involved Mr. Barlea. An investigation was conducted by the Hospital and the Liberia National Police. Mr. Barlea was found guilty for motor cycle theft. Immediately Mr. Barlea was suspended for time indefinite. The Hospital appointed Mr. Clarke as acting administrator. Since then, Mr. Barlea has developed hatred for Mr. Clarke. As a result, he pointed Mr. Clarke out for crime of murder to the witch-doctor during the arrests. As a result of Mr. Barlea’s involvement and influence over the witch-doctor, Mr. Lancelot Clarke is now in prison. Is this the respect for Rule of Law or Gestapo tactics?
10.                        On February 5, 2010 a letter was written. The letter requested the immediate removal from office of Hon. Alfred T. Thompson, district commissioner of the Harper District. The letter stated clearly that the reason for the request to remove Hon. Thompson was that he (Hon. Thompson) was “inactive” in joining the secret effort to arrest citizens who occupy very important jobs in the Harper District. The author of the letter is a staunch member of one of the disgruntled groups friendly with the witch-doctor. As a result of this letter, Hon. A. T. Thompson is now incriminated and now languishing in prison unjustly.  
11.                        Just about this same time when the arbitrary arrest was ongoing, Hons. Gloria Scott and John Ballout were in Maryland. These elected officials have never cared to come to Harper at anytime when citizens were murdered. But this time, considering their connection with the witch-doctor and gearing up in a campaign mood and wanting to crush their potential opponents, they arrived in Maryland and took part in the arrest one way or the other. They embarked upon speaking engagements inciting citizens to riot if the accused were ever released from jail. In fact, our investigation tells us that these two Senators deceived President Sirleaf into believing Harper City was on fire and that the youths were burning houses in opposition to the possible release of the detainees. When the Police arrived from Monrovia to Harper, Harper City was as cool as a watermelon. The Police realized there was no riots and violence in the City. What the Senators said was a total a lie! Why are these two Senators deeply involved in these sad developments and using Gestapo tactics of Hitler Germany? SIMPLE! They are looking forward to re-election. And because they are unpopular, they MUST purge everyone else and keep the County under fear.
The CCAC of Maryland representing the people of the Kudemoweh and Numoweh chiefdoms cannot remain silent on an issue like this that is a matter of life and death to our people and patrimony; to do so would be to betray the trust and confidence placed in us by our people.
At a recent Conference held from the 27th to the 29th April this year in Bigtown,
Hoffman Station, the whole policy of the Government to continually & arbitrarily
arrest our citizens and residents on cardboard box evidence and through a juju
man’s “mojo” was reviewed and after serious and careful consideration of the
matter, the Conference unanimously resolved to call upon the Government of the
 Republic of Liberia, as we hereby do today, to discontinue the arbitrary arrests by
NOT LATER THAN THE 9th DAY OF MAY, 2010. Failing to do so, CCAC will hold
protest meetings and demonstrations on dates of our own choosing as a prelude
 to the implementation of the plan for the defiance of unjust laws.

1. We pledge to continue promoting the consolidation of democratic norms, values, and institutions throughout the County and to enhance accountability and respect for individual & Human rights.
2.  We are determined to rid our county of any manner of ritualistic killings and disrespect for Law and Order.  We acknowledge President Ellen’s Commitment and Oath to uphold, Defend and Protect the Constitution of this Republic. We further ask her to commit herself to the harmonization of our African culture with Eurocentric ideas consistent with global standards for the advancement of people
3.  We agree to increase cooperation efforts between all the Districts of Maryland as well as all ethnic groupings.  We commit to strengthen this cooperation by engaging all members of the society including academic institution.  We also commit to strengthen human relations to meet the demands of the 21st century through partnering with academic institutions and non-governmental groups as well as through skills training for youth
4. We declare our intention to oppose the Maryland Legislative wicked tactics to divide our people and sow seeds of disunity in our various communities.  
5.   We are disheartened by the ongoing Gestapo tactics of the National
Government, hands-in-gloves with our Legislative Caucus to unlawfully arrest,
detained; remove our citizens to unknown destinations. These citizens exercise
their constitutional, democratic and human rights to compete in the business
sector and vie for elective and/or appointed post in and outside government.
What’s wrong when they compete so much so the Government takes offense?

6.  On the occasion of the clandestine removal of our relatives, love ones and
law-abiding citizens and residents accused of murder to a far away distance from
us, when as a matter of fact and record they have not been provided Due Process as provided under our constitution, we condemn both the National government and  our Legislative Caucus for instituting the activities of Hitler Germany which is fear terrorism.

We are prepared to take our Local & Legislative leaders up to task. We strongly believe they are behind this entire hullabaloo. They need to come clean! Our investigation proves that they are working with disgruntled elements in our community. And the intent of these disgruntled elements is to sow seeds of disunity amongst our people. We believe the National government, local government and Legislative Caucus are executing the plans of these disgruntled elements just to undermine development and progress in the County. 

We believe the Maryland Legislative Caucus deceived President Sirleaf to appoint our current Superintendent, Hon. Gblebo Brown. It is open secret that Hon. Betsy Kuoh from the Barrobo District was set to become the next Superintendent of Maryland. To our utmost surprise and dismay, President Sirleaf appointed Hon. Gblebo Brown due to the fact that the chair of the caucus misinformed the President. She said that Marylanders rejected madam Kouh. The appointment Of Hon. Gblebo Brown was not up to the taste of majority of the citizenry of Maryland. But we accepted the appointment on grounds the Constitution provides that the President can appoint whomever s/he deems fit for the job. But since the appointment of Hon. Gblebo Brown, the County has been on the verge of severe problems, division and chaos.
In closing, we are determined to take those involved in dividing our county and imposing terrorists activities upon our people up to task.

Until justice is done, the struggle remains unabated!