Sunday, 9 November 2014

Maryland County: The Path To The Future

I was born and reared in Harper City, Maryland County; deep in the belly of the southeastern region of Liberia.  At the time, the community was rich with love, full human understanding and compassion!

There I got my fundamental training in the state of affairs of life.

I was privileged to see our parents administratively run the County morally, politically and economically. And that’s significant to know!

I learned and knew that during the day of our parents, Marylanders enjoyed unity, peace and happiness. Unless I was naïve, I did not see any level of conflict to crisis proportion amongst them.

Not that our parents did not have qualms amongst themselves, but the fact of the matter is the qualms did not reach crisis proportion. In any case, quarrels were not apparent. If I’m wrong, then people born before my time, know something I don’t!

The first set of leaders I was exposed to, as a lad growing up, were the ones I remember the most.
And that was when Maryland experienced its “Golden” days thriving into the future with jet-like speed!  Maryland was second to none in Liberia!

Hon. Fred Gibson was Senator at The Liberian Congress; Hon. James Daniel Anderson, superintendent of the county; Hon. Alfred T. Davies, Commonwealth Commissioner; Mr. Joseph Bush, Principal of Cape Palmas High School (CPHS), Mrs. Irene Prowd, Principal of Harper Elementary Demonstration School; Father Gray, Priest in-charge, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Bishop Nyema Dalieh, St. Theresa Catholic Diocese, Rev. J. Bolton Williams, Priest in-charge, Mount Scott Methodist Church and supervisor of schools, Rev. Jones, Priest-in-charge of the Baptist Church. Along with many others, these gallant men and women led the charge and steered the state of affairs of the County successfully.

If you are a kid like me growing up, you have to remember the “good old” days! Because, you enjoyed them growing. They help to groom you in the pot of immense patriotism!

I was then a grade school student attending The Harper Elementary Demonstration School.

And so I have a reference point.

What that means is I view Maryland of today from the lenses of our parents. So that gives me a strong sense of enthusiasm and redemptive thinking on knowing what was and what is in the county today!

There’s an imbalance!

The imbalance is descriptive of what Hon. Mary Broh, the current director general of The General Services Agency of the Republic of Liberia once observed of Maryland as “Vestiges of Life Once Lived!”

But today, things are different in the county:
Our current leaders are now in the streets and on the radio lambasting each other and sitting at each other’s throats with abuses and antagonisms thus polarizing the entire county!

Disunity is so acerbic in the County and in the Legislative Caucus so much so it is capable of dissolving steel! 

In the County, there is leadership vacuum!

But there is still one hope for redemption to this dilemma for now: 

And that is to vote out corrupt and bloodstained leaders from power as well as those ones who are conflict-oriented and replace them with those who have seen the “Golden” days of Maryland and worked along with our parents thus having a reference point as a motivating and working factor! 

For he who knows the difference between what was in the County at the time – “Golden”- old days and what is now – violence - the result of war and terror, can make a good decision in rebuilding and redeeming the County to the level our parents left it with us! 

Any attempt in the contrary is to do anarchy!

We need to shape up or forfeit the right to complain!

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