Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Does The End of The State of Emergency Mean The End of The ebola virus?

What evidence is there that the end of the State of Emergency marks the end of the deadly ebola virus that plaques the Liberian people?

Virtually none!

But there's a view and feeling amongst many Liberians, at least the ones at home in Liberia, that as soon as the Proclamation is made by President Sirleaf ending the 90-day State of Emergency, the ebola virus will also then cease to exist at once.

Consequently, all party people will then begin to hit the streets, night clubs, beaches and politicians shaking hands, hugging and breaking the anti-ebola ground rules.

All ebola safety kits (buckets for hand washing, chlorine, Clorox, soap etc.) and good hygiene and sanitation practices will be dashed into the gutters of history.

I have a very strong feeling regarding this:

If we are not careful as a people and nation, our recent ebola past, marking thousands of deaths in the land within few months, could be repeated; for those who failed to learn from the relics of history are doomed to relive it!

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