Friday, 22 August 2014

Ballout Confession: Split in Caucus is Responsible for Proliferation of the County Citizenry

January 6, 2009
I’ve been in Liberia on a working-visit for more than a year now. I know this situation of mine confuses too many people. But that’s what I always do best – confuse people till the end when the light shines so brightly. My working visit is a Re-evolutionary task. At least, that’s how I describe it. It is a radical departure from things as we know them. It comes after a 14-year generalized anarchy of violence when infrastructure and human resource destruction reached astronomical heights. It demands everyone to chip in and make the Reconstruction effort a success. So my NGO is helping. And I am personally making a difference. Thanks to those who are supporting me in their own unique way!

My whole intent when I came to Liberia was to work in other counties other than Maryland. But I was convinced to go to Maryland.

Why did I want to go to other counties to serve besides being in Maryland? Simple! I am a student of history. And I have read history widely on men and women who tried to identify with their homelands but were ostracized. For it is said in many books and the Books of books that no village has ever embraced its own.

Jesus’ experience tells it all including that of many more prophets and revolutionaries around the world. I found mine out quickly.

To date, it is Marylanders, especially current leaders, who are attempting to destroy the work we do. Why do they do so? Simple! They want to say, “Aha, aha, there he is. He said he came to help. But there he is struggling. He has done nothing to help!” And then they can lower citizens to sleep and marginalize them. But I am measured up to the task!  

Anyways, let get to the focus of this Article.

It’s all about Senator John A. Ballout’s final admission of my claim. I say the split in the Maryland Congressional Caucus is responsible for the County proliferation and the lack of infrastructural and human resource development.

It is also responsible for the backwardness in the County. It is also responsible for the emerging armed hostilities in the County. Senator Ballout had no choice but to openly admit on UNMIL radio station on the program, “The Palaver Hut” that my calculations against his is correct. I was on the show with Mr. Thomas Collins when Ballout made the confession.

Let’s start with the actual split Question. Then we can go to its negative impact. And then to why Ballout admits now.  

Split -There are five members on the Caucus.

Three are Representatives of the Lower House. And the other two are Senators from the Upper House. The Representatives from the Lower House include James Bannie (Harper District), Bhofal Chambers (Pleebo/Sodokeh District), and David Sidee (Barrobo/Karluway District).
The senators include John Ballout (Senior Senator) and Gloria Scott (Junior Senator).

All of these elected officials do not see eye-to-eye.

On the Caucus, all of the three Representatives are hands-in-glove with Gloria Scott except for John Ballout who is the only one that is all by himself.

So the split is between Gloria and Ballout. Whatever the four other members agree to, Ballout’s vote is insignificant.

Although he is the Senior Senator, but he is powerless on the Caucus. Democratically speaking, within the split on the Caucus, Gloria has the edge over Ballout. If Ballout refuses to submit to democratic centralism, he cannot influence any decision, whatsoever. Because of this, all development packages are shredded all the time.

The Caucus never comes out with a single decision. Ballout goes his own way. And Gloria Scott goes her own way. But what's good for Gloria (I mean in terms of democratic understanding) she always carries along with her three others Caucus members. And that always make them four in number against single Ballout.

So democratically speaking, Gloria has the majority. As a sign of dissatisfaction, Ballout goes out and musters his supporters on the ground to oppose the Caucus’ decision. Gloria Scott too, in return, musters and energizes her base both on the Caucus and in the County. And when this happens, the supporters of both senators collide either on the streets of Maryland or on the farms and villages of Maryland.

Each time this happens, everything in the County crumbles. The evidence is well and alive. President Sirleaf knows this. Because she has seen this split-attitude in her presence many times.  

My forecast – having traveled in-and-out of Maryland on numerous occasions and worked with several local and Congressional leaders as well as youth groups, I came to the conclusion that the split in the Caucus would provoke serious problems in the County including armed hostilities amongst ethnic groupings.

I was right.

Rocktown and Wetchukeh clashed. And two citizens died. To date, the case is still in court. And both groups are being ripped apart at the seams by the very Caucus. I saw this and I warned the officials. They refused to listen. So here we are locked in a legal case in court with one time good neighbors now turned into "enemies."

My Proposal – Looking at this situation which is eating up the very fabric of our County and that is holding down progress, I propose the problem splitting the Caucus be first resolved before approaching anything concrete. Otherwise, the entire County will remain split right at the seams. And that could damage the entire County. I discussed this with most local government officials including the previous Superintendent, Hon. Neufville, and the Caucus to find time and resolve these differences. I helped set November 29 for Reunion and Reconciliation activities. But the Local and Congressional leadership have not giving it the required support it deserves. Even though the Caucus has seen all my forecasts come true, it still continues to live in denial. But not too long, the truth broke loose on Xmas Eve when John Ballout could no longer hold the truth in his stomach.

Ballout Confession & possible Solution - Recently, the senior senator of Maryland County, who is the lone wolf on the Caucus, submitted an admission and confession. He said everything I have charged the Caucus of is indeed true. He admitted the Caucus is in fact sharply split! This is the first time any member of the Caucus ever admitted to a split in its rank-and-file.

Ballout went on to say the split is responsible for the proliferation of the County citizenry. Another thing none of the Caucus members ever admitted to.

So to change this dull reality, Ballout said he has begun to make sincere peace efforts. How sincere these “peace” efforts are will be determined by time and conditions.

Another thing he did on the nationwide radio was to openly inform the Liberian nation and Marylanders that he had extended several “olive branches” to all his colleagues. One to Gloria. One to Chambers. One to Bannie. And the last one to Siedi. Lots of “olive” branches were extended by Ballout prior to Xmas. According to him, all his colleagues have accepted his gesture and are willing to put behind them all their differences.

Whether or not this is true remains to be seen. But there is one important thing out of all this: he has admitted what I have been saying all along. Not only has he admitted it, but he did so on nationwide radio. So it reached every hamlet, village and squalor of the land. And it is on tape.

Ballout made the admission and confession on December 24, 2008, Xmas Eve. Not only did he confess, but he agrees with me unless and until the Caucus reconciles its differences, all the crises in Maryland will remain unresolved.

The only thing he did not allude to is if the Caucus refuses to resolve its differences, it should be kicked through the back door. And that we can go shopping for new candidates and/or leaders. He made his confession on air.

Mr. Thomas Nma-Mle Collins, secretary of the Klemoweh Chiefdom Association in Monrovia and its Environs was on air when Ballout said this. I was one of the panelists on air when he made all of these confessions. So they are recorded and legitimate.

Additionally, Ballout promised all Marylanders and the country he would reunite the Caucus and the County. He said this was his New Year’s gift to the people of Maryland. He also promised to extend an “olive” branch to the people of Rocktown during the New Year’s.

When and how he plans on doing this is something everyone is waiting to see. At least that’s exactly how the radio moderator put it to him at the end of the Program. I am not alone.

There are many others waiting to see how John Ballout's "peace" initiatives and "unity" move will unfold in and among the people of Maryland and the Caucus!

All eyes are wide open!

I am T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell; volunteer worker, speaking and working on the ground in Liberia, social justice advocate and a victim of police brutality

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