Tuesday, 7 May 2013

My Personal Declaration!

(Authored March 15, 2005) 

1.       I, Thomas G. Bedell, do hereby declare to all peace-loving Liberians and my detractors as well as enemies of peace that in my BEDELL SPEAKS online publication, I shall continue to pursue the process of truth, genuine peace, reconciliation and full human understanding via scholarship!

2.       I shall speak fearlessly to Truth and express my opinion on matters of relevance to the process of community development in the Diaspora and at home in Liberia with no malice, prejudice and provocation to/for or against anyone!

3.       In so doing, I promise never to hide under the cover of darkness with fake email name (s) as others do to harm the reputation of innocent Liberians who may not agree with their ideologies and/or philosophical assumptions. I condemn, with all I can command from the roof of my tongue, those who engage in such unhealthy intellectual exercise representing accomplices of the worse grade; I shall remain visible as I have always done from time immemorial, in advancing my ideas, philosophy and opinions under my legal name for the BEDELL SPEAKS online publication and/or any of my authorships!

4.       I declare, I shall always take full responsibility of my authorship! Any disagreement with anyone shall be clearly, fearlessly and respectfully expressed in a personal, private and/or public manner!

5.       By so doing, I vow never to accuse any man or woman falsely and if, in the event I do, I shall seek amends as a devout unorthodox Christian!

6.       So my promise to serve my community, organization and people is on my honor as a true social justice advocate base on the Principles of Christianity - Love For Humanity!

7.       I shall therefore maintain every support for peace & reconciliatory efforts by Liberians everywhere, including The Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas (ULAA)! My support in this regard is unflinching and unshakable!

8.       Thus, I’m indebted to every generation of leaders of ULAA dependent on its policies and programs!

9.       My promise to practice community development with full human tolerance and acceptance for all is uncompromising!

10.   With this conviction and understanding, I unequivocally and without mixing words, condemn violence inflicted through fake email addresses with intent to terrorize our community and provoke chaos in ULAA! I do so with all I can command from the roof of my tongue!

11.   Individuals who engaged in such acts of intimidation and terrorism MUST desist from such unwholesome acts!

12.   I’m grateful to those who author their differences, opinions, philosophical assumptions and ideologies under their legal names whether or not everyone agrees with their opinions. It indicates they have clear intent and wish to enhance intellectual discourse!

13.   Indeed, I encourage every author to pen his or her legal name to any document intended for public & civil consumption! I discourage the use of fake email names with intent to harm innocent Liberians.


Finally, I call upon all Liberians whose wish it is to see a flourishing nation under our academic education and true civilization to fall in line. We cannot continue to deceive ourselves into believing we can go on living a lie and then point fingers to “wrongdoers” while expecting strangers to solve our national problems! The solutions of our problems lie with us! Either we solve it or it will swallow us permanently!


I am Thomas G. Bedell, a volunteer worker; working and speaking on the ground in Liberia and a victim of police brutality 

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