Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Attacks On Liberian Ballers: Ballers Of Liberia Unite!

(May 17, 2005)

There are four stages ballers go through to attain progress and perfection in the ballgame.


1st, the body is a machine. And we accept it! But we put it through rigorous training and rehearsal to achieve the maximum peak of development.


2nd, we identify with the situation in which we demonstrate our talents and skills. For example, the ballpark! We take into consideration the landscape, gears (equipment, shirts, colors) and the weather. We respect our audience and their anticipation. We come face-to-face with man-made and natural factors. All of which appear in different forms as visible and invisible factors integral to the whole scheme of things. Because they all influence our abilities and actions. And forcibly come to bear significantly on our performance on and off the field of play.


3rd, we define ourselves by what we do. Our individual positions serve as an intricate and intrinsic defining thread weaving the path to teamwork and victory. We achieve it because of teamwork which is the key to success. As such, one baller cannot be eliminated without experiencing a negative impact on the ballgame and a ball club.


4th, ballers are representatives. We function for others. And at the same time we maintain our individual and unique qualities and identities (accuracy, endurance, discipline, grace, speed &c.). All of these propel us into a process with expected and unexpected physical consequences that we hate, but are bound to encounter, come what may.


And that’s why we place our physical bodies between the “rock and the hard place” to stand and represent what fans dream of. To meet this challenge, we burn our bodies in the fire of our wills to achieve the maximum result for all onlookers and fans.


As ballers our minds are always in training and practice to sacrificially be used to import the anticipation of onlookers and fans at our own physical and mental risks.


So for Dr. Fahnbulleh to question George Weah’s contribution as a footballer, is tantamount to ungratefulness. More so, by referring to him as an “Illiterate footballer” goes “below the belt.”  No Liberian person selects to be illiterate! It is a societal ill which must be tackled by all citizens and the government in unison!


Dr. Fahnbulleh offends all ballers because we’ve strive to defend and raise Liberia’s name just as others do in different capacities. Ballers have left their flesh and blood on the ball-headed field in the Antoinette Tubman Ballpark. And have done so in other ballparks throughout Africa and the world. Best of all Weah climaxed it all in the Wimbledon Ballpark. And so let’s give him is dues!

Wanni-boToe, David Mombo, Garretson Sackor, Benedict Wesseh, Anthony Gray, James “Salinsa” Debah, George Weah, Dionysius Sebwe, Simon Mattar, Isaac McIntosh, Pewu Bestman, Samson Roberts, Ezekiel Doe, Robert Clark (just to name a few) have made significant contributions to Liberia that no academician can write-off on the score board of academia! These  ballers’ contributions are immeasurable, priceless and timeless.


So for Dr. Fahnbulleh to attack George Weah as a footballer clearly indicates his sense of the game and the sacrifices thereof. He must comprehend and grant ballers their dues! Otherwise, he could be apprehended for unfairness, especially so when he attempts to compare Weah and Gwenigale on unequal terms.


George Weah and Gwenigale are not the same. Comparing both men is an insult to the injury of calling baller “Illiterate” and questioning their contributions. Weah and Gwenigale are two different individuals. Both men find themselves in two separate and different spheres of expertise. And so their contributions to Liberia can never be the same. Moreover, one is not better than the other!


Those who preach theories in class room are as good as those who demonstrate discipline, accuracy and give up sweat and blood in a ballpark for their country. They sacrificially expose themselves to physical struggles and pain. And groom their minds to withstand the pressure.


George Weah pulled himself by his soccer boots strap to reach the peak of world recognition as well as other ballers have done in academia.


So, to question Weah and ballers’ contributions and at the same time compare Weah to Gwenigale is an unfair act!


Dr. Gene Ray once observed, “Greenwich Time is a Lie. Your midday is someone else's midnight, someone else's sundown and even someone else's sunup.”


So, Dr. Fahnbulleh’s support for Dr. Gwenigale is entirely his right! But in this political process, one must understand that every citizen has his or her own candidate to support. And whomever one supports, his or her contributions to the country, should not be considered better than others’.


So, Dr. Fahnbulleh’s support for Dr. Gwenigale is not a bad move on his part! But he should not do so at the expense of Liberian ballers in general and George Weah in particular! For the dues Liberian ballers have paid to the nation are dear, timeless and priceless.


I hope and pray Dr. Fahnbulleh agrees with me! And will not take fraternal Liberian ballers for granted! Because attacking one is tantamount to attacking all! Liberian ballers have pulled themselves by their soccer boot straps! And so we are ready to pull our country by its socioeconomic and political boot strap!


Who knows? Through our participation and support for the right candidates, we might emerged as “saviors” of our country and save it from impending doom!

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