Open eLetter
Senator J. Gble-Bo Brown/Chair/Maryland
Legislative Caucus
Request To Reject Dr. Elliott Wreh
Wilson’s Appointment As President Of The William V. S. Tubman University
20, 2018
Senator Brown,
allow us to congratulate you on your recent election by your colleagues to the
position of Chair of The Maryland Legislative Caucus. It becomes our ardent
hope and prayer that this time around, our Caucus will be of more help than
before. So we wish you the best in your difficult yet challenging task! We are
available at your convenience when you need us.
letter constitutes an expression of our extreme distaste and displeasure with
the current appointment of Dr. Elliott Wreh Wilson as President of The William
V. S. Tubman University in Harper City, Maryland County, Liberia. As your constituents
and social justice advocates, we appeal to you and your colleagues to reject the
appointment on grounds a President of the University should be selected through
a more constructive means and less of the dictator-like approach that seemingly
is visible thus far. The Liberian Legislature, through a Charter which is an
Act of Legislature, gives the Board of The University the exclusive Authority
to appoint a President of the University to be confirmed by the President of
the Republic. That’s the Law!
Sir, the person who will serve as President of The Tubman University is bound
to be violent-free with a reputation beyond reproach.
is with this consideration, we believe and are undoubtedly convinced, the newly
appointed President of Tubman University, Dr. Elliott-Wreh Wilson, doesn’t fit the
category. Take for example, last year (2017), he physically attacked another
professor, Dr. Mauve Gardiner in the presence of students and other employees
of the University. Dr. Gardiner was defenseless. As a Policy procedure, the University
Administration investigated the matter; found Dr. Wilson guilty and suspended
him for three months without pay. His peers at the University initially proposed
his immediate dismissal due to the gravity of the offense. But through
interventions and “familyhood,” the University reduced the penalty to suspension.
Consequent of the penalty he received, he departed the University for
Cuttington where he remained for less than three months up to his appointment
as President of the very University that suspended him. We are not sure if the
suspension is been lifted.
is our belief and suspicion, Mr. Chairman, that, when Dr. Wilson takes office
as President of the University, besides his violent record, he will surely retaliate
against his peers at the University who suspended him including Dr. Gardiner
who was victim of his physical assault. The reason is obvious!
is in view of this violent attitude aforementioned, we strongly and unambiguously
believe that Dr. Wilson cannot lead this University. Please keep in mind, this University
is new and it represents a promise to Maryland, the Southeast and the Republic.
Consequent of that, as custodians, all of us are duty bound to protect and
guide the Institution.
methods and tactics Dr. Elliott applied in his interpersonal relationships over
the years at the University as a Faculty member with some staff of the
University and the larger community are despicable and contemptible. His violent
actions and statements both on Campus and in the community these few yeast past,
demeaned and relegated the University to a secondary position. So he lost our
faith and support for him to lead the University.
The University Board
must find another candidate through its hiring process for the vacant post;
But if Dr. Elliott
must be President of the University by any means, then he must first openly
apologize to Dr. Gardiner plus attend and graduate Anger Management classes at
a reputable institution before he can have a shot to any advertisement of the
post as a candidate.
No one should impose
him on the University or it is a recipe set to detour the path of scholarship.
closing, Mr. Chairman, we ask you and your colleagues to please submit our plea
and deepest concerns to President Weah to withdraw the appointment respectful
of the foundation of the democratic society in which we live. Constantly
shifting priorities and visions leave universities adrift. If we want to avoid
governance disasters, we need to be systematic and democratic about choosing our
is far better for the truth to tear OUR flesh to pieces, then for OUR souls to
wander through darkness in eternal damnation.”
you. We look forward to your response. Be well and Peace!
Gbuo-Mle Bedell/Chair
Concerned Citizens Action Committee (MCCAC)
Reevy Street
City, Maryland, Liberia
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