Thursday, 14 December 2017

The Bishop Ferguson High School Reunion: An SOS!

I am prompted to author this post because we are moving into another year 2018 in two weeks and some important things are seemingly getting obsolete and eluding our grasp while we, as a people, are not yet helpless. Like the age of the dinosaurs, most things are becoming extinct.

One of the prime examples of things eluding our grasp is The Bishop Ferguson Episcopal High School Alumni Association.

Bishop Ferguson Alumni Association was the first of its kind of Liberian high schools in the Americas. I stand corrected. It set the basis and guidepost for other alumni associations to develop. But for obvious reasons, the Association died a sad death in the Americas in the late 70s. And nothing has been heard about it since!

If my calculations serve me right, the death of the Association is approximately thirty years now.

While I don’t wish to find excuses for such sad situation, I would like to think that the opportunity exists to resurrect the Association ASAP!

So many opportunities and capacities abound.

1st, there are many alumni in both the Diaspora and Liberia. 2nd, most of these alumni are in better economic and social positions to provide the necessary tools and resources to make this happen. 3rd, the appetite is there to plant the seed and the requisite energy to harvest the fruits. 4th, succeeding generations are awaiting the resurrection to pluck into the enterprise and redevelop hope. 5th, there is a dire need for the Association to retake its place as its Alma Mater (Bishop Ferguson High School) is seemingly extinct besides the structure which, understandably, has been leased to The Tubman University in Harper.

All things considered, there is no more Bishop Ferguson High School in Maryland.

So the question abounds: can the School be resuscitated to retake its place as a fountain of 21st Century academic institution?

The answer is a resounding “Yes!”


Because, it is the remnant of the then Cuttington College. The College was first, in what is now known as Cavalla, built by the Episcopal Church. For whatever reason (s), the College was moved within the Spring Hill environs. For another reason, best known to history, the College was removed to Bong County where it has now grown into a university. Thus, The Bishop Ferguson High School replaced it at a location commonly referred to as “Snow Hill,” five minutes driving time from Downtown Harper City.

Bishop Ferguson High School was named in the stead of Bishop Samuel David Ferguson. History tells us, he was the first American born Black person to be elected a bishop of the Episcopal Church in Liberia. He was born at Charleston, South Carolina and died in Cape Palmas, Liberia. As a Missionary Bishop of Liberia, he founded what is now Cuttington University College. He also established the Bromley Mission.

And so, with this sort of rich history and academic excellence provided by The Bishop Ferguson High School, the need is dire, appropriate and timely for the School to be resuscitated. The first step in this direction is the rebirth of the Alumni Association.

I am calling all Ferguson Alumni to put aside their personal busy schedules and anything else barricading the rebirth of the process to re-engage in bringing alive the Association for the reemergence of the School!

I am ready! If you are, then let’s do it! 

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