Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Maryland (Liberia): KNPIF Celebrates Global Youth Service Day Again

Global Youth Service Day celebrates and mobilizes the millions of young people who improve their communities each day of the year through service. It was established in 1988. It is the largest service event in the world, and the only day of service dedicated to children and youth.


It is celebrated each year in over 100 countries, with young people working together--and with schools, youth organizations, nonprofits, community and faith-based organizations, national service programs, government agencies, and  adult mentors-- to address the world’s most critical issues and change their communities.


In April last year (2012) The KudeNumo Peace Initiative Foundation, Inc. (KNPIF), author of peace in the Glebo Peninsula, Maryland County, Liberia, celebrated the Global Event in collaboration with The Liberia Refugee Repatriation and Resettlement Commission (LRRRC), OXFAM, Visions in Action, UNHCR, Right-to-Play and UNDP.


Due to the critical environmental condition of the city of Harper, children, youths, Churches, schools and other groups joined ranks to clean the City. After it was done, Harper city looked spic and span. The people were proud and extended special thanks to the youth, KNPIF and the INGOs that collaborated with KNPIF.


The celebration lasted for three days as usually done around the globe. It began with the cleanup campaign and ended with an indoor program and a football tournament. The Ivorian Refugee Ball Club captured the Trophy. It went to the Finals against Bishop Hill Ball Club - an enclave heading towards Bishop Ferguson High School campus.


This year (2013), April 27, 28 & 29 is GYSD. It is being celebrated in Harper City once more. The first two days, a Cleanup Campaign was launched. An Indoor Program was set. But due to unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances, the Indoor Program was cancelled. As such, the full three-day Event has been a Cleanup Campaign. In fact, considering the condition of the City, the schools called for an additional day leading to May 1.


This year's GYSD is hosted by KNPIF as the Lead Agency in collaboration with the Superintendent's office, and the United Nations Volunteers (UNV).


The Associate Justice of The Supreme Court of the Republic of Liberia, Her Honor Cllr. Jamesetta Howard Wollokolie donated US$500. During her recent visit to Maryland, she visited KNPIF's office and saw the good work the Organization has been involved in. She was deeply impressed. She donated US$200 to the Organization's Operating Budget and promised US$500 to help the Cleanup Campaign. She proposed the Cleanup Campaign be conducted during GYSD. Her Honor Wollokolie was not happy over the condition of the City. And so she proposed to KNPIF to embark upon a Cleanup Campaign. The Campaign still continues as we opine.


Superintendent, Hon. Nazarene Brewer Tubman's office donated US$500 towards GYSD for a Cleanup Campaign.


The UNV did not donate any funds and/or materials. But offered its help in getting involved in the Campaign.


Thanks to Hon. Alfred T. Thompson, Harper District Commissioner and executive member of KNPIF, for his tireless service to his County and people. He has been working all throughout the Event with youths, women and school children.


Mr. Jacob Sie Brewer, CoPresident of KudeNumo Peace initiative Foundation, has been in the streets for the past three days working along with youths, school children and community leaders cleaning the City and encouraging volunteerism.


Thanks to Mr. Brewer and Hon. Thompson for such a patriotic job well-done.


Currently, members of the Maryland Legislative Caucus are undergoing financial strains. So they could not contribute. Mr. Eric Giko was approached during his visit to Maryland to hep with T-shirts. Hopefully, it will happen next time in the too-distant future!


Thanks again to Her Honor Cllr. Jamesetta Howard Wollokolie for the encouragement and the donation.




I am Thomas G. Bedell, a volunteer worker; working and speaking on the ground in Liberia and a victim of police brutality.

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