Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Chris Massaquoi (Liberia’s Police Chief) is a Terrorist!

In 2010, Garto Doe was shot in Pleebo City, Maryland County at point-blank range by the notorious Emergency Respond Unit commonly known as “ERU” – the murder machine of The Liberia National Police.


In 2012, the same ERU beat Harrison Geeply into bloodbath and locked him up at the Maximum Prison Compound in Harper City, Maryland County. Geeply, a teenager, slowly bled to death. They called in his poor father, Mr. Nyanti Geeply, to remove his son’s corpse. Mr. Geeply refused on ground the Liberian government murdered his son. So they are under obligation to bury him. Currently, Mr. Geeply had a stroke and no more himself. Two loses: his son was murdered by the Police and now he is a stroke victim and can do nothing for himself anymore.


These two murders have not been investigated. NO JUDICIAL REVIEW! All of these deaths occurred on Chris Massaquoi’s watch and orders.


This is all extrajudicial killings without judicial review.


Anytime any one interferes with the maximum growth potential of a people, that person is guilty of violence. Christ Massaquoi is guilty of murder and violence against innocent and armless civilians in Liberia.


In the same 2011, Wakla Neufville, a teenager was beating into bloodbath for verbally insulting a girlfriend of a member of the ERU. And this happened in Harper City. Right in Middlesex. The girlfriend of the ERU called on her ERU boyfriend for help in a verbal exchange. Prior to the ERU boyfriend coming to the scene, he called on some of his ERU colleagues; together they got in the area of the verbal exchange and physically brutalized Wakla Neufville, Jnr. into a bloody coma. People watched the police brutality. But no one could help the armless kid being brutalized by police. The police threatened that anyone who made any attempt to help the kid would be shot to death. And they were well-armed with AK-47s and pistols. So everybody just watched.


After brutalizing little Wakla, they dragged and dumped him in a police pickup truck. The police dashed the kid, like a beast, in front of the police Headquarters on Gregory Street and drove away. An old lady passing by raised alarm. And the kid was rushed to the J. J. Dossen Hospital where he remained for treatment for more than one week. When he recovered, a complaint was filed to the then Superintendent J. Gble-Bo Brown. Up to the moment we opine, nothing has been done for or on the kid’s complaint. Indications are, at certain age as he grows from teenage to adulthood, he will surely develop serious medical problems. By then, to whom will he run? President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will no more be in power. Chris Massaquoi might escape the country for fear of retaliation from the common people for terrorizing them. Who will help the poor kid in adulthood going through all the complications?


In 2012, yours truly, was severely beaten by the well-armed ERU in Pleebo City into a bloodbath. I was armless and defenseless. I was physically and psychologically tortured. I was financially robbed. They dumped me in a police pickup truck like a beast. They tear gas me. They threw me in jail for no apparent reason for 24 hours. I bled in jail and suffered from the tear gas aftermath. As a consequential result of the flogging, I spent four days at the J. J. Dossen Hospital in Harper City for medical treatment, Because of the severity of the medical problems deriving from the flogging, I was airlifted by The UNMIL helicopter to Monrovia for a referral at the J. K. Memorial Hospital for further medical treatment. A complaint was filed. But up to the moment we opine, the police department, Ministry of Justice and the Liberian government launched a campaign of silence.


ERU is the murder machine of the Liberia National Police (LNP) run by Christopher Massaquoi who was accused of murdering one of his body guards. From what we know, Chris Massaquoi ordered his body to shoot and kill and innocent and armless citizen. When the body guard refused Christ’s orders, he in return was ordered shot by another body guard of Chris Massaquoi. This is unconfirmed. But a Legislator raised the issue and Christ threatened to litigate.


Hanging around Chris Massaquoi’s neck are so many deaths of many innocent, defenseless and armless civilians in Liberia, particularly, Maryland County.


While I was on the radio speaking on Chris Massaquoi’s terrorist acts, citizens and residents of Monrovia and part adjacent called in reporting their stories. Some of them are now locked in their beds because they have been crippled, limb broken off and in serious medical pain due to police brutality.


They say, when you hear one thing, you dismiss it;


When you hear it the second time, you dismiss it again;


When you hear the same thing the third time, it should draw your attention;


When you hear the same news the fourth time, you need to act. And there’s where it’s all at!


Too many deaths by the police death squad continue to hang around Christ Massaquoi’s neck.


Not one time;


Not two times;


Not three times. But four times.


Someone needs to send this man to The Hague for justice. If Taylor can go to The Hague, so is any big tycoon like Chris Massaquoi. He’s not an exemption?


We are calling on The Human Rights Watch of US to save the lives  of the rest of us who have not met the bullets and secret killing yet!


Chris MUST account the extrajudicial killings and police brutality, starting with Maryland County!


Being a good friend of President Sirleaf is no excuse for Chris Massaquoi to terrorize murder and incarcerate innocent and armless civilians.


All of the extrajudicial murders in Liberia, particularly in Maryland County, are done on the orders and on the watch of Police Director Chris Massaquoi of the Republic of Liberia.


Is Christ Massaquoi trying to be the next Hitler police director in Liberia or the police director of Augusto Pinochet of Chile?


Whatever the answer is, we know for sure Chris Massaquoi is a TERRORIST! He MUST be TRIED in a competent court of jurisdiction! Or else, we will practice SELF-DEFENSE!


It is a RIGHT not a PREVILLGE!


Chris enjoys the favor of President Sirleaf for obvious reasons. But come the Judgment Day of history, he surely will have to account for his deeds and actions in this Government for his terrorist activities.


Posterity will be there!


We will tip our hats at the graves of those of our dear departed youths, elderly, men and women who were murdered by Chris Massaquoi and his Liberian Gestapo police, as we go by the cemetery. And we will continue to cry out for justice and freedom to Christendom and Islam and peace-loving peoples, the world over, to bring these terrorists like Christ Massaquoi and Christiana Tah to Justice one day!


A terrorist is a person who terrorizes or frightens others. Chris Massaquoi is a hardcore TERRORIST! He terrorizes, kills, flogs, incarcerates and frightens armless, defenseless and innocent citizens and others.


When will Christ Massaquoi be brought to justice?!


We don’t know for now! He has access to power right now! He’s a good friend of President Sirleaf!


But we leave the answer to Father Time! It will tell!


Confidently, we know such a day will come!


And not in the too distant future!



I am Thomas G. Bedell speaking and working on the ground in Liberia and police brutality victim.




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