Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Chris Massaquoi (Liberia’s Police Chief) is a Terrorist!

In 2010, Garto Doe was shot in Pleebo City, Maryland County at point-blank range by the notorious Emergency Respond Unit commonly known as “ERU” – the murder machine of The Liberia National Police.


In 2012, the same ERU beat Harrison Geeply into bloodbath and locked him up at the Maximum Prison Compound in Harper City, Maryland County. Geeply, a teenager, slowly bled to death. They called in his poor father, Mr. Nyanti Geeply, to remove his son’s corpse. Mr. Geeply refused on ground the Liberian government murdered his son. So they are under obligation to bury him. Currently, Mr. Geeply had a stroke and no more himself. Two loses: his son was murdered by the Police and now he is a stroke victim and can do nothing for himself anymore.


These two murders have not been investigated. NO JUDICIAL REVIEW! All of these deaths occurred on Chris Massaquoi’s watch and orders.


This is all extrajudicial killings without judicial review.


Anytime any one interferes with the maximum growth potential of a people, that person is guilty of violence. Christ Massaquoi is guilty of murder and violence against innocent and armless civilians in Liberia.


In the same 2011, Wakla Neufville, a teenager was beating into bloodbath for verbally insulting a girlfriend of a member of the ERU. And this happened in Harper City. Right in Middlesex. The girlfriend of the ERU called on her ERU boyfriend for help in a verbal exchange. Prior to the ERU boyfriend coming to the scene, he called on some of his ERU colleagues; together they got in the area of the verbal exchange and physically brutalized Wakla Neufville, Jnr. into a bloody coma. People watched the police brutality. But no one could help the armless kid being brutalized by police. The police threatened that anyone who made any attempt to help the kid would be shot to death. And they were well-armed with AK-47s and pistols. So everybody just watched.


After brutalizing little Wakla, they dragged and dumped him in a police pickup truck. The police dashed the kid, like a beast, in front of the police Headquarters on Gregory Street and drove away. An old lady passing by raised alarm. And the kid was rushed to the J. J. Dossen Hospital where he remained for treatment for more than one week. When he recovered, a complaint was filed to the then Superintendent J. Gble-Bo Brown. Up to the moment we opine, nothing has been done for or on the kid’s complaint. Indications are, at certain age as he grows from teenage to adulthood, he will surely develop serious medical problems. By then, to whom will he run? President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will no more be in power. Chris Massaquoi might escape the country for fear of retaliation from the common people for terrorizing them. Who will help the poor kid in adulthood going through all the complications?


In 2012, yours truly, was severely beaten by the well-armed ERU in Pleebo City into a bloodbath. I was armless and defenseless. I was physically and psychologically tortured. I was financially robbed. They dumped me in a police pickup truck like a beast. They tear gas me. They threw me in jail for no apparent reason for 24 hours. I bled in jail and suffered from the tear gas aftermath. As a consequential result of the flogging, I spent four days at the J. J. Dossen Hospital in Harper City for medical treatment, Because of the severity of the medical problems deriving from the flogging, I was airlifted by The UNMIL helicopter to Monrovia for a referral at the J. K. Memorial Hospital for further medical treatment. A complaint was filed. But up to the moment we opine, the police department, Ministry of Justice and the Liberian government launched a campaign of silence.


ERU is the murder machine of the Liberia National Police (LNP) run by Christopher Massaquoi who was accused of murdering one of his body guards. From what we know, Chris Massaquoi ordered his body to shoot and kill and innocent and armless citizen. When the body guard refused Christ’s orders, he in return was ordered shot by another body guard of Chris Massaquoi. This is unconfirmed. But a Legislator raised the issue and Christ threatened to litigate.


Hanging around Chris Massaquoi’s neck are so many deaths of many innocent, defenseless and armless civilians in Liberia, particularly, Maryland County.


While I was on the radio speaking on Chris Massaquoi’s terrorist acts, citizens and residents of Monrovia and part adjacent called in reporting their stories. Some of them are now locked in their beds because they have been crippled, limb broken off and in serious medical pain due to police brutality.


They say, when you hear one thing, you dismiss it;


When you hear it the second time, you dismiss it again;


When you hear the same thing the third time, it should draw your attention;


When you hear the same news the fourth time, you need to act. And there’s where it’s all at!


Too many deaths by the police death squad continue to hang around Christ Massaquoi’s neck.


Not one time;


Not two times;


Not three times. But four times.


Someone needs to send this man to The Hague for justice. If Taylor can go to The Hague, so is any big tycoon like Chris Massaquoi. He’s not an exemption?


We are calling on The Human Rights Watch of US to save the lives  of the rest of us who have not met the bullets and secret killing yet!


Chris MUST account the extrajudicial killings and police brutality, starting with Maryland County!


Being a good friend of President Sirleaf is no excuse for Chris Massaquoi to terrorize murder and incarcerate innocent and armless civilians.


All of the extrajudicial murders in Liberia, particularly in Maryland County, are done on the orders and on the watch of Police Director Chris Massaquoi of the Republic of Liberia.


Is Christ Massaquoi trying to be the next Hitler police director in Liberia or the police director of Augusto Pinochet of Chile?


Whatever the answer is, we know for sure Chris Massaquoi is a TERRORIST! He MUST be TRIED in a competent court of jurisdiction! Or else, we will practice SELF-DEFENSE!


It is a RIGHT not a PREVILLGE!


Chris enjoys the favor of President Sirleaf for obvious reasons. But come the Judgment Day of history, he surely will have to account for his deeds and actions in this Government for his terrorist activities.


Posterity will be there!


We will tip our hats at the graves of those of our dear departed youths, elderly, men and women who were murdered by Chris Massaquoi and his Liberian Gestapo police, as we go by the cemetery. And we will continue to cry out for justice and freedom to Christendom and Islam and peace-loving peoples, the world over, to bring these terrorists like Christ Massaquoi and Christiana Tah to Justice one day!


A terrorist is a person who terrorizes or frightens others. Chris Massaquoi is a hardcore TERRORIST! He terrorizes, kills, flogs, incarcerates and frightens armless, defenseless and innocent citizens and others.


When will Christ Massaquoi be brought to justice?!


We don’t know for now! He has access to power right now! He’s a good friend of President Sirleaf!


But we leave the answer to Father Time! It will tell!


Confidently, we know such a day will come!


And not in the too distant future!



I am Thomas G. Bedell speaking and working on the ground in Liberia and police brutality victim.




In 2010, Garto Doe was shot in Pleebo City, Maryland County at point-blank range by the notorious Emergency Respond Unit commonly known as “ERU” – the murder machine of The Liberia National Police.


In 2012, the same ERU beat Harrison Geeply into bloodbath and locked him up at the Maximum Prison Compound in Harper City, Maryland County. Geeply, a teenager, slowly bled to death. They called in his poor father, Mr. Nyanti Geeply, to remove his son’s corpse. Mr. Geeply refused on ground the Liberian government murdered his son. So they are under obligation to bury him. Currently, Mr. Geeply had a stroke and no more himself. Two loses: his son was murdered by the Police and now he is a stroke victim and can do nothing for himself anymore.


These two murders have not been investigated. NO JUDICIAL REVIEW! All of these deaths occurred on Chris Massaquoi’s watch and orders.


This is all extrajudicial killings without judicial review.


Anytime any one interferes with the maximum growth potential of a people, that person is guilty of violence. Christ Massaquoi is guilty of murder and violence against innocent and armless civilians in Liberia.


In the same 2011, Wakla Neufville, a teenager was beating into bloodbath for verbally insulting a girlfriend of a member of the ERU. And this happened in Harper City. Right in Middlesex. The girlfriend of the ERU called on her ERU boyfriend for help in a verbal exchange. Prior to the ERU boyfriend coming to the scene, he called on some of his ERU colleagues; together they got in the area of the verbal exchange and physically brutalized Wakla Neufville, Jnr. into a bloody coma. People watched the police brutality. But no one could help the armless kid being brutalized by police. The police threatened that anyone who made any attempt to help the kid would be shot to death. And they were well-armed with AK-47s and pistols. So everybody just watched.


After brutalizing little Wakla, they dragged and dumped him in a police pickup truck. The police dashed the kid, like a beast, in front of the police Headquarters on Gregory Street and drove away. An old lady passing by raised alarm. And the kid was rushed to the J. J. Dossen Hospital where he remained for treatment for more than one week. When he recovered, a complaint was filed to the then Superintendent J. Gble-Bo Brown. Up to the moment we opine, nothing has been done for or on the kid’s complaint. Indications are, at certain age as he grows from teenage to adulthood, he will surely develop serious medical problems. By then, to whom will he run? President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will no more be in power. Chris Massaquoi might escape the country for fear of retaliation from the common people for terrorizing them. Who will help the poor kid in adulthood going through all the complications?


In 2012, yours truly, was severely beaten by the well-armed ERU in Pleebo City into a bloodbath. I was armless and defenseless. I was physically and psychologically tortured. I was financially robbed. They dumped me in a police pickup truck like a beast. They tear gas me. They threw me in jail for no apparent reason for 24 hours. I bled in jail and suffered from the tear gas aftermath. As a consequential result of the flogging, I spent four days at the J. J. Dossen Hospital in Harper City for medical treatment, Because of the severity of the medical problems deriving from the flogging, I was airlifted by The UNMIL helicopter to Monrovia for a referral at the J. K. Memorial Hospital for further medical treatment. A complaint was filed. But up to the moment we opine, the police department, Ministry of Justice and the Liberian government launched a campaign of silence.


ERU is the murder machine of the Liberia National Police (LNP) run by Christopher Massaquoi who was accused of murdering one of his body guards. From what we know, Chris Massaquoi ordered his body to shoot and kill and innocent and armless citizen. When the body guard refused Christ’s orders, he in return was ordered shot by another body guard of Chris Massaquoi. This is unconfirmed. But a Legislator raised the issue and Christ threatened to litigate.


Hanging around Chris Massaquoi’s neck are so many deaths of many innocent, defenseless and armless civilians in Liberia, particularly, Maryland County.


While I was on the radio speaking on Chris Massaquoi’s terrorist acts, citizens and residents of Monrovia and part adjacent called in reporting their stories. Some of them are now locked in their beds because they have been crippled, limb broken off and in serious medical pain due to police brutality.


They say, when you hear one thing, you dismiss it;


When you hear it the second time, you dismiss it again;


When you hear the same thing the third time, it should draw your attention;


When you hear the same news the fourth time, you need to act. And there’s where it’s all at!


Too many deaths by the police death squad continue to hang around Christ Massaquoi’s neck.


Not one time;


Not two times;


Not three times. But four times.


Someone needs to send this man to The Hague for justice. If Taylor can go to The Hague, so is any big tycoon like Chris Massaquoi. He’s not an exemption?


We are calling on The Human Rights Watch of US to save the lives  of the rest of us who have not met the bullets and secret killing yet!


Chris MUST account the extrajudicial killings and police brutality, starting with Maryland County!


Being a good friend of President Sirleaf is no excuse for Chris Massaquoi to terrorize murder and incarcerate innocent and armless civilians.


All of the extrajudicial murders in Liberia, particularly in Maryland County, are done on the orders and on the watch of Police Director Chris Massaquoi of the Republic of Liberia.


Is Christ Massaquoi trying to be the next Hitler police director in Liberia or the police director of Augusto Pinochet of Chile?


Whatever the answer is, we know for sure Chris Massaquoi is a TERRORIST! He MUST be TRIED in a competent court of jurisdiction! Or else, we will practice SELF-DEFENSE!


It is a RIGHT not a PREVILLGE!


Chris enjoys the favor of President Sirleaf for obvious reasons. But come the Judgment Day of history, he surely will have to account for his deeds and actions in this Government for his terrorist activities.


Posterity will be there!


We will tip our hats at the graves of those of our dear departed youths, elderly, men and women who were murdered by Chris Massaquoi and his Liberian Gestapo police, as we go by the cemetery. And we will continue to cry out for justice and freedom to Christendom and Islam and peace-loving peoples, the world over, to bring these terrorists like Christ Massaquoi and Christiana Tah to Justice one day!


A terrorist is a person who terrorizes or frightens others. Chris Massaquoi is a hardcore TERRORIST! He terrorizes, kills, flogs, incarcerates and frightens armless, defenseless and innocent citizens and others.


When will Christ Massaquoi be brought to justice?!


We don’t know for now! He has access to power right now! He’s a good friend of President Sirleaf!


But we leave the answer to Father Time! It will tell!


Confidently, we know such a day will come!


And not in the too distant future!



I am Thomas G. Bedell speaking and working on the ground in Liberia and police brutality victim.




Thursday, 10 January 2013

I Am Not Anti Police, I am Anti Police Brutality

In Hitler Germany, the Nazi Police State was to ensure that everybody in Germany did as they were told - or paid the price.


What “price”?


You figure that out from this story!


The Nazi Police were controlled by Heinrich Himmler and his feared secret police - the Gestapo. Our police are controlled by Christopher Massaquoi and his feared secret police The “Emergency” Response Unit. ERU in short. In Germany, the Gestapo did as it pleased. In Liberia, the ERU does what it pleases including extrajudicial killings without judicial review.


In Nazi Germany, children’s loyalty could be developed with a policy of indoctrination via education and the Hitler Youth movement. Time and planning spent in these areas would bring a suitable reward for Hitler.


As was in Hitler Germany, in Liberia, the police see certain individuals as constant “thorn” in the flesh of Authorities unless they are dealt with. For us as social justice advocates, the police have developed a policy of intimidation. Fear is a by-word for those of us who speak out on issues affecting our common people who cannot speak for themselves. Any wrong comment overheard by ERU has very serious consequences.


In today’s Liberia like in the most recent past, the police, ERU specifically, are allowed to arrest people on suspicion that they are about to do wrong. This gives the police huge powers. Local police units draw up a list of people in their locality who might be suspected of being "Enemies of the State". This list goes to the ERU. So the ERU has the power to do as it likes. Its leader – Christopher Massaquoi - is one of the most feared men in today’s Liberia. His immediate chief is Cllr. Christiana Tah. Both of them run their respective branches with ruthless efficiency.


I know this because in Harper City, Maryland County where I temporarily work, The Liberia National Police threatened to arrest me for planning a peaceful mass protest demonstration meant to draw the attention of the National government on several shipwrecks that took innocent lives of men, women and children. Also, the then superintendent (Governor of the State) Gblebo Brown and some Legislators gave the police a green light to shoot me if I made any attempt to speak out against the Status Quo. The former Minister of Internal Affairs, Harrison Karweaah, informed the Executive Mansion that I am against the Status Quo. By so doing, he placed my life in serious danger. What he failed to comprehend is that I have not been against any government of Liberia as I am not against any human person. I am only against vices.


At one point, there was information within the police circle for me to be whisked off the street. I remember the head of The Central Investigation Division, CID in short, met me in the street and informed me that he and the police needed to see me at the Headquarters. I told him to give me chance to get home and drop off my groceries. As soon as I did, I promised him I would report to the police Headquarters. I guess he wanted to do this secretly. So if he insisted I go with him that very moment, crowd would gather. And this would be national news. So he allowed me to go home. At home I picked up my tooth brush, shower slippers, cover cloth and a mat and reported to the Headquarters. Prior to that, I placed a cell phone call to The Catholic Justice & Peace Commission coordinator (Thomas Marwolo) and informed him of what was obtaining. Upon my arrival at the Headquarters, the police was shocked. Because I had with me my overnight bag. The then head of the CID, Amos Darpo, who is now head of the local police force, invited me to his office for questioning. I had no idea what this man was asking me. And so I plead the FIFTH. I couldn’t answer any of those questions he was posing to me aggressively for fear I would incriminate myself. I asked to speak with my lawyer. Suddenly, he set me free. But I was placed in their book as one of those to “watch” for. That means I am placed in the category of “Enemy of the State.”


The news circulated that I was taken to the police Headquarters. Suddenly, the police Headquarters was full with women, men and youth to ascertain the information. By then, I was released.


From inside scoop, the police brutality against me on the sweltering afternoon of June 29, 2012 in Pleebo City was premeditated. How can I not believe this inside scoop if the inside informant was once inside the top brass of the very police when all these crazy police things happened to me? I don’t believe in the Conspiracy Theory. But what choice have I? This is Liberia. And strange things happen here.


In Liberia, they say God made three people: 1) the White man, 2) the Black man, and 3) the Liberian man. And there are three ways of doing things: 1) The right way, 2) The wrong way, and 3) The Liberian way. Put all these loose ends together and tell me if police brutality against me was not premeditated as per the inside scoop


Extrajudicial killings of two young men, merciless flogging of innocent and armless citizens and robbing of their goods and the daylight rapes of young girls by the ERU in Harper and Pleebo are cases that received no judicial review.




Police brutality must stop! And right now!





I am Thomas G. Bedell speaking and working on the ground in Liberia.    

Monday, 7 January 2013

Liberia: 2013 County Meet in Goalless Start

The National County Meet kicked off officially January 5, 2013 in Harper, Maryland County with the Host and River Gee County locking in a goalless draw. Maryland girls however over-powered their River-gee counterparts in kickball. The ceremony attracted thousands of sports enthusiasts and spectators in Maryland and other surrounding counties.


Sports and county officials from the political sub-divisions of the country attired in their respective county colors paraded the principal streets of Harper to welcome the ceremony to that coastal city.

At an indoor program held in the Harper City Hall, Harper City Mayor welcomed the decision by the Ministry of Youth & Sports to stage the official opening ceremony of the event in Harper. She said the people of Maryland were honored by the selection and assured representatives of the counties of a memorable, peaceful [and] hospitable environment.


The Minister of State without Portfolio, Ambassador Conmany Wesseh, representing President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, extended warm felicitations from the President to all county sports officials, participants and sports enthusiasts. On behalf of President Sirleaf, Ambassador Wesseh expressed regrets for her inability to personally witness the opening ceremony, owing to other pressing state matters.


He however assured participants that the Chief Executive would follow closely the events which he indicated are the heart of government's policy of reconciliation through sports, "because without it our development agenda will be hampered."


He also commended officials of the Ministry of Youth & Sports, County officials and sports administrations as well as athletes for gracing the occasion and admonished them to be good sports ambassadors for their respective counties. Minister Wesseh later took the ceremonial kick-off, signaling the official start of the 2012/2013 National Sports Meet.


For his part, Youth & Sports Minister S. TornorlahVarpilah explained that the hosting of the event in Harper was in furtherance of the spirit of unification and integration which was promoted by the late Liberian President William V.S. Tubman, a son of Maryland County.


In his comment, Minister Varpilah commended the National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL) and other institutions, including Lone Star cell MTN for their sponsorship, saying the collaboration will go a long way in strengthening and enhancing the growth of the National Sports Meet.


Meanwhile, NOCAL is said to be providing two sets of outfits for each participating county team in the five disciplines of the competition in the 2012-2013 National Sports Meet, including football, kickball, basketball, athletics and volleyball.


The company is also said to be providing boots and sneakers for the players, as well as promotional t-shirts for spectators and county officials. Billboards are also printed and erected in the counties to promote this year's National Sports meet.



Lifted from the New Dawn Newspaper online


Youth And Sports Releases County Meet Fixtures

The Ministry of Youth and Sports has released the grouping and preliminary fixtures of the 2013 National County Sports Meet, which kicks off on January 5, 2013 in Harper, Maryland County. All 15 counties of Liberia participating in five disciplines-football, kickball, basketball, volleyball and athletics-are placed in four regional groups for the first rounds, to be played at venues in Maryland, Nimba, Margibi and Grand Cape Mount Counties.


The first rounds of the football and kickball disciplines will be played from January 5 to 10th. According to the pairing, Grand Cape Mount, Montserrado, Bomi and Gbarpolu Counties are in Group I, and will play their games in Robertsports, Grand Cape Mount County.


Group II brings Margibi, Grand Bassa, Sinoe, and River Cess Counties together, and will be played in Kakata, Margibi County. Maryland, Grand Gedeh, River Gee and Grand Kru Counties make up Group III, with Harper, Maryland County serving as their game venue, while Nimba, Bong and Lofa Counties, who are placed in Group IV, will come face to face in Sanniquellie, Nimba County.


The volleyball, basketball and track and field events will take place in Monrovia, alongside the quarter finals, semi finals and grand finals of the football and kickball games beginning January 14 to the 27th.


Meanwhile, the Ministry of Youth and Sports will conduct three-day workshops on December 18, 20 and 21 2012 for county sports coordinators, designated referees, and statisticians respectively, in an effort to prepare them for adequate service delivery during the competition. 


The National County Sports Meet, inaugurated in 1956, is an annual sporting festival organized and hosted by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in collaboration with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The event is primarily a platform intended to forge national unity and reconciliation


LIFTED FROM THE HERITAGE NEWS ONLINE “The Truth is our Guide” Liberia’s best Newspaper 2011/2012

The Maryland Girls Ball Club The Greatest Ever

FACTOID: The Best Goal-keeper of the Lone Star Women Football Club ( Mamie Kamara) is a member of the Maryland County Girls Kickball Club. Also is the nominated Best Defender who did not win the balloting(Gestina Wilson) of the Lone Star  Women Football Club. The Awards were giving one day before departing for Maryland for the Opening and Regional games in Harper City.


The Maryland Girls Kickball Club is the Annual County Meet two-time Champs.


This how Emmanuel Weedee of Heritage News describes the Maryland Girls Ball Club after analysis of the Boys game against RiverGee County on January 5, 2013 in The Martha Tubman Ball Park in Harper City:


“The 2013 National County Sports Meet (NCSM) got underway over the weekend in Harper, Maryland County, with the host (Maryland County) held to a goalless draw by neighbor River Gee County. Maryland County is drawn in group-3 of the NCSM alongside River Gee, Grand Kru Counties. The County Meet opener started on a poor note with the two counties proving noting to their supporters.”


“Both counties wasted the entire first 45 minutes of soccer action without a single shot on goal, but rather all they shared was a yellow card apiece. Emmanuel Zoegar was yellow carded in the 11th minute of the game for River Gee County, while Joseph Woods of Maryland County went into Referee Lamie Kamara’s book in the 33rd minute of the encounter.”


“However, the unlike the first half, the second period of the encounter produced a little bit of exciting actions expected by the fans. Maryland County came close to opening the score sheet just 12 minutes into the second half with a distant shoot, but thanks to goalkeeper Emmanuel Henry of River Gee County, who had a tip on it to send it for a corner.”


“River Gee County on the other side, replied 12 minutes later with a double miss by Salinsa Broh and Mohammed Barry respectively. The visitors (River Gee County) again, made another astonishing move to goal but the Marylanders reconsolidated quickly to save that danger.”


“That was not the end of the story, as the home side moved aggressively towards getting a goal within the closing stages of the encounter. But it all ended in disappointments as the efforts of the Cape Palmas boys were denied by goalie Henry, who saved River Gee County from all troubles”


“In spite of that disappointment in the soccer match, the host still went home smiling as she collected all two points from River Gee County in the kickball encounter, which was played earlier. The Marylanders trashed her host by 33-3 home runs, making it the biggest score line in the history of kickball in the NCSM.”


The first was a 26-2 victory of Maryland over River Gee County. River Gee County scored 0, 2, 1, 0 and 0 in the first, second, third, fourth and fifth round respectively, while Maryland County on the other hand, scored 11, 9, 4, 1 and 7 in the first, second, third, fourth and fifth round of the encounter respectively. HERITAGE NEWS


REMINDER: The Martha Tubman Ball Park is the single greatest home-court advantage in Liberian Balling

The Maryland Girls Ball Club The Greatest Ever


CELL: +231.886.920.151





FACTOID: The Best Goal-keeper of the Lone Star Women Football Club ( Mamie Kamara) is a member of the Maryland County Girls Kickball Club. Also is the nominated Best Defender who did not win the balloting(Gestina Wilson) of the Lone Star  Women Football Club. The Awards were giving one day before departing for Maryland for the Opening and Regional games in Harper City.


The Maryland Girls Kickball Club is the Annual County Meet two-time Champs.


This how Emmanuel Weedee of Heritage News describes the Maryland Girls Ball Club after analysis of the Boys game against RiverGee County on January 5, 2013 in The Martha Tubman Ball Park in Harper City:


“The 2013 National County Sports Meet (NCSM) got underway over the weekend in Harper, Maryland County, with the host (Maryland County) held to a goalless draw by neighbor River Gee County. Maryland County is drawn in group-3 of the NCSM alongside River Gee, Grand Kru Counties. The County Meet opener started on a poor note with the two counties proving noting to their supporters.”


“Both counties wasted the entire first 45 minutes of soccer action without a single shot on goal, but rather all they shared was a yellow card apiece. Emmanuel Zoegar was yellow carded in the 11th minute of the game for River Gee County, while Joseph Woods of Maryland County went into Referee Lamie Kamara’s book in the 33rd minute of the encounter.”


“However, the unlike the first half, the second period of the encounter produced a little bit of exciting actions expected by the fans. Maryland County came close to opening the score sheet just 12 minutes into the second half with a distant shoot, but thanks to goalkeeper Emmanuel Henry of River Gee County, who had a tip on it to send it for a corner.”


“River Gee County on the other side, replied 12 minutes later with a double miss by Salinsa Broh and Mohammed Barry respectively. The visitors (River Gee County) again, made another astonishing move to goal but the Marylanders reconsolidated quickly to save that danger.”


“That was not the end of the story, as the home side moved aggressively towards getting a goal within the closing stages of the encounter. But it all ended in disappointments as the efforts of the Cape Palmas boys were denied by goalie Henry, who saved River Gee County from all troubles”


“In spite of that disappointment in the soccer match, the host still went home smiling as she collected all two points from River Gee County in the kickball encounter, which was played earlier. The Marylanders trashed her host by 33-3 home runs, making it the biggest score line in the history of kickball in the NCSM.”


The first was a 26-2 victory of Maryland over River Gee County. River Gee County scored 0, 2, 1, 0 and 0 in the first, second, third, fourth and fifth round respectively, while Maryland County on the other hand, scored 11, 9, 4, 1 and 7 in the first, second, third, fourth and fifth round of the encounter respectively. HERITAGE NEWS


REMINDER: The Martha Tubman Ball Park is the single greatest home-court advantage in Liberian Balling

Saturday, 5 January 2013

County Sports Meet: Maryland Girls Beat RiverGee 33 to 3

The Martha Tubman Ball Park is the single greatest home-court advantage in Liberian Balling.
The Parade throughout the principles street of Harper City is done and over with.
The display of the 15 flags and colors of the 15 counties of Liberia taking part in the 2012/2013 Annual Intercounty Sports Meeting afloat 15 boats entering the City from the Atlantic Ocean into the Gulf of the Hoffman River is all over.
So is the grandeur.
Ambassador Comanny Wesseh, on behalf of Her Excellency Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, took the Kickoff in The Martha Tubman Ball Park in Harper City. And declared the Games opened and to begin around the country.
Just as he walked off the playing field, the Girls of RiverGee and the Girls of Maryland locked horns. As you all know, the Girls of Maryland are a two-time Champions of Liberian Kickball. More so, they are playing at home in The Martha Tubman Ball Park. So the competition in the game was nonexistent.
The Girls of RiverGee tried their best.
But playing the Champions on their home-turf is nothing to joke with.
The Girls of Maryland beat the Girls of RiverGee 33 to 3! 30 points difference!
Evidently it is true!
The Martha Tubman Ball Park is the single greatest home-court advantage in Liberian Balling!
In an hour, the Boys of RiverGee will take on the Boys of Maryland. Coach Hazel Gray, ball legend of Liberia, tells me “This is my turf!”
Maryland and RiverGee ball record is straight. In three games, Maryland beat two and the last one ended up in a draw. All this happened over the years of the County Meet.
Let’s see what happens in few minutes!
I am Thomas G. Bedell speaking and working on the ground in Liberia

Harper City, Maryland (Liberia) is the Place to be Right Now as the Ball Rolls

Today is Saturday, January 5, 2013 in Liberia. The date and time are somehow the same in Africa and most part of the world.
As we opine, Ambassador Commany Wesseh is in Harper City, Maryland County, deputizing for Her Excellency Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia (first elected female president of any country in Africa).
Today marks the Opening Ceremony of The 2012/2013 Annual Intercounty Sports Meet. The Opening Ceremony this year is being held in Harper City, Maryland County on January 5, 2013. The display will be the first of its kind in Liberia.
President Sirleaf was expected to travel to Maryland to take the Kickoff for the Games to begin. But her proxy, Ambassador Wesseh, will carry out the Kickoff. He’s expected to say:
“And now, in accordance with tradition, I declare the Games of the2012/2013 Intercounty Sports Meet opened, and I call upon the youth of Liberia to assemble in their respective locales to celebrate the Games; Let the Games begin”
Then finally, the County Meet Flame is lit in Maryland marking the beginning of the Games of 2012/2013.
Previous to that is a parade through the principle streets of Harper City. All ball clubs across the country representing the 15 counties will be represented in their colors; Liberian youth, men, women and children will join the Parade. The Parade starts from the Harper City Hall, (the most beautiful city hall in the Country), to the shores of Old Krutown where 15 boats afloat the Atlantic Ocean with flags flapping and colors of the 15 counties being displayed as the boats ride into the gulf of the Hoffman River and the Great Atlantic. Ambassador Wesseh, Dignitaries, sports officials from the Ministry of Youth & Sports, Liberian Football Association (LFA), the 15 counties and most importantly, Sen. John Akel Ballout (Senior Senator of Maryland), Sen. H. Dan Morias (Junior Senator of Maryland, former Superintendent of Maryland, Former Minister of Internal Affairs & Former Ambassador At-Large, Republic of Liberia), Rep. Dr. Bhofal Chambers (Representative of Pleebo/Sodohkeh District), Rep. Rev. Dr. Isaac Roland (Representative Karluway District), Traditional Chiefs, women leaders, students alike and others will be standing there waving their handkerchiefs to the Athletes and the display.
If you sat on top of the Hill where the Cape Palmas Light House is situated and looking down into Harper City, you will see a daybreak City at night. Senators Ballout and H. Dan Morais have done again. They dropped in each corner of both cities (Harper & Pleebo) fluorescent lights to help in the ambiance of The Opening Game Celebration of the 2012/2013 Annual Intercounty Sports Meet.
This is time is for ballplaying. No time for politics. But why not call a spade a spade!
The two Senators have added immense color and grandeur to the occasion and showcase Maryland. They’ve been on the ground for more than two months combine. So why not give them their props? Well, everyone can do the same thing. Others are also on the ground giving moral support.
After the Parade and the display of the culture and history of Maryland, everything is concluded in The Martha Tubman Ball Park opposite the Harper City Hall where Ambassador Wesseh will take the Kickoff for the Games to begin. Thereafter, an Exhibition Match is played. At the end, a social night takes place at the Great Harper City Hall on Maryland Avenue, Middlesex. Variety of cuisine including Palm Butter, Torgbogee, Patatoe greens, Gbasajama, Jallof, Cow & goat Soup with rice, cassava, plantain, eddoes, yam and all the Liberian and African dishes one can imagine on mother earth will be served. We have our American, Philippinos, and other European visitors. They too will be served their home dishes. Following that is a Grand Ball dance in the Maryland way. Everyone will have a good time.
Then “bang!” the real games then begin around the country but in regional form.
RiverGee, Grand Kru, Grand Gedeh and Maryland counties will clash in the Southeastern Regionals. The First and Second place winners will proceed to Monrovia for the BIG ONES: Quarter, Semi & Grand Finals.
Now all the Regional games scheduled for the Southeastern region will be played in The Martha Tubman Ball Park.
Currently, RiverGee and Maryland Girls are playing. Maryland Girls (2010 & 2011 Champions) are leading RiverGee wild margin.
The Martha Tubman Ball Park is the single greatest home-court advantage in Liberian Balling. No ball club throughout the Republic of Liberia and stretching as far as the Ivory Coast has ever defeated Maryland in that Ball Park. Even though this will be the first regional games since the birth of the Ball Park in 1970, the chances of any ball club leaving Maryland unscathed is slim.
The Martha Tubman Ball Park is the balling birthplace of Ezekiel “Africa’s Best” Doe (I. E. & Lone Star), Robert Hne “Break Dancer” Clarke (I. E. & Lone Star), Simon Matha (Greatest Defender I. E. & Lone Star), George “Razor Blade” Harris (I. E. & Lone Star), Henry Brown ( I. E. & Lone Star), Kennedy Myers (Port Authority), Blanca Bowman (Barrolle & Lone Star), Stannelus Juah Jleh Mombo (Maryland Ball Club), Thomas “Gate Dublin” Bedell (Barrole & Lone Star) and many more we cannot name for lack of space and time.
I am Thomas G. Bedell speaking and working on the ground in Liberia

Friday, 4 January 2013

Where is The “All Liberian Conference in the Americas or of North America”?

In life there comes a time when we all as a people retrospect. And that is for us to see behind us what we’ve left in order to know what exactly lies ahead of us so as to plan a sensible future.


That time is now!


What prompts this retrospection is when I read a letter addressed to President Sirleaf. The letter was addressed to her in 2012. I saw it on the website of The Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas (ULAA). The letter was sent over-and-over-and-over on The University of Liberia Alumni Association’s listserve, The continued reposting of the letter captured my attention. Why did they have to repost this one letter over-and-over-and-over again and again? Whatever the reason was, I am here to draw lesson from the past to cast it on the present so as to know where we are heading as a people. That particular letter I make specific reference to, denounced Gaye Sleh as President of The Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas by another Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas. This spoke volumes to me coming from the experiences I have had in ULAA and other Libderian organzations in the Americas and other counries around the world coupled with my work and engagements on the ground in Liberia.


After reading the letter, I started to look back what had happened to ULAA twenty-three years ago.


I’ll start with my experience of the “All Liberian Conference” convened in Atlanta, Georgia and events prior to and after.


Here is the story:


I was elected President of Cleveland and its Environs; LACE for short. Around that same time, one of the oldest Liberian community organizations in the Americas, The Federation of Liberian Associations in Ohio, commonly referred to as “FOLAO,” suffered a five-year administrative paralysis. At the age of more than two decades, FOLAO, as an organization, failed it members and community. As a result, the community and most members unplugged their support from it. FOLAO began to wobble in despair. As President of the Liberian Community of Cleveland and Cleveland being a founding member of FOLAO and the home of FOLAO, I thought I help to resuscitate it. Because by staying away from the organization by its membership and community wasn’t the right way to go. And so I embarked upon revamping FOLAO and the Ohio Community. This process took me throughout Ohio, from Cleveland to Dayton, Columbus, Cincinnati, Akron and other parts. In the end, I succeeded. FOLAO was resuscitated.


But a strange thing happened worth commenting on:


I was accused by some Liberians in Cleveland. They said in the revamping process of FOLAO (which took me throughout the State) that I had abandoned LACE and the Cleveland community. They accused me of paying attention to external matters at the expense of internal matters. My attention on FOLAO had reduced my concentration on LACE. And so they put forth my immediate removal from office. In as much as their claims were clear and understood, the approach to remove me was unconstitutional. As a result, it created an up-and-down activity plunging LACE into chaos and a prolong standstill.


The City Corporation of Cleveland received complaints against me from those few Liberians. Hon. Mike White was Mayor at the time. He invited me for a hearing. I attended. In the end of the Hearing, I won. The Constitution was on my side. Another complaint was filed to few Churches in the community. I met with the Bishops and priests. A hearing was conducted. Again, the Constitution delivered me. In all this, I was all along. My case was good and strong. But the hauling-and-pulling took a year-and-the-half of my office time. According to the Constitution, my term of office was for one year. By this time, FOLAO that I revamped was slowly recovering. It had its election and Mr. Francis Nimene, a founding member, was elected the new leader.


During this period, ULAA too was looking forward to General Elections. I previously invited ULAA to help in resolving the crisis. But I learned a new thing. I think ULAA did too: ULAA could not help us because it did not have any visible presence and impact in Ohio over the years prior to the problem in Cleveland. In other words, ULAA wasn't focusing it work in Ohio and parts adjacent. As such, nobody wanted to listen to her.
Soon FOLAO completed its election. Since we had helped FOLAO come back to life, it embarked upon its obligation - helping LACE resolve its conflict. A committee was set up by FOLAO in this direction - to help resolve the Cleveland crisis. The chair of that committee was Dr. Marcus Dahn. After looking into the matter, the committee encouraged us to reconcile and compromise for the common good of the community and the Organization. But notwithstanding, the constitution withstood the test of time on my side. As such, my claims were supported and defended.


All in all, having made my case and convinced the Church, the Mayor of Cleveland, my antagonists and other level-minded people, I was now willing to let go the leadership. I gave in. My antagonists also gave in. New election was set. The Constitution that guided me all along was now to be revised and amended. Because new things were learned that the Framers did not envisioned. When the time came for a new election, all those who wanted me out of office had their names put forward for leadership by the community. But interestingly, all of them declined to take any office. My name was put forward. I accepted. In the end, I won the election. I became the first elected President of LACE to serve under the new revised and amended Constitution. Under the new Constitution, I became the first President to lead the Organization for two years instead of the previous one-year constitutional term of office. All of a sudden a new hullabaloo developed. With support from progressives, the hullabaloo died down and we all moved on.


We moved back on to strengthening FOLAO. This time, ULAA joined us. ULAA was now determined to become visible in Ohio and other parts of the Midwest. Hon. Gus Major, chairman of the board of directors of ULAA began to frequent Ohio. As the contact man, he was working out the modalities to get FOLAO membership added to ULAA.

Soon, chaos gripped ULAA. And to me, this was becoming an epidemic.

There were some Liberians who felt ULAA had outlived its significance. And so they wanted to replace it with another organization that would do better. While it was true ULAA, like FOLAO, needed overhauling, the methodology of approach of those who wanted to replace ULAA with another organization was wrong. At least, that was and still remains my personal opinion.

In our effort to strengthen FOLAO, series of mini conferences were scheduled throughout Ohio. The sole purpose of those mini conferences was to get FOLAO reconnected with Liberians throughout Ohio and at the same time identify and embark upon meaningful projects. Essentially, we wanted to catch up for FOLAO’s five years paralysis.


Along these lines, those who wanted to replace ULAA tried to use our (FOLAO) mini conferences to campaign and forge their objectives. I worked with them. But little did I know their sole intent until the conference in Dayton, Ohio was over. In Dayton, all hell began to break loose. Our conference had a different agenda than what we previously decided and set. When I inquired, all the “dogs of war” were sic on me. But I stood my ground. I was not prepared and ready to support any effort by anyone to oust ULAA. Right there and then, I became public enemy number one for those whose intent was to oust ULAA. Chairman Major traveled to Dayton for the conference. But it wasn’t a good atmosphere for him. ULAA was under attack. Besides me, he and ULAA had no friend in the meeting. After all was set and done, an All Liberian Conference was set for Atlanta, Georgia. Evidently, the All Liberian Conference slated for Atlanta was preplanned based on how events were unfolding. But I did not have a clue until after the meeting in Dayton. The stakes were high then. ULAA’s existence was surely threatened. Something had to be done to save ULAA. I was ready; so were chairman Major and few others. Atlanta, Georgia would be the place where all this would unfold. At least, that was the plan of the apparent breakaway group.


In Atlanta, I formed an integral part of the FOLAO delegation to the conference. My voice was as strong as it could be, except that I was the only one who supported the continued existence of ULAA. Everybody else on the delegation supported the death and replacement of ULAA by another organization. As a result, I was a lone wolf.


I am not writing this to make myself look good and make others look bad. But this is the truth. What people fail to understand is that history always comes back to revisit our lives. And that’s exactly what I am doing here.


First in Dayton the “Die was casts” for another organization to replace ULAA. In Dayton, I disagreed on grounds that there is no evidence that a new organization to replace ULAA would do any better than ULAA. But I was alone. So the case in the contrary was made.

Few weeks after the Dayton Conference we went to Atlanta, Georgia. As things were unfolding, Atlanta was the “ideal” place to unravel the case against ULAA so as to replace it. Prominent Liberians, some of the older generation and well-learned individuals converged in Atlanta. The City was jam packed. This time I wasn’t alone. Gus Major, chairman of the board of directors of ULAA was there and very vocal in his defense of ULAA. After a two-day conference (at one point we were being kicked out of the University auditorium) some kind of decision was reached half hazardly: The All Liberian Conference in the Americas was born. And this organization would replace ULAA. I was disappointed. But there was nothing I could do. We were being kicked out of the conference hall for overusing our allotted time. More so, the noise was too much.


We walked out of the conference only hearing the rumors that The “All Liberian Conference in the Americas” was born as a new organization to replace ULAA. Dr. George Klay Kieh became its first founding leader. All the other folks that traveled with me from Ohio had their share of the leadership pie. I returned to Cleveland with one thing in mind: no one was able to bend my convictions; my love and commitment to ULAA.


It didn’t stop there; there were series of other conferences that carried the name, “All Liberian Conference “that were convened in the US.


Notice, there’s a big difference between the organization that was/is called “The All Liberian Conference in the Americas” and the name of the annual Liberian conference referred to as The “All Liberian Conference.”


I think the founders of the “All Liberian Conference in the Americas” used this nomenclature to buy the support of Liberians and to do a quick sale of the organization as a marketing strategy. It was a good strategy, except that it was not properly done. Having said so, from 1990 to 2013 is exactly 23 years. I know for sure ULAA is still alive. Even though I am hearing there are two different groups with the same name: ULAA. But that’s not the issue under consideration. What concerns me most is knowing the whereabouts of “The All Liberian Conference in the Americas” not whether or not ULAA is divided currently.


All I am asking my fellow Liberians and friends is, where is The All Liberian Conference in the Americas today?


Just wondering!


I am Thomas G. Bedell speaking and working on the ground in Liberia.