Sunday, 17 April 2011

Kudemoweh & Numoweh Chiefdoms Reunification: An Emerging Reality - Back To Rocktown Movement

What every peace-loving Marylander and others have been awaiting and working towards in Maryland County for so long - The Reunification of the Kudemoweh & Numoweh Chiefdoms - is finally dawning on us.

On April 11 & 12, 2011, the peoples of both chiefdoms converged in Rocktown - Headquarters of the Kudemoweh Chiefdom.

The Convention of these two peoples rested on two foundational and insurmountable truths:

1st, to express regrets and solidarity to the seven (7) Rocktown youths that were arrested, detained, tried, convicted and sentenced to death by hanging in Grand Gedeh County. Upon Judicial Review by the Supreme Court of Liberia, the Lower Court’s verdict was reversed. The Supreme ordered re-trial and/or immediate freedom of the seven (7) youths. The State, being what it has always been - cantankerous - chose re-trial over freedom. But as was always the case since the matter began, the State could not put forth a fitting case worth adjudicating before a court of competent jurisdiction. So the Court in Session in Nimba had no other choice but to throw the entire case along with its wreckages over the window for lack of evidence to convict the youths.

2nd, the Convention was to also set for The Kudemoweh & Numoweh Chiefdoms to come face-to-face with each other and make concerted efforts in squashing their differences that have set them apart in a conflict over decades.

Regrets and solidarity were expressed by the Numoweh Chiefdom represented by Bigtown in the most strongest and possible terms. The youths were happy and grateful to the people of the Numoweh for the gifts and good words.

Both of the Purposes were realized, but partly. Thereafter, the actual process of implementation begins.

For a minute, I envied the youths. I wished I were imprisoned like them. Because gifts were pouring from everywhere for them and an entire chiefdom came to express regrets and solidarity. But considering what these youths went through, I’m inclined to agree they deserve everything they were receiving. Nobody could steal the moment away from them. I could not! Essentially, the youths enjoyed every aspect of the Convention. What made the Event more historical is that it went beyond gifts and solidarity offering. Concerted efforts were made towards reunification and peace. Two proverbial birds were killed with a single stone.

But there is a new question: Are the rest of the people of both chiefdoms (at home and in the Diaspora) willing to enhance the process and move it forward? Or they will kill by all means necessary? The answer will show in the practical reality as the days ahead unfold.

One thing we are show of is that, we, officers and members of The KudeNumo Peace Initiative Foundation, Inc., will continue to forge the future together with our people without prejudice. We vow to take steps against those whose intent it is to derail the process. We are not afraid, even though our lives have been threatened by certain powers that arte bend against transformation and reunification of our people.

Please join us again in Rocktown on April 30, 2011 for the First Step to the General Convention of Grebo People in Blejay.

Make a donation towards a $2000.00 Budget.

God will surely bless and enhance your work. If you like, donate food and material instead of cash. Whatever you give will please us and it will help move the process forward.

Call Mr. Jacob Sie Brewer at +231.666.6957 or Email: and make your contribution.

See you in Rocktown April 30, 2011 or make a call and send your donation!

This is reunification time? Are you ready?!

I am Thomas G. Bedell working and speaking on the grouond in Liberia.

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