April 28, 2011
With a heartfelt gratitude, we, members and officers, of The KudeNumo Peace Initiative Foundation, Inc. (KNPIF) would like to congratulate our brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, youths and leaders in the Kudemoweh & Numoweh Chiefdoms of Maryland County (Liberia) for their courageous move to successfully complete the steps necessary to resolve their internal differences. At this time when the Grebo people are facing a gathering danger from outside, it is incumbent upon each and every one of us to unite and work forcefully for the reunification of the Grebo Peninsula.
The move by two of the chiefdoms’ oldest towns and headquarters that were engaged in a conflict for decades for them to leave the era of senseless conflict behind and embark upon resolving their internal differences is commendable. The KudeNumo Peace Initiative Foundation, Inc. (KNPIF) sees this move as a step in the right direction of future journey to unify all of Maryland so we can all stand against injustice, lies, false incrimination and extrajudicial punishment.
KNPIF believes that Unity among the Grebo people of the Harper District, which is the Seat of Power of Maryland County, is the surest way to victory for Maryland County. We hereby congratulate the Grebo people for taking this step towards reunification.
Now that the KNPIF has taken the necessary step to reconcile and reunify our people, we hope that the day will come sooner when the KNPIF will completely reunify the entire Maryland.
KNPIF will assure the reunification of Grebo Peninsula. We also intend to explore ways to work with every sector of our communities in Maryland County to fasten the Reunification of the Harper District, yea, Maryland.
In this regard, KNPIF calls for every Marylander at home and abroad to stand up and support this newfound reunification and peacebuilding process. It is not an event. It is indeed a process. Therefore, it must go on!
Executive Committee of The KudeNunmo Peace Initiative Foundation, Inc.
“In Unity Success is Sure”!!!
Thomas G. Bedell/Founding Co-President