Thursday, 28 April 2011

MESSAGE FROM KNPIF On The Reunification of The Grebo Peninsula

April 28, 2011

With a heartfelt gratitude, we, members and officers, of The KudeNumo Peace Initiative Foundation, Inc. (KNPIF) would like to congratulate our brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, youths and leaders in the Kudemoweh & Numoweh Chiefdoms of Maryland County (Liberia) for their courageous move to successfully complete the steps necessary to resolve their internal differences. At this time when the Grebo people are facing a gathering danger from outside, it is incumbent upon each and every one of us to unite and work forcefully for the reunification of the Grebo Peninsula.

The move by two of the chiefdoms’ oldest towns and headquarters that were engaged in a conflict for decades for them to leave the era of senseless conflict behind and embark upon resolving their internal differences is commendable. The KudeNumo Peace Initiative Foundation, Inc. (KNPIF) sees this move as a step in the right direction of future journey to unify all of Maryland so we can all stand against injustice, lies, false incrimination and extrajudicial punishment.

KNPIF believes that Unity among the Grebo people of the Harper District, which is the Seat of Power of Maryland County, is the surest way to victory for Maryland County. We hereby congratulate the Grebo people for taking this step towards reunification.

Now that the KNPIF has taken the necessary step to reconcile and reunify our people, we hope that the day will come sooner when the KNPIF will completely reunify the entire Maryland.

KNPIF will assure the reunification of Grebo Peninsula. We also intend to explore ways to work with every sector of our communities in Maryland County to fasten the Reunification of the Harper District, yea, Maryland.

In this regard, KNPIF calls for every Marylander at home and abroad to stand up and support this newfound reunification and peacebuilding process. It is not an event. It is indeed a process. Therefore, it must go on!

Executive Committee of The KudeNunmo Peace Initiative Foundation, Inc.

“In Unity Success is Sure”!!!


Thomas G. Bedell/Founding Co-President

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Amb. Dew Mason Delivers Keynote Address at Grebo Convention in Rocktown

The leaders, men, women and youths of the only two chiefdoms (Kudemoweh & Numoweh) of the Harper District will converge in Rocktown, Maryland County. Both Chiefdoms will bring together closed to forty towns and villages.

The host, Rocktown, is the oldest town and the Headquarters of the Kudemoweh Chiefdom in Maryland County. This Convention will be the very first of its kind of the Grebo people in the last twenty years.

The reason behind the discontinuation of such historic occasion is due to a long standing dispute between Rocktown and Bigtown.

Bigtown, like Rocktown, is the oldest town and Headquarters of the Numoweh Chiefdom. And because both towns (Rocktown & Bigtown) were involved in a boundary dispute, the conflict dragged down to the other towns and villages in both chiefdoms. As a result, this conflict did not only plunge both chiefdoms into a serious quagmire, it also undermines the growth and development of the entire county of Maryland. As such, peace and unity needed to be pursued. Many local and international nongovernmental organizations tried their best to bring both peoples together but up to no avail.

One year ago, The KudeNumo Peace Initiative Foundation, Inc. began to pursue the same process of peace and unity.

We are proud to report that The KudeNumo Peace Initiative, Inc. has succeeded in bringing peace and unity back to the Grebo Peninsula.

On April 11 & 12, 2011, both towns (Bigtown & Rocktown) met in Rocktown for the very first time decades to begin talks in resolving their misunderstandings. History will record this date as the most outstanding dates in the experience of all Grebo people.

Amongst all the ambiances, Amb. Dew Mason will deliver the Keynote Address. He will be speaking on peace, unity as the right path to our future as Liberians and Africans.

Six thousand people are expected to attend the Convention.

Everyone is invited to attend the Convention as history is being made.

I am Thomas G. Bedell speaking and working on the ground in Liberia.

Kudemoweh & Numoweh make Peace As Amb. Dew Mason Speaks

Release Date: April 27, 2011

For Immediate Release

Office of the President

Contact: +231.692.0151


On Monday, April 11, 2011, Bigtown (the oldest town and Headquarters of the Numoweh Chiefdom) traveled to Rocktown (the oldest town and Headquarters of the Kudemoweh Chiefdom) for the very first time in decades. The two towns have been in a conflict for a protracted period of time. Efforts by many national and international nongovernmental organizations to help reunify the two Chiefdoms are welcomed and exalted. But with the help of The KudeNumo Peace Initiative, Inc., we are proud to proclaim to the entire world that Bigtown and Rocktown – the two oldest towns and headquarters of both Chiefdoms and were in conflict with each other- have come together for peace and unity. Thus the visit of Bigtown to Rocktown.

The purpose of the visit of Bigtown to Rocktown is three-fold: 1st, to show solidarity and regrets and at the same time celebrate the unconditional release of seven youths of Rocktown arbitrarily arrested and arbitrarily detained on May 9, 2008 on charges of “murder” by the Government of the Republic of Liberia.

Second, Bigtown used the Event to begin talks with Rocktown to resolve their petty differences that have kept them and the rest of the Chiefdoms far apart for a protracted period of time.

Third, to ENGAGE the Peace effort by The KudeNumo Peace Initiative Foundation, Inc. in laying substantial grounds in reunifying the Grebo Peninsula. And to also complete arrangements for a Pre-Meeting of all Grebo People in Rocktown on April 29, 2011, in order to prep for the larger Grebo People’s Convention slated for Whole Graway (Blayjay) in June, 2011, where all disputes and relevant decisions will be derived to reunify the Grebo Peninsula.

On April 29 the Pre-Meeting of All Grebo People will begin in Rocktown and conclude on May 1, 2011. Series of decisions will be derived, particularly centered on the arbitrary arrest and arbitrary detention and extrajudicial punishment of the sons and daughter including Amb. H. Dan Morias, of both Chiefdoms now languishing in incommunicado in the filthy slums of the Maximum Prison of Monrovia. Other decisions will include the building a suitable political climate for the upcoming 2011 Parliamentary and Presidential election in Liberia.

Amb. Dew Mason will deliver the Keynote Address centered on the relevance of Peace and Human understanding in Liberia with direct concentration on the Grebo People issues.

All are invited to Rocktown.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Kudemoweh & Numoweh Chiefdoms Reunification: An Emerging Reality - Back To Rocktown Movement

What every peace-loving Marylander and others have been awaiting and working towards in Maryland County for so long - The Reunification of the Kudemoweh & Numoweh Chiefdoms - is finally dawning on us.

On April 11 & 12, 2011, the peoples of both chiefdoms converged in Rocktown - Headquarters of the Kudemoweh Chiefdom.

The Convention of these two peoples rested on two foundational and insurmountable truths:

1st, to express regrets and solidarity to the seven (7) Rocktown youths that were arrested, detained, tried, convicted and sentenced to death by hanging in Grand Gedeh County. Upon Judicial Review by the Supreme Court of Liberia, the Lower Court’s verdict was reversed. The Supreme ordered re-trial and/or immediate freedom of the seven (7) youths. The State, being what it has always been - cantankerous - chose re-trial over freedom. But as was always the case since the matter began, the State could not put forth a fitting case worth adjudicating before a court of competent jurisdiction. So the Court in Session in Nimba had no other choice but to throw the entire case along with its wreckages over the window for lack of evidence to convict the youths.

2nd, the Convention was to also set for The Kudemoweh & Numoweh Chiefdoms to come face-to-face with each other and make concerted efforts in squashing their differences that have set them apart in a conflict over decades.

Regrets and solidarity were expressed by the Numoweh Chiefdom represented by Bigtown in the most strongest and possible terms. The youths were happy and grateful to the people of the Numoweh for the gifts and good words.

Both of the Purposes were realized, but partly. Thereafter, the actual process of implementation begins.

For a minute, I envied the youths. I wished I were imprisoned like them. Because gifts were pouring from everywhere for them and an entire chiefdom came to express regrets and solidarity. But considering what these youths went through, I’m inclined to agree they deserve everything they were receiving. Nobody could steal the moment away from them. I could not! Essentially, the youths enjoyed every aspect of the Convention. What made the Event more historical is that it went beyond gifts and solidarity offering. Concerted efforts were made towards reunification and peace. Two proverbial birds were killed with a single stone.

But there is a new question: Are the rest of the people of both chiefdoms (at home and in the Diaspora) willing to enhance the process and move it forward? Or they will kill by all means necessary? The answer will show in the practical reality as the days ahead unfold.

One thing we are show of is that, we, officers and members of The KudeNumo Peace Initiative Foundation, Inc., will continue to forge the future together with our people without prejudice. We vow to take steps against those whose intent it is to derail the process. We are not afraid, even though our lives have been threatened by certain powers that arte bend against transformation and reunification of our people.

Please join us again in Rocktown on April 30, 2011 for the First Step to the General Convention of Grebo People in Blejay.

Make a donation towards a $2000.00 Budget.

God will surely bless and enhance your work. If you like, donate food and material instead of cash. Whatever you give will please us and it will help move the process forward.

Call Mr. Jacob Sie Brewer at +231.666.6957 or Email: and make your contribution.

See you in Rocktown April 30, 2011 or make a call and send your donation!

This is reunification time? Are you ready?!

I am Thomas G. Bedell working and speaking on the grouond in Liberia.

Friday, 1 April 2011

President Sirleaf's Visit to Maryland County (Liberia) What I Think

I think President Sirleaf’s visit to Maryland could have been better. Give-and-take, some significant strides were made. At least, she was able to meet with the chiefs, elders and youths of Harper District. This district, one must be reminded, is where the seat of power rests. What that means is, if this area is not stable, the County runs the risk of peace tilting on the wrong side. And when that happens,the entire county will wobble in problems. If there is stability in the Harper District, there surely will be stability across the county. This is for sure1

Take this example:

In May 2008, armed hostilities erupted between Rocktown and Wetchukeh. Several individual citizens lost their lives. More than twenty youths and elderly men and women were arrested and detained by the Government of Liberia.

Rocktown made its claim: the right to self-defense. But the Government…well, let’s say, Sen. Gloria Scott, John Akel Ballout, James Biney and Superintendent Brown paid no heed. So they mobilized the local government and the state apparatus to drag the Rocktown youths to jail. Strangely enough, in the hostility between the ethnic groups, they left the Wetchukeh people outside of the prison and sent the Rocktown youths in prison.

Mind you, both peoples were caught into a web of armed hostility. But only one side was declared “guilty” for whatever “crime” prior to going to a court of competent jurisdiction.

After series of shake-ups in the situation (I mean protests rallies and attempts to launch civil disobedience by social justice and human rights advocates) several of the Rocktown Youths were released unconditionally.

Today, seven Rocktown youths, as a result of the armed hostilities between Rocktown & Wetchukeh are now languishing in prison. First they were in Harper Maximum Prison, then they were sent to Grand Gedeh Maximum Prison. Today, they have been transferred to Nimba Maximum Prison.

Is it me or Sens. Ballout, Scott, Rep. Biney, Supt. Brown just don't get it? Whe two persons fight, don't you have to get both of them and investigate before sending either of them to jail? Or these people have just discovered the true "killers" of Christ and sent to Nimba Prison for correction?! Whatever the answer is, determines the level of things in Maryland.

When President Sirleaf came to Maryland, I was expecting her to highlight the issue of arbitrary arrest, arbitrary detention, force disappearance and extra judicial punishment more than anything else. But no! she didn’t!

Maryland County is the only county I know currently, that has most of its citizens in prison under arbitrary arrest, arbitrary detention, force disappearance and extrajudicial punishment. The last time I checked, more than 20 Maryland citizens (youths, elderly, men, women & top government officials) are now languishing in prison. To add insult to the injury, three more has been added immediately after the March 17, 2011 Peaceful Protest Demonstration.

President Sirleaf came finally to Maryland after series of postponement and rescheduling of her visit. But the real issues have been left untouched.


You tell me!

I am Thomas G. Bedell working and speaking on the ground in Liberia.