Monday, 21 February 2011

Kudemoweh & Numoweh: The Third Meeting - Last Rally

Sunday, February 6, 2011 marked one of the greatest events and conventions of our time. It took place in the city of Harper and the county of Maryland.

Paramount, clan & town chiefs, presidents of Kudemoweh & Nomoweh development associations, market women, young girls & boys, heads of FEMUS (Federation of Maryland University Student Associations of Monrovia & Harper) including heads of Churches, youths, potential political candidates, friends and well wishers met at the First Mass Meeting of the Numoweh & Kudemoweh chiefdoms in Harper City, Maryland County.

The Meeting is referred to as “The First Meeting.” Because it is one of its kind ever convened in most recent years. It sets the basis for reunification talks between both Numoweh & Kudemoweh chiefdoms. The talks began with series of rallies organized to raise funding in order to set the basis for working relations.

The “First” Meeting was attended by one hundred and fifty (150) persons. Potential political aspirants were also in attendance. Those potential political aspirants attending the Meeting include, Messrs. Emmanuel Walker putting up his bid from Middletown (Kudemoweh Chiefdom), Wa Kla Neufville putting up his bid from Grand Cavalla (Kudemoweh ) and George Prowd putting up his bid from Bigtown (Numoweh Chiefdom). All of the above are seeking the office of Representative of the Harper District.

Sunday, February 13, 2011, marked the Second Meeting.

A Rally was also held during the Second Meeting. Members, officials, elders, youth, men & women including friends and well-wishers of the Numoweh & Kudemoweh chiefdoms assembled at the old Jehovah Witnesses Kingdom Hall on Water Street, Harper City.

Dignitaries in attendance include, Amb. H. Dan Morais, James Norman Anderson, H. Wah Too Bedell (Customs Collector). The trio donations amount to $550 (USD) combine.

The Rally was a contest between men and women. A “king” represented all men and a “queen” represented all women. Mr. Meshach Mle Bryant sat in for men and Ms. Beatrice Wallace sat in for women.

At the end of the Rally, men won women by having more cash. Total amount collected is $24,000.00 (Liberian dollars) in physical cash and $500.00 (United States dollars) in pledges. So far, all the pledges have been collected.

Sunday, February 20, 2011, the Third Meeting was convened and concluded by the last Rally. This time, women beat the men. Ms. Beatrice Wallace sat in for women again and a ten-year old ( Papay Bryant, son of Meshach Mle Bryant) sat in for men. The ten-year old stole the show. Nobody expected a ten-year old at the Rally table. His dad, Meshach Mle Bryant, could not attend. So he sent his little son. The kid took more money in his pocket as a sign of appreciation from the audience then money placed in the cup. Instead of placing the money in the collection basket, people were fascinated over the kid. And so they gave him much of the money to encourage his bodaciousness. All in all, women won men. Total collected at the Rally is $5000 (LD) with pledges of $25,000.00 (LD).

In totality, the “First, Second” and “Third” meetings of the Kudemoweh and Numoweh Chiefdoms were very successful. From all indications, unity is at hand. Come 2011 General Elections, our people shall speak with one voice.

Thanks to Messrs. Bolton Dennis, Jacob Brewer, Robert Moore and Gleh Harmon. Without them, what could I have done? Practically little.

I am Thomas G. Bedell; I work and speak from on the ground in Liberia!

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