Thursday, 11 February 2021

Happy Birthday, Landry Wah Bedell

 Happy, Happy Birthday To Landry Wah Bedell At 74!

           January 29, 2020

Landry, the number 74 is a message from the birth angels that you are in direct contact with the angels and the divine energies. 

74 is a reminder from the angels that while attaining your spiritual objectives in life, you should have optimistic and affirmative thoughts.

Number 74 is a blend of the vibrations and energies of the numbers 7 and 4. ... Number 4 also tells of achieving success and reaping the rewards for work well done and resonates with the energies of the Archangels. 

Number 74 is a message from your angels that you are on the right path in every way in your life. 

Happy, Happy Birthday to you, my Brother, Landry! You are the Progenitor and Father of Debamu, Tede and Agi-Atina Ball Clubs of Colonel West, Borough of New Krutown, and Mighty Sparrow of Smell-No-Taste of MarGibi County, Liberia!

It is because of you, my Brother, many reached the highest height of football in Liberia including and not limited to George Harris of I. E. & Lone Star, Archie Bedell (the versatile baller of All Time), William Pritchard, Tenisio Tarpeh, Santos Tarpeh, Joe 69, Klay O. Dormu, Sam Sumo, Pius Dixon (deceased), Michael Weah (deceased), Mark Elliott (deceased), Gbetayuo, Sam Gardiner, Mansfield Muhlenburg, Arthur Goma and Yours Truly, T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell of Mighty Barrole and Lone Star! We could not have done it without you! So, we tip our hats to you in respect for your sacrifices, not only for you and your family, but for the rest of mankind! 

We hail you, Landry Wah Bedell! You are truly the Greatest! Long life and prosperity on your 74th Birth Anniversary! 

We love you, mehn!

T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell

Position Statement On The Alleged Porno Case In Maryland, Liberia


Maryland County Revolutionary Civil Society (MCRCS)

               *WHERE WE STAND*




               COUNTY, LIBERIA

                   January 30, 2021

We, members and officials of MCRCS, have a strong conviction, dedication, commitment and respect for FAMILY VALUES! Thus, we have an outstanding record which is impossible to subdue or defeat and VIBRANT record of SUCCESS STORIES emerging out of our SOCIAL JUSTICE ADVOCACY which are locked up in our belt in Maryland and BEYOND! Thus, we do herein RECOGNIZE and express DEEP CONCERNS regarding VEXING DEVELOPING ISSUES which appear to be so TROUBLING amongst our people, especially our women and student populace, within our one-time CULTURALLY rich COMMUNITY in Maryland! Indeed, these sorts of underdevelopments place us on the cutting-edge of time anf capture our undivided attention, thus our reaction!

Information reaching our desk indicates that a young man displayed nude photo of a female University student conjoined with info that another student of the same University was "unlawfully" imprisoned in Harper City. All of these remain as rumors on our desk! For no one or group has approached us with details and confirmation. And so, we find oirselves in a total disconnect on these two vexing issues! But all the same, it is our prayer, that those involved in seeking justice will do so, knowing that one is innocent until proven guilty! There should be no rush-to-judgment!

The end that our Revolutionary Civil Society Group seeks is TRUTH in all these matters! For there are rules and laws that must be followed! Our emotions should not compromise our intellect! Because, in seeking the TRUTH, which requires trust, independence in observation and in thought, the rules and laws must be followed. Freedom, respect and tolerance are handmaidens to this end.

Let it be known then, we as a people do acquire KNOWLEDGE by small steps, none of which is final and the mistakes of one are rungs in the ladder toward TRUTH. The only purpose of seeking the TRUTH is to accumulate knowledge which becomes the property of all of us! And that's without respect to political and sexual orientation or cultural beliefs. 

The Maryland County Revolutionary Civil Society Organization, commonly referred to as, MCRCS, is a unifying group! That's because we seek answers which society ultimately hold as important!

In as much as we consider the gravity and propensity of this Case seriously and connect the complexity of technology involved in these matters, we do not struggle for a minute to uprightly, unequivocally and categorically CONDEMN, with all the emphasis we can command from the roof of our tongues, the depiction of photographs of a nuded woman on Face Book or anywhere, irrespective of orientation and age! It is as morally wrong as it can be! It is our STRONGEST and UNCOMPROMISING DESIRE that the Laws of the Republic take its course! And let JUSTICE flow like a mighty river throughout the land! We also STRONGLY DESIRE the case of "unlawful" imprisonment be brought under the judicial microscope! Since we don't know the DETAILS surrounding the imprIsonment and nude photo, we invite all of us to STRIVE in seeking the TRUTH!

May Peace and Human Understanding and Compassion abide with all of us on the Path to TRUTH-SEEKING!

T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell/CHAIR

Open eLetter To NDI Liberia

 Open eLetter To Derek Mitchell, President, National Democratic Institution (NDI).

FROM: T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell

Pyongyang, Harper City

Maryland County, Liberia



January 28, 2020 

REPOST: February 5, 2021

Dear Mr. Derek Mitchell: 

Greetings! We are writing you and your institution, (National Democratic Institution's, NDI), this eLetter from deep in the belly and keyhole of the southeastern region of Liberia, where we have no access to good road to travel to and receive goods from Monrovia and are therefore marginalized, Maryland County, to be exact. We are writing in the name of tens and tens of police brutality victims (dead and alive) in Liberia. And that's because we are deeply troubled in heart and very concerned over your Institution's, (NDI) activities in Liberia dictated by your recent condemnation of the Liberian government's handling of protesters and followed by your call for an "independent" investigation for "police brutality" on December 30, 2019!  

This eLetter is bold, Mr. Mitchell! Because, we are deeply troubled with your recent call! As such, it is our strongest desire to earnestly ask you: when did you and NDI discovered police brutality in Liberia? Was it on December 30, 2019? Or when?  

For you see, Derek, in June 2012, the infamous Emergency Response Unit (ERU) of The Liberia National Police (LNP), viciously brutalized Yours Truly, in the city of Pleebo, Maryland County, Republic of Liberia, on an illegal and unlawful Order from the Pleebo Magisterial Court. Notice, only the Minister of Justice and Police Director are clothed with the Power to authorize any action of The Emergency Response Unit (ERU) of the Republic of Liberia. Therefore,  the Order from the Court was not only unlawful, illegal, unethical and morally wrong, but also was a gross violation of the Rule of Law! Worst, it was unleashed upon an innocent, armless, law-abiding, taxpaying, peaceful civilian citizen, who is a whistleblower and social justice advocate. Yours Truly was dehumanized and brutalized for no apparent reason other than  injustice and admitted at The J. J. Dossen Hospital in Harper for several days for medical treatment before being airlifted to J. F. K. Hospital in Monrovia by the UN due to the severity of the medical case. Yours Truly, remained at J. F. K. for several days before being released to go home.

Upon returning into the general population, Yours Truly, embarked upon a quest for justice (seeking the truth). The path to that quest went through the Police Department to the Ethics Commission of The Supreme Court and into your offices in Sinkor, Monrovia. 

Dr. Togba-Nah Tipoteh, one of our teachers, mentors and an incorruptible leader in the struggle for "Rice and Rights," became deeply concerned over the situation. So, he recommended Yours Truly, to your offices to help pursue justice. Unfortunately, your institution miserably failed. NDI dilly-dally and went pussyfooting all long the way! In the end, Dr. Tipoteh was disappointed in your institution. And Yours Truly was also disappointed! That's why when we heard that you "condemned" police brutality on December 30, 2019, and called for an "independent" investigation, we wobbled in the knee from the shock that hit us! We are still wondering and pondering as to why now that you and NDI are condemning police brutality on a massive scale and calling for an "independent" investigation when as a matter of fact and history, you never did so in tens and tens of police brutality cases that you were aware of in Liberia. 

For example, in 2010, in the same city of Pleebo, Maryland County, Gator Doe, an aimless young civilian was shot at point blank range by the infamous ERU. He was left in the street gutters to bleed to death in the City. He and other employees, of the Cavalla Rubber Corporation (CRC), a French multinational corporation, were exercising their labor, human and democratic rights by blowing alarm on the Corporation's bad labor practices.  

Not only that, in the same 2010, in Harper City, the capital of Maryland County, a young lad was bloody up with brute force by the same infamous ERU! While bleeding profusely, the young lad was locked up in The Harper Maximum Prison and left without medical care. He ran out of blood and suddenly died! Yours Truly joined the bereaved family to call for justice. NDI was nowhere to be found! 

Will it not be fair when the ordinary Liberian thinks you are attempting to maximize profit (whatever profit) at the expense of the current Liberian government by condemning its recent approach to crowd control during a mass demonstration on December 30, 2019? Or could it be that you are helping to put the people against their Government? 

Whatever your answers will be to these troubling questions, we are bold to ask, which side are you really on, Derek?

Are you on the side of justice or injustice or you are just racist or leading a discriminatory organization? Because, tens and tens of police brutality victims are still languishing throughout the corridors of this country crying for justice. And NDI remains silent! You and NDI never care to look into any of these cases nor help the victims seek justice. Pitifully, some of these victims are today sitting in wheel chairs. Those who died, families are still weeping and mourning over their untimely deaths and unbefitting burials. Those who were shot at point blank range and the ones who died with shackles at the brutal hands of the police, have their children growing up without  fatherly love. Have you ever enquired or call for an "independent" investigation in these cases? The answer is a resounding "no!" Because, if you did, the victims would have known! Why are you doing so now, we ask?!

To date, as we opine, some of the courts in Maryland County are threatening, intimidating, insulting,  humiliating and grossly imposing unlawful fines on innocent poor and harmless citizens and residents for no apparent reason other than being poor! Some of these courts deny people of Due Process! And because of the lack of lawyers in the County, some magistrates imprison the accused for far too long without having the right to legal Defense. We are talking about pretrial detainees, as well! They're locked up almost forever without a trial! Some go free when their families and friends bribe. Those who have no friends and family available or with no availability of money, rot in prison!  More injustice is done to Marylanders with complaints! Offices in Monrovia demand the poor and penniless complainants to traveled to Monrovia in order to file their complaints. And these offices know fully well that the road from Maryland to Monrovia is not accessible to. As such, cases in Maryland remain untouched and injustice double. Worst of all, it costs the poor people an arm, leg and kidney to pay transportation fare to Monrovia. With all these things happening right before your nose, you pretend not to see nor hear the crying of the poor! So it seems like, it  is absolutely true that, there's no justice for the poor! Your attitude in Liberia affirms that!

Mr. Derek, did you not say in your philosophy that you are, "nonpartisan, nonprofit" and that you "work with increase effectiveness of Democratic institutions"? That philosophy is sitting on your website! Then why do you contradict yourself in practice? Or is it because you are dealing with Blacks in Africa? 

Mr. Mitchell, how many times have you and NDI ever traveled to Maryland to do your work? Because, you see, if you had done so, you would have known and seen all of these travesties of justice we are writing about. Some Magistrates are running around here intimidating and locking whistleblowers and other people up as if Maryland were "Wild, Wild West"! Remember Derek, Monrovia is not Liberia! We all live in Liberia! And Monrovia is just the capital. Please move around the country! We suggest, in so doing, open your eyes and mind! And free yourself from prejudice and discrmination! 

Currently, we have cases for the attention of The Supreme Court in Maryland. But it is like going to Heaven in the eye of a needle. Transportation to Monrovia is difficult if not impossible due to critically bad road condition! Can you then help our poor people take their cases further for justice or you prefer for them to engage the streets before you think it is a serious matter?  

Please wake up, Sir,  and do the job you assigned yourself! If you can't do the job without discrimination and prejudice, then shut up! Otherwise, get up now and call for investigation in some of these judicial malpractices, misconducts and police brutality!   

Mr.  Mitchell, reply to us or don't reply, entirely rests on you! You will only be demonstrating your defense and/or defects of your institution's Mission & Vision Statements in practice! 

Thanks for granting us a hearing! Be well, Derek and Peace! Look forward to hearing from you very soon! I am, 

Yours Kindly, 

T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell

Social Justice Advocate working pro bono, victim of police brutality and political persecution...

Maryland County Without A Senator In Three Years

 Shad Tubman was Elected as Senator of Maryland County in 1923 as the youngest in Liberia's history. But the Monrovia Sociocultural Clique attempted to block him from taking his Senate seat out of jealousy for his extreme popularity. But when the people of Maryland alarmed: "NO SHAD, NO SENATOR" In 3 years, the clique conformed to the demands of Maryland! And Tubman took his seat!