Thursday, 16 August 2018

"War Crimes Court" In Liberia?

August 15, 2018

Let me reassure some family members married to Caucasians and others who intend to do so in the future that I am not against White people as a race. I love all of God's children whether they are Black, White, Yellow, Brown &c. But I keep my Principles strict! The truth is, there are some good White people and some Good Black people. There are also some stupid White people as well as some stupid Black people. As such, I am hereby restricting myself, in this particular post, to the stupid White people, not the good ones! If you disagree with me, then it is because we see the world differently.

So no one should worry. For on my Honor, I promise to minimize my prejudices and manage my biases in this post.

In Liberia, people keep talking about "World Crime Court." Whatever that means. They claim to want justice thru this court by prosecuting those who murdered our children, fathers, mothers and love ones during the Liberian war. They want them appear before this court.

But since I don't understand why these Liberians prefer and are insisting on the "world crime court," I am forced to ask: where, as a matter fact and reality, is that particular kind of court located and who sits at the helm of that court to adjudicate our cases with dispatch? Will it be Liberians or White people?

It won't be Liberians. I know that for sure! Because, I know the chances of Liberians sitting on the Bench of such a court is as narrow and rocky as the path leading to Ben Ladin's cave in Afghanistan. Liberian lawyers will never be allowed by the White man to run nor partake in such a court. Why? Because that's the nature of the beast.

This leaves us with one fundamental question: do we then expect to get the justice that we desperately seek from this kind of court? The answer is a resounding "no!"

So then, what's the essence or use of such a court when it will not give us the desired results, I sincerely ask?

Let's put it bluntly: in such a court, the White man will be the judge and jury. Under civil pressure he might want to dilute the components of the "court" by adding some stupid Blacks on the Bench to make us feel it is "balanced." But even if he did so, his objective will still remain the same: to control the minds and environment of our people by keeping them at each other's necks while he robs us of our God-given and natural endowments.

Ourstory, not his-story, must be a guidepost to answering the below questions of troubling magnitude before we can talk about getting White people involved in our domestic quarrel!

Question number One: who assassinated President William R. Tolbert?

Number Two: who set up the bludgeoning of President Samuel K. Doe?

Number Three: who set Taylor free from the Maximum Prison in Boston Massachusetts, USA and provided him a topnotch legal defense when Liberia tried to extradite him?

Number Four: who arrested Taylor and who "investigated" him and in whose prison is he now locked up and why?

Number Five: in fact, who provided the guns that were used to kill our people in the war? We all know that AK47s are not manufactured in Liberia!

Evidently, all of the facts point to the White man's evil scheme to always keep Black man at each other's throats as he robs the Black man of his God-given and natural endowments epitomizing slavery, colonialism and neocolonialism.

How long then, before we get this naked truth wrapped around our brains in Liberia?

We know that the White man has a mission against the Black man. Therefore, to ask for his "war crime court" to judge our people is rather insane and disingenuous. For it cannot be the solution to our problems.

The so-called "war crime court" is unreliable. Otherwise, the likes of Tony Blair and George Bush would have been incarcerated long ago. Because, Bush and Blair are the worst grade of killers. They have massacred and killed more humans, especially people of the Black race, then Taylor. But who's in prison today?

I am shooting down the idea of a "war crime court" in the Liberian case. Because it is wrong! However, this does not dismiss the fact that our own Liberian brothers and sisters have killed and massacred our own. Truly, they need to face justice. But in whose court? In the court of the White man who used our brethren as vessels against us? Who sponsored these dumb asses that did not have the capacity to do such evil on such a massive scale? To lay waste one's own country and take our people on such a gruesome path? I will not agree!

What I will agree with is to champion the call for justice for the killers of poor innocent Liberian men, women and children through the imposition of reparation on the White man. For it is a great idea whose time has come! But how can we do so by giving the gavel to those who sponsored the crime to adjudicate the case? Is like letting go the driver of the crime (White man) whose track record and modus operandi wets his hands with guilt and the blood of our Fathers, Mothers and Children dripping.

Ourstory tells us that the White man enslaved us. He took us in the slave plantations of Europe and America. Beat us, raped our mothers and dehumanized us! But at one point, we got ourselves together in Hyati, now known as Haiti, and fought for our freedom. But twenty years later, after his defeat, the White man returned. Instead of seeking amends as a "Christian" that he professes to be, for the heinous crimes and genocide committed against us, he turned around and blamed Haiti for destroying his "property." And what was his "property"? He claimed our Foreparents whom he enslaved, tortured, raped, abused and dehumanized were his property. And so, he shamelessly imposed reparation on Haiti in the amount of 27 billion dollars. By then, America, the capital of the White man, had already stolen Haiti's Gold Reserve. So it took Haiti one hundred years to fully pay the "reparation." After painfully paying that amount to the White man, Haiti was permanently plunged into irreparable poverty. Since then, Haiti has never and will never be the same again!

So do we trust such a man to adjudicate our cases in his so-called "World Crime Court"?

We need to rethink our strategy. Reparation is the answer! The White man must pay reparation to Liberia! We cannot ask him to adjudicate our cases when he's an integral part of the matter under review. It was he who led the forward march to our destruction and murder of our men, women and children. To allow him adjudicate our case in his court, will give him an added opportunity to rip us apart more.

Reject the so-called "World crime court"! African problems, African solutions! There's where it's at!

I am T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell, volunteer worker, social justice advocate, victim of police brutality and Liberian government political persecution, speaking and working on the ground in Liberia.

Thursday, 9 August 2018

BISHOP FERGUSON GROUP Saturday, August 4, 2018 Meeting Minutes St. Mark’s Church, Gregory Street, Harper City

On August 4, 2018, The Bishop Ferguson Group comprising of Alumni, Former attendees as well as Friends of Ferguson met in its Second Meeting since formation. The Meeting was held at The St. Mark’s Episcopal Church located on Gregory Street, Harper City, Maryland County, Liberia, from 4pm to 6pm.

The Meeting was attended by all of the Interim officials of BFHS Group including leaders and members of The Cape Palmas Local Convocation (CPLC) of the Southeastern Deaconry of The Episcopal Church. In attendance representing The CPLC were Rev. Fr. Olaf Bonner, newly elected President of The CPLC and Brother Alfred T. Thompson, newly elected secretary of the CPLC. Both of the leaders of the CPLC informed us that the CPLC is the authority responsible for the Church’s assets throughout the Southeastern Archdeaconry stretching from Maryland, Sinoe, Grand Kru to RiverGee. As such, during its 182nd Convocation hosted in Fishtown (Harper), a Resolution was overwhelmingly passed to reopen Bishop Ferguson High School. Having found out that The Bishop Ferguson Group is also interested in reopening the School, the CPLC made a decision to work along with us. So it has formed an integral part of our Group.

The following points summarize the Meeting:

1. Based on a Resolution passed during the 182nd Convention of The Southeastern Deaconry of The Episcopal Church held in Fishtown (Harper) from July 4th to the 8th, The CPLC will this week write an official letter to Bishop Hart submitting recommendations on the reopening of the School.

2. During our next Meeting on Friday, August 10, the secretary of The BFHS Group, Brother Tabie Thompson will submit a letter to The CPLC expressing our intentions regarding the reopening of the School. The Letter will also call for support from The CPLC and the Church. The Letter will be read in Meeting, edited and finalized with signatories attached.

3. Fr. Bonner proposed that we grant the contract to the Ferguson community locals to clear the vegetation. As such, the Meeting asked him to inform the community on Sunday, August 5 during his Church Service in the area.

4. Fr. Bonner will ask the local Community to come to Harper to discuss cost associated with the clearing of vegetation.

5. A meeting is scheduled on Tuesday, August 7 with Hon. James Biney at Mr. Bedell’s residence to discuss possible assistance to our work.

6. Tabie Thompson will contact Hon. Biney on the Tuesday meeting and as well as inform Sen. Morias on the Ferguson venture.

7. Our next Meeting is scheduled for Friday, August 10 at The St. Mark’s Church on Gregory Street.

Submitted: T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell

Thursday, 2 August 2018

Bishop Ferguson Group Post Meeting Updates

August 2, 2018

Our first meeting was on Friday, July 27, 2018 held at The St. Mark’s Episcopal Church situated on Gregory Street, Harper City, Maryland County, Liberia.

Decisions derived at the Meeting were to be implemented by The Organizing Committee.
On Tuesday, July 31 we (organizing committee) traveled to Pleebo to meet with Dr. Bhofal Chambers who is an alumnus of the School to discuss the possibility of reopening the School and his contribution.  Prior to our visit with Dr. Chambers, we discussed with him via cell phone on the reopening possibilities of the School. As such, during one of his working sessions in Harper, he visited the Bishop Ferguson High School Campus near Spring Hill. He took note and did his own assessment.

During our meeting with Dr. Chambers in Pleebo, he emphasized the need to get the Episcopal Church’s approval for the reopening of the School. He further on asked if we had discussed the matter with the Episcopal Church. Mr. Tabie Thompson and I answered in the affirmative. Notwithstanding, we told him that although we have not personally spoken with Bishop Hart directly, but we spoke with his lieutenant, Archdeacon Rev. Fr. Johnson who expresses support for the venture. Evidently, he knows the direction in which the Church and the Bishop are heading by virtue of his expressed support.

Dr. Chambers made a financial contribution for the followings:

1.       Radio announcement for the next meeting publicity,
2.       Fuel purchase to drive up Snow Hill for physical assessment and Campus photos

Later on that same day, we met with former Representative of Harper District, Maryland County, Hon. James P. Biney. Initially, we thought he attended BFHS. But we were wrong. He informed us that he attended Our Lady of Fatima. However, understanding and knowing the vast contributions BFHS made to the county and nation, he committed himself to a financial donation to the clearing of vegetation on the BFHS campus and if needs be and that the Church approves of the reopening of the School, he will financially donate.

Based on the aforementioned, we have considered asking the indigenes in the Ferguson belt to undertake the contract of clearing the vegetation. In our opinion, they need to benefit from activities undertaken during the refurbishing of the Campus. We spoke with Rev. Fr. Johnson, Dr. Chambers and Hon. Biney and they all agree and support the idea of getting the indigenes involved.

The delegation that met with Dr. Chambers and Hon. Biney was comprised of Messrs. Tabie Thompson (Sec/Treasurer), Wreh Pupo (vice chair) Jimmy Togba (friend of BFHS) and T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell (chair).

On Wednesday, August 1, this very Team visited the Campus for the physical assessment. Photos taken during the assessment will be forthcoming. Thanks to Mr. Wellington Dennis for capturing the photo clips.


Bishop Ferguson Group: First Formational Meeting Minutes

July 27, 2018

On July 27, 2018, we (alumni, former students and friends) of The Bishop Ferguson Episcopal High School of Harper City, Maryland, Liberia, met at the St. Mark's Church, Gregory Street, Harper City on Friday, July 27 at 4pm to form an organization geared towards uniting and galvanizing the efforts and resources of Alumni, former students and friends of Bishop Ferguson High School in order to resuscitate the already fallen institution.

The following points summarize the Meeting:

1. The name of the organization SHALL be "Bishop Ferguson High School Group." It will incorporate Alumni, former students and friends of BFHS.

2. The Interim leadership (organizing committee) SHALL comprised of Messrs. Thomas G. Bedell (chair), Wreh Pupo (vice), Tabie Thompson (sec/treasurer)

3. This BFHS Group will strive to Reopen the School in 2019 as a Junior High School. That's the TARGET DATE AND PURPOSE!

4. This Group will expand global Networkings to combine all efforts and resources of BFHS Alumni, former students and friends to reopen the School and sustain it with the help of the Church.

5. Effective the next meeting, Saturday, August 1, each member SHALL pay LD$200 as Meeting Due. This will help to fund the organizing committee's work.

6. Wednesday, August 1, a team will visit the BFHS campus to do assessment and photograph the remnants structures for everyone to see and know the current condition of the Campus so as to figure out the humongous tasks and sacrifices that lie ahead.

7. Appointment will be set to meet with Dr. Chambers and James Biney who are currently visiting Maryland. During the Meeting we will discuss the initial workings of the Interim Body. Dr. Chambers and Biney are both "SnowHillers."

8. Citations will be sent to many who did not hear or received any for the past meeting. Radio announcement will be made at all the few radio stations in Maryland. Funds to subsidize the Announcement, citations and fuel for transportation to and from Snow Hill to do assessment will be solicited. Donations are accepted!

9. Mr. Jimmy Togba, aka Jimmy Rogie, was the only friend of Ferguson in attendance at the Meeting. From all indications, many friends are expected in our next meeting. Because enthusiasm and happiness had reached its peak knowing that efforts are underway to reopen one of Liberia's leading academic institutions to propel Maryland back to its former position as the "Mecca" of academic education in Liberia.

9. Our next meeting is scheduled for August 4, at The St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Gregory Street, at 4pm.

Submitted By: Thomas G. Bedell

We can be reached at, 0880226566 (Bedell), 0886138965 (Tabie), 0886519393 (Pupo)

Monday, 16 July 2018

Tribute To Mackie Nyema (Mackierere) Bedell

July 15, 2018

Job 14 of The Holy Bible reads, “Man that is born of a woman is of few days…As the waters fail from the sea, and the flood decayeth and drieth up, So man lieth down, and riseth not: till the heavens be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep.” The Koran also agrees!

Truly, Mackie Nyema Bedell affectionately referred to as “Mackierere” as a son of a woman, has lived his “few days” and is gone to sleep permanently.

His departure from this earth is an immeasurable loss sustained both by the family and the nation as well as The Alternative National Congress Political Party of the Republic of Liberia, ANC in short. A loss also sustained by Ourstory (not our history) in community development, in the death of this man. The gap that has been left by the departure of Mackierere’s mighty spirit will soon enough make itself felt in ANC and Maryland County, yea the Republic. No man is unimportant irrespective of his economic class on Planet Earth!

Mackie exhibited and demonstrated an immense sense of patriotism when he served his nation, Republic of Liberia, pro bono, at the General Services Agency (GSA) for eleven unbroken months as a volunteer. Even though some people rumored that his patriotic labor to country was a “monkey work, bamboo draw” situation and that some big shots at the GSA took away the monetary earnings that was produced by his hard labor and that it was awarded to the big shots’ families on “cold sweat,” Mackie never wavered in his service to country. He never broke a sweat or query anyone over the possible exploitation of him. He always said, “I did it for my country whether or not I’m appreciated by the Liberian government.” Unquestionably, that’s what we call immense sense of patriotism! All things considered, Mackie and J. F. Kennedy had the same thought for country. Mackie agreed with J. F. K. when he opined, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!”

In ANC, while some were complaining for stipend and compensation, Mackie never mind. He diligently served his party with a strong sense of commitment and dedication in the security coordination sector. He never left the Party executives and others unattended and exposed to security threats. That includes and not limited to Messrs. Alex B. Cummings, Party leader, Horatio Lafayette Gould, National Chair and the vice national chair, Rev. Fr. Kennedy, during all their visits to Maryland County. Mackie was then the County Security Coordinator.

Faced with recurrent economic crises, characteristic of capitalist economy, Mackie struggled with the remnants of his motor bike accident for over one year. At that time, so-called petite bourgeois aspirants in Liberian politics divorced themselves from the relevance of immense sense of patriotism that Mackie preached, practiced and realized. He did so for us to understand why things are the way they are today Liberia. Paradoxically the petite bourgeois aspirants and the reactionary impressionists are more truthful in their practices and determination to hold down progress in the country while so-called good politicians blame others for their own failures in making fundamental national and personal change.

I encourage Liberian politicians and wanna be leaders as well as youths of Liberia to get acquainted with the works of Mackie which will open their eyes about the sharpening contradictions unfolding tragically in Liberia from political party to political party and other social movements. Otherwise, Liberia faces an impending doom!

Aluta continua!

Kwe Fe Kpe!

Barteoo Bartee!

Sunday, 15 July 2018

TRIBUTE TO My Mother Esther Wah-Wede Bedell

Women power did not just begin. Unnoticeably it’s been around for centuries. It isn’t about celebrity or popularity; it’s about influence. My late Mom, Esther Wah-Wede Bedell, affectionately known as “Ma Wede” and “O Lord,” is perhaps the most listened-to woman in Harper City during her lifetime. She reared good number of kids who have become respected individuals in Liberia and the world. Many are successful in their own rights.

In some cases to figure out a woman’s contribution, analysis looked for those who run countries, big companies or influential nonprofits. Their rankings are a combination of two scores: visibility and the size of the organization or country they lead. My late Mom, Ma Wede, did not lead a country. But she groomed young men and women who have joined leadership in very important parts of the world including Liberia.

Ma Wede was born December 20, 1929 to Episcopalian parents. At age 20 she experienced a serious biological problem that affected her womanhood. Consequently, she could no longer bear kids. Intrigued by her surrounding evidential circumstances to her life and Church, she gave her life and heart to Jesus Christ and accepted her condition. In early youth she exhibited traces of exquisite sensibility, soundness of understanding, and decision of character. She received no literary instructions.

Before her nineteenth year she became acquainted with Mr. Ngee (my spelling) Wilson, a mechanical engineer, who would be her husband in later years. Mr. Wilson possessed good taste and good engineering knowledge. He seemed to have given her the first impulse to the formation of her character. At nineteenth, she left her parents and resided with her brother J. Wah-Doe Bedell who had just entered Cape Palmas High School in Harper City. She was there to help her brother with his domestic chores. At graduation, her brother moved to Monrovia to pursue further studies. She took on her own roof and gave attention to her mother who was growing older. Her mother’s health made her presence necessary in her home. On the death of her mother, Ma Wede took on more responsibilities for her young sibling (Julia Wah-Kuno Bedell) and sometimes the older ones.

Ma Wede became a teacher from motives of benevolence, or rather philanthropy, and during the time she continued, she gave proof of superior qualification for the performance of its arduous and important duties. The pecuniary concerns of her father early death made her practiced rigid economy in her expenditures, and with her savings was enabled to procure her sisters and brothers situations, to which without aid, they could not have had access; her mother was sustained at length from her fund. She even found means to take under her protection other people’s children in dire need of academic education and social skills to maximize their full human potential through training and guidance.

Ma Wede was a true philanthropist and humanist.

She invested her time and resources in grooming kids of other parents. Besides those we may not remember, she reared Mrs. Elizabeth Bedell Woart, Messrs. Toh-Himmie (brother of Liberia’s football legend, WanniboToe – the wizard dribbler of the national Lone Star of Liberia), Henry Wah-Toe Bedell (her eldest brother’s son named in the stead of one of her brothers), S. K. Bedell, II (named in the stead of her eldest brother Gen. S. K. Bedell), Sarah Wilson, Mary Dwedeh Bedell, Gbuo, Boryornor and little Kidau who is the youngest of them all. Among all of those she reared, Mr. Thomas G. Bedell is her only adopted son. At age 5, she adopted him from her late brother Gen. S. K. Bedell, Snr.
Ma Wede had not wanted confidence in her own powers of persuasion before. But the reception this work met from the public, gave her an opportunity of judging what those powers were, in the estimation of others. It was shortly after this, that she commenced the work to which these remarks are prefixed. What are its merits will be decided in the judgment of each person and/or reader of this document. Suffice it to say, she appeared to have stepped forth boldly, and singly, in defense of humanity, which by usages of all society, whether savage or civilized, have been kept from attaining their dignity.

She was blessed with six siblings. Besides J. Wah-Doe Bedell, all other siblings predeceased her including, Gen. S. Wah-Kwee Bedell, Snr., H. Wah-Toe Bedell, Snr., Helena Wahde Bedell Neufville, H. Wah-Gleh Bedell, and Julia Wah-Kuno Bedell.

1958 she was founder of the Harper Women Recreation Organization. She almost became involved directly into politics as she was being encouraged by her colleagues to seek political office. 1960 Cofounder, Kudemoweh Women Association in Harper. She chaired it up to 1963.

Honors: she was honored by the late Superintendent of Maryland County, Hon. James Daniel Anderson as the Most Outstanding woman of the Year.

Ma Wede departed this world on November 1, 2009. She was born on December 20, 1928 in Harper, Maryland County, Republic of Liberia

BY: T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell

Monday, 25 June 2018


June 19, 2018

It is with the saddest regret that we announce the death of Mackie Nyema Bedell affectionately known as “Mackierere” on June 10, 2018 at the J. J. Dossen Memorial Hospital, Harper City.

The Family will receive your condolences at the home of T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell, at the intersection of Reevy and McGill Streets, Harper City, Telephone number, 0880.226.566 or 0886.920.151 or 0777.088.427.

Wake-Keeping will be held on Thursday, July 5 in Rocktown from 10pm to 12am.

Funeral Services will be held on Friday, July 6 at 10am at the St. Paul Episcopal Church in Rocktown.

Interment immediately following the Service at The Tardebo Cemetery within the Bigtown section of Rocktown.

On Saturday, July 7, a traditional performance of men and women dance will take place.

On Sunday, July 8 a Traditional Haircut and Church Service will conclude the activities centered on Mackierere burial ceremony.

On Monday, July 9, the family and everyone depart Rocktown.

SIGNED:        T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell/For The Family

Wednesday, 30 May 2018


T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell
Pyongyang, Reevy Street, Harper, Maryland
Cell: +231.886.920.151/777.088.427

May 26, 2018

Hon. J. Gble-Bo Brown
Maryland County Congressional Caucus
Republic of Liberia

Dear Senator Brown:

I trust you are enjoying God’s grace and doing well with your varied responsibilities!

This eLetter occasions a formalization of our cell phone discussion with you on vexing issues facing The William V. S. Tubman University in Harper City, Maryland County and it is also a follow-up to our previous letter to you. We in civil society are deeply concerned and nervous over unfolding events resulting from the appointment of Dr. Elliott Wreh Wilson as president of TU. Indeed, in our opinion and looking at unfolding events, the appointment is a damaging mistake. It signals a sign of impending doom!

In our first letter to you, we declared our distaste of the appointment of Dr. Wilson because he lacks the moral authority to head the University. First, he is extremely temperamental and secondly violent. Prior to his appointment as President, he physically attacked another professor, Dr. Gardiner. While we were addressing the matter with your good offices, he threatened and physically attempted to attack another student who was a candidate in the previously alleged rigged election. Along with one of Dr. Wilson’s cronies, this student was driven to Dr. Wilson’s residence on TU campus under the cover of darkness. When they arrived at Dr. Wilson’s residence, the student was threatened by Dr. Wilson and his crony that he (the student) will never graduate from Tubman University if he (the student) did not withdraw from the election. The student refused. And on the following day, because of the student’s refusal to withdraw, Dr. Wilson attempted to flog the student on the football pitch. Luckily for the student, other students and bystanders that were present at the time prevented Dr. Wilson from doing so.

Mr. Chairman, there are other recent alarming incidents. We’ve been told by apparent victims that Dr. Wilson is now in the habit of threatening to dismiss all of those who were members of the committee that investigated and convicted him for physically attacking Dr. Gardiner.

Sir, we cannot pretend that there’s no elephant in the Living Room when as a matter of fact it is! Thus, we hereby openly declare our care, love and believe in the University. Evidently, we will not sit aside and allow it to fail. Because, if it fails, while we are not yet helpless, our hands will drip with guilt. That being the case, we are still appealing to your good offices to prevail on the Caucus to advice President Weah to withdraw Dr. Wilson’s appointment.  He is a violent man who must undergo Anger Management and Sensitivity training.  

Currently, the entire University campus is gripped by fear and terror as Dr. Wilson threatens to unlawfully dismiss and demote his perceived enemies.

Finally, Mr. Chairman, this case has reached its crescendo! If we (citizens of Maryland and people of goodwill) do not act to arrest this violent tendency now, the results will be an unadulterated and unmitigated disaster to the University and our country. Theretofore, our academic interests as Marylanders, Southeasterners and Liberians, will ride on a slippery ground as the University slides into sudden degeneration and irreparable damage.

On June 1, 2018, please be advised, based on reliable information received by us, unlawful termination of Dr. Wilson’s perceived enemies will begin! So the future of those working to feed their families and that of the University rests entirely in the hands of you and the Caucus!

Please ACT NOW!

We look forward to hearing from you very soon as time is not on our side! Be well and Peace! I am,

Yours Truly,

T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell

Monday, 21 May 2018

We Came, We Saw It, We Declared It And We Were Detained!

April 24, 2018

We were 6 young, smart and astute students graduating high school between 1978 and 79. Two of us were juniors and the other four were seniors. We attended The Bishop Ferguson Episcopal High School in the outskirt of Harper City, Maryland County, Republic of Liberia. Maryland, sits deep in the belly and keyhole of the southeastern region of the country. So, it's a faroff land in Liberia. And that speaks volumes!

Ourstory (not history) that I'm about to bring into your presence is of epic proportion. It took place in 1979. It is very long. But I will give you a short version. Because FB has limited space.
Besides myself, the other five includes, Bhofal Chambers (Now Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Liberia), Czaar Freeman, Jerry Nyepon, Burgess Tubman and Stanley Bedell (deceased) may his gallant and militant soul rest in peace as he joined our martyrs. Six of us were detained briefly by the late President William R. Tolbert government.
Here how it started:

We were in class that morning when a Military truck arrived on Campus. Our classrooms had glass windows. And they were always kept very cleaned everyday by the sanitation engineer. So our outside view from our classrooms was always unhindered. Everyone could clearly see the Military truck that arrived on Campus that morning. It came with well-armed military men. Even though at that time, the entire nation was tensed and gripped with fear, as progressives criticized the OAU summit, which made the Government nervous, students naturally have had certain vibes that are always correct in these sort of situations. That day, the students proved it. Every student in the junior class with Jerry and I, began to point to us (Jerry and I). Because they had the feeling that we were the ones the Government was after due to involvement in politics.

The arrest started from the Senior class. They picked up Czaar Freeman, Burgess Tubman, Bhofal Chambers and Stanley Bedell. Then to the Junior class. They picked up Jerry Nyepon and I. After the pickups were done, the entire school turned upside down. It was disrupted for more than a week. Because students painfully witnessed their classmates, comrades and friends being taken away by the power-that-be. And that wasn't a good feeling!

When we arrived at the Administration Building, (a two-minute driving time from our Campus) offices of the Superintendent and Local government, where a council of men were well seated and well-dressed, noticeably the yard was packed to overflow. The news had already spread all over the City. Market women, students and parents, gathered in the yard. Some were already in tears and others beginning to mourn. Because, these were dangerous times in the country. And thinking of what the Government was saying and could do to us, scared every parent.

Why did the Government arrest and detained us, you may ask?
Simple! We authored a weekly magazine called, "The Voice of The People" in which we openly condemned the hosting and the unnecessary expenses of the OAU summit. Looking at how the Government was reacting to these criticisms around the country, we also openly declared an impending declaration of a generalized anarchy of violence in the not-too-distant future, if the Government failed to exercise restraint in those troubling times.

Our Declaration and Forecast provoked the Government into reactionary measures. And so it detained us! It brought us before a council of great men (I don't remember seeing a woman on that Council) to quiz and interrogate us. The exercise was excruciating. But we protruded. The experience was priceless. But we admired our courage. The test to our young souls and hearts were tantamount to a "Wilderness Experience." And we embraced it with fearlessness!

We build an unshakable and incomparable internal resolve in maintaining our Declaration and Forecast. Even how fruitlessly hard the Government tried to psychologically torture us, we were resolute!

Few months later, the April 14, 1979 Rice Riot took place. One year later, the Military ousted the Civilian government and instituted a military regime. Consequently, tens and tens of innocent men and women lost their lives as many others gnashed their teeth. Time and conditions proved us right. For our Forecast and Declaration had come to past. Liberia, a one-time peaceful nation, will never be the same ever again!

There's more to come. Go to the
I am T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell, a volunteer worker, social justice advocate, victim of police brutality and political persecution, speaking and working on the ground pro bono in Liberia.

TRC: My Testimony and Recommendation

May 1,2018

When all the hallubaloo was going on in Liberia reference the generalized anarchy of violence that paralyzed all socioeconomic and political institutions in Liberia, I was in the United States of America writing and criticizing the situation in the country. I was so audible, people began to challenge me to come on the ground in Liberia, if I meant what I was saying.

I took the challenge and returned to Liberia. In 2008, I appeared on the stand at the TRC to offer issues and reconciliation.

So far, as far as I know, my Presentation is only one that was posted and then deleted on the TRC website.

Why? Just follow me and you'll find out.

After presenting what I still believe was and is the problem in Liberia provoking generalized anarchy of violence, I made the following recommendations:

1. The USA must pay reparation in the tone of US$21.7 billion dollars to Liberia for her role in provoking war in Liberia. For example, the US released Charles Taylor from her maximum prison in Boston, Massachusetts into Liberia to launch a military offensive. Also, US helped to split Taylor and Prince Johnson. And this prolonged the war and caused tens and tens of hundreds of innocent Liberian men, women and children to lose their lives while others fled to camp of refuge around the world to find food in desolate places. Not only that, the US sponsored the castration, bludgeoning and subsequent murder of Samuel Kanyon Doe, a sitting president of this great Republic. There's more!
2. Sierra Leone must pay US$30 million dollars for opening a corridor for rebels to illegally and unlawfully enter Liberia thereby provoking war and terror responsible for the deaths of over ten thousand innocent Liberian men, women and children and the subsequent overthrow of a democratically and constitutionally elected government.

3. Libya must pay US$10 billion dollars in reparation for training and supporting rebels and insurgency in Liberia responsible for the deaths of tens and tens of thousands of innocent Liberian men, women and children.

4. England must pay US$27.5 billion dollars in reparation for supporting war and terror in Liberia through rhetoric and personal support for insurgency in Liberia because they thought President Taylor interfered with their Diamond deal from the Congo thru Sierra Leone.

5. Burkina Faso must pay reparation to Liberia in the tone of US$10 million for harboring rebels to enter Liberia to remove legitimate government causing the deaths of thousands and thousands of innocent Liberian men, women and children

6. Ivory Coast must pay reparation to Liberia in the tone of US$17 million dollars for opening a corridor thru which insurgents entered Liberia unhindered causing the deaths of thousands of poor and innocent Liberian people.

As for Liberians who were used as vehicles by America, England and other European countries to sustain and execute the war, terror and generalized anarchy of violence, for example, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Prince Johnson et al, must be compelled to construct vocational schools, 21st Century state-of-the-art recreational centers and ball parks for young people in the 15 counties each. Secondly, they must be barred from participation in politics and governance in the country for ten unbroken years each.

When I submitted this Recommendation, suddenly, fear gripped most Liberians in the US who felt at first, I was afraid to come to Liberia and criticize on the ground. Some began to ask me to be nice on the US. Because the US could go after my life. Interestingly, my Presentation was never seen again. Up to the moment we speak and opine, my Presentation at TRC is only in my possession and nowhere else.

In conclusion, it has been my sole belief that the TRC recommendation and Report will only remain a memory! It is dead! Unless...

I am T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell, volunteer worker, victim of police brutality and Liberian government political persecution, speaking and working on the ground pro bono in Liberia.

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Dedication: Mother's Day - Liberia 2018

May 13, 2018

From the beginning, our Ancestors acknowledged the primacy of the Female as the source of creation. True to this tradition and belief, I wish to dedicate this Mother's Day to the creative Forces of Humanity and mine,

My own two deceased Mothers, Eliza N. Bedell (biological) Esther W. Bedell (adopted). May their souls rest in perfect peace as their labor and sacrifices to Liberia and mankind are being realized and practiced!

My Eldest sisters, Gertrude Bedell Merriam and Cecelia Bedell Howe including Elder sister, Esther Bedell Conteh, who's now being honored today at The Effort Baptist Church, Monrovia, Liberia, as Mother of the Year 2018,

My revolutionary friend and comrade, Mother and General, Lydia Jones,

And to my Revolutionary Mother of Afrocentric, who was, without her knowledge, destined by the God of our people to become an embodiment of those revolutionary ideas and values that transcend politics in the creation of humanistic revolution, Her Excellency, Madam Mother Alicia Quire-Yancy,
I am not leaving out the last, but not the least, the two outstanding Mothers of our Liberian state today, Their Excellencies Mothers Clar Weah and Jewel Howard Taylor. In their hands, rest the future of the State!

And to my lovely and most beautiful daughter in Liberia, the Nurse and humble servant of the Poor, Odell Bedell Kooker,

Happy, Happy Mother's Day, 2018 to all women everywhere on Mother earth! Continue to be SOURCE OF CREATION!

Yours Very Kindly,

T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell, a volunteer worker, social justice advocate, victim of police brutality and Liberian government political persecution, speaking and working on the ground in Liberia

Monday, 9 April 2018

I Am Not Alone; God Is With Me: A Response To My Friends On The Other Side The Roosevelt Henderson Concerns and Questions On The Appointment of Dr. Elliott Wreh Wilson President of Tubman University

April 9, 2018

Our objection to the appointment of Dr. Elliott Wreh Wilson as President of The William V. S. Tubman University in Harper City, Maryland County, by President George Weah, is simple and clear. The man has the academic credentials. But his morals let him down.

In mid-2017, he physically attacked another professor who works at the same university. Both men are Marylanders. This incident occurred in the open on the same University campus. It was violent and provocative. It attracted the attention of tens and tens of students who assembled and watched him try to humiliate Dr. Gardiner. Essentially, physical violence replaced academic application!

We hail Science and technology today. It is a giant medium of communication. It makes the process 10 times easier in academia. By so doing, it consolidates the foundation for the growth and development of any civilized society. So when violence occurs on a university campus between learned men, academic priests become hooligans of the worse grade. That being the case, in academia, violence is a “no, no!”

What happened on the University Campus was morally wrong! Dr. Wilson’s physical attack was unwarranted, unacceptable and uncivilized! Besides being a professor at the University, Dr. Gardiner is a husband, father, uncle, nephew and cousin.  

From this ridiculous situation, several questions abound: Could Dr. Wilson not resolve a misunderstanding between him and Dr. Gardiner through intellectual exercise via scholarship? What would have happened if at all there was bloodletting or a family person of Dr. Gardiner taking Dr. Wilson up to task? Would this not be a proliferation of violence? Certainly, it would be!

To comprehend this, one has to revisit history.

Samuel Kanyon Doe was President of Liberia when Dr. E. Segbe Boley complained to him. Dr. Boley informed him that Dr. H. Boima Fahnbulleh was in the “habit” of “undermining” him (Boley) through his authorship. President Doe understandably was shocked. And so he asked Boley if he and Fahnbulleh had the same level of academic degree. Boley answered in the affirmative. President Doe then advised Boley to take on Fahnbulleh through the same academic fashion: write and defend himself. For this is what scholarship and academic inquiries is made of; not physical violence.

All things considered, Dr. Wilson has no excuse to physically attack Dr. Gardiner or any student or faculty member of the University.

The story is clear: Dr. Wilson is as wrong as he can be to physically attack another professor! So my friends on the other side need to understand that the suspension of Dr. Wilson was by his peers at the University. And unless in a military coup d’état where decrees are issued, Dr. Wilson cannot return to the same university while suspension still hangs over him to become its President. It beats every ounce of the University Policy Procedures.

To say a victim of Dr. Wilson’s violence is not your friend or relative and so you care less, is a sham! That could be Mr. Roosevelt Anderson’s attitude. I guess that’s why he asked if the victim cannot speak for himself and why others, besides me, are not saying much. Maybe Mr. Henderson has forgotten or maybe he doesn’t know, we are social justice advocates. And many and oft a time we are “watch dogs” and “whistleblowers.” And so, when we act, we do so purely on seeking justice. Without a doubt, if this were the other way around and Dr. Wilson was violently attacked by Dr. Gardiner, we would be defending Dr. Wilson as we do now for Dr. Gardiner. So there’s no prejudice here! Both men are Marylanders, humans, professors and an integral part of our society. So social justice advocates have the right to come in.

Social justice advocacy is the best thing that has ever happened to democracy. Its purpose is to influence public policy outcome with and/on behalf of a vulnerable group or community or indeed the wider public good.

Therefore, our appeal to our Legislature is resolute! The appointment must be rescinded. Sen. J. Gble-Bo Brown who now heads the Caucus has his first greatest task. He must take us seriously our lose our support!

We seek nothing personal. We have a record of advocacy that is unflinching and unbeatable: we were not wrong when we sought justice for Sen. Morais et al when the Liberian government imprisoned them on charges of ritualistic killings. We took the Liberian government up to task to produce evidence or set the prisoners free. When the Government could not provide any shred of evidence, it set them free. In 2009 we were not wrong when we filed a case of Reparation for shipwreck victims. Some men, women and children died in three shipwrecks. They were not our relatives. But were humans!

Our advocacy was robust and undiminished. In 2011, for the first time in the history of Liberia, the Government paid Reparation to poor women and men some of whom lives and revenue sank in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. We felt justice was partially served. The same applies to 2010 when Dr. Elizabeth Davies Russell’s administration paid Honorarium to former William V. S. Tubman College of Technology workers who escaped and returned after the war. We also felt justice was served! When the Ivorian Refugees damaged 16 sugar cane farms belonging to the poor people of New Half Graway and we took The United Nations Commissioners for Refugees (UNHCR) to task including the Liberian government, reparation was paid. Justice was also served! When in 2010, we help resolve troubling issues between the Kudemoweh and Numoweh chiefdoms that had been in conflict for decades and reunited them, our advocacy had reached the greatest height of God’s work.

Our friends on the left, including Mr. Henderson, should not ask victims to speak when they don’t have to. The trauma is enough for them to deal with as a consequent of the result of violence against them! So Henderson et al must know we are not alone; God is with us! For all those on whose behalf we stand are not related to us as family or friend. They are God’s children like all of us! And we represent them pro bono! We will not relent until justice flows like a mighty stream throughout this country, even with guns at our breasts.

Dr. Wilson must resign or we appeal to our pro poor President, H. E. George Weah, to withdraw the appointment!

But if Dr. Wilson must lead the University that he claims is named after a Congau man that he dislikes, and that some of his victims at the University are Congau people who he claims were hired by their Congau relative, Dr. Elizabeth Davies Russell, then he must first come to grip with his violent and discriminatory behavior by attending and graduating Anger Management classes and Sensitivity training.

There’s where we stand!

We hope we don’t have to address Mr. Henderson and our friends on the left again!

T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell