August 15, 2018
Let me reassure some family members married to Caucasians and others who intend to do so in the future that I am not against White people as a race. I love all of God's children whether they are Black, White, Yellow, Brown &c. But I keep my Principles strict! The truth is, there are some good White people and some Good Black people. There are also some stupid White people as well as some stupid Black people. As such, I am hereby restricting myself, in this particular post, to the stupid White people, not the good ones! If you disagree with me, then it is because we see the world differently.
So no one should worry. For on my Honor, I promise to minimize my prejudices and manage my biases in this post.
In Liberia, people keep talking about "World Crime Court." Whatever that means. They claim to want justice thru this court by prosecuting those who murdered our children, fathers, mothers and love ones during the Liberian war. They want them appear before this court.
But since I don't understand why these Liberians prefer and are insisting on the "world crime court," I am forced to ask: where, as a matter fact and reality, is that particular kind of court located and who sits at the helm of that court to adjudicate our cases with dispatch? Will it be Liberians or White people?
It won't be Liberians. I know that for sure! Because, I know the chances of Liberians sitting on the Bench of such a court is as narrow and rocky as the path leading to Ben Ladin's cave in Afghanistan. Liberian lawyers will never be allowed by the White man to run nor partake in such a court. Why? Because that's the nature of the beast.
This leaves us with one fundamental question: do we then expect to get the justice that we desperately seek from this kind of court? The answer is a resounding "no!"
So then, what's the essence or use of such a court when it will not give us the desired results, I sincerely ask?
Let's put it bluntly: in such a court, the White man will be the judge and jury. Under civil pressure he might want to dilute the components of the "court" by adding some stupid Blacks on the Bench to make us feel it is "balanced." But even if he did so, his objective will still remain the same: to control the minds and environment of our people by keeping them at each other's necks while he robs us of our God-given and natural endowments.
Ourstory, not his-story, must be a guidepost to answering the below questions of troubling magnitude before we can talk about getting White people involved in our domestic quarrel!
Question number One: who assassinated President William R. Tolbert?
Number Two: who set up the bludgeoning of President Samuel K. Doe?
Number Three: who set Taylor free from the Maximum Prison in Boston Massachusetts, USA and provided him a topnotch legal defense when Liberia tried to extradite him?
Number Four: who arrested Taylor and who "investigated" him and in whose prison is he now locked up and why?
Number Five: in fact, who provided the guns that were used to kill our people in the war? We all know that AK47s are not manufactured in Liberia!
Evidently, all of the facts point to the White man's evil scheme to always keep Black man at each other's throats as he robs the Black man of his God-given and natural endowments epitomizing slavery, colonialism and neocolonialism.
How long then, before we get this naked truth wrapped around our brains in Liberia?
We know that the White man has a mission against the Black man. Therefore, to ask for his "war crime court" to judge our people is rather insane and disingenuous. For it cannot be the solution to our problems.
The so-called "war crime court" is unreliable. Otherwise, the likes of Tony Blair and George Bush would have been incarcerated long ago. Because, Bush and Blair are the worst grade of killers. They have massacred and killed more humans, especially people of the Black race, then Taylor. But who's in prison today?
I am shooting down the idea of a "war crime court" in the Liberian case. Because it is wrong! However, this does not dismiss the fact that our own Liberian brothers and sisters have killed and massacred our own. Truly, they need to face justice. But in whose court? In the court of the White man who used our brethren as vessels against us? Who sponsored these dumb asses that did not have the capacity to do such evil on such a massive scale? To lay waste one's own country and take our people on such a gruesome path? I will not agree!
What I will agree with is to champion the call for justice for the killers of poor innocent Liberian men, women and children through the imposition of reparation on the White man. For it is a great idea whose time has come! But how can we do so by giving the gavel to those who sponsored the crime to adjudicate the case? Is like letting go the driver of the crime (White man) whose track record and modus operandi wets his hands with guilt and the blood of our Fathers, Mothers and Children dripping.
Ourstory tells us that the White man enslaved us. He took us in the slave plantations of Europe and America. Beat us, raped our mothers and dehumanized us! But at one point, we got ourselves together in Hyati, now known as Haiti, and fought for our freedom. But twenty years later, after his defeat, the White man returned. Instead of seeking amends as a "Christian" that he professes to be, for the heinous crimes and genocide committed against us, he turned around and blamed Haiti for destroying his "property." And what was his "property"? He claimed our Foreparents whom he enslaved, tortured, raped, abused and dehumanized were his property. And so, he shamelessly imposed reparation on Haiti in the amount of 27 billion dollars. By then, America, the capital of the White man, had already stolen Haiti's Gold Reserve. So it took Haiti one hundred years to fully pay the "reparation." After painfully paying that amount to the White man, Haiti was permanently plunged into irreparable poverty. Since then, Haiti has never and will never be the same again!
So do we trust such a man to adjudicate our cases in his so-called "World Crime Court"?
We need to rethink our strategy. Reparation is the answer! The White man must pay reparation to Liberia! We cannot ask him to adjudicate our cases when he's an integral part of the matter under review. It was he who led the forward march to our destruction and murder of our men, women and children. To allow him adjudicate our case in his court, will give him an added opportunity to rip us apart more.
Reject the so-called "World crime court"! African problems, African solutions! There's where it's at!
I am T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell, volunteer worker, social justice advocate, victim of police brutality and Liberian government political persecution, speaking and working on the ground in Liberia.