Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Letter to Ambassador Morias

November 19, 2013


T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell
Reevy Street, Harper City, Maryland County, R. L.
Cell: +231.886.920.151


Amb. H. Dan Morias
Maryland Congressional Caucus
Capitol Building, Republic of Liberia  

Dear Chairman Morias: 

I trust you are enjoying God’s grace and doing well with your varied responsibilities. 

On November 7, 2013, I submitted heartfelt congratulations to you via SMS on your ascendancy to the chairmanship of our Congressional Caucus. The greetings came from the depth of my heart and abyss of my soul on behalf of my revolutionary comrades at home and abroad! It is our ardent hope and wish you will wield the mantle of leadership properly! If you followed, the SMS was sent to hundreds of Marylanders in Liberia and in the Diaspora. By so doing, most Marylanders far and near are aware of your chairmanship. Thus, we can all now agree that we have passed the threshold of bickering and divisiveness and that now we are heading in the direction of county development and progress.

The occasion of this letter is three-fold: 1st to duly inform you that the people of Maryland including youth, elders, traditional leaders and other pressure groupings that are several thousand men-strong, have petitioned me to seek the office of Senator of Maryland County come 2014 Midterm election.  

2nd, After sober reflections, balancing all things against the past and present with respect to quarrel in the Maryland leadership which wrought untold sufferings on our people and county, I have no other choice but to wholeheartedly humble myself and with great enthusiasm accept the Petition as a new assignment to serve my people and county at a different level. I am confident I can make a significant difference and contribute to my people and county in this strict sense. Therefore, on my honor, I promise to do my best in justifying the confidence they have reposed in me. 

Sir, the people of Maryland have spoken and consolidated the Petition. Being the voice of the people it is also the voice of God! For whatever God has put together, no one can put asunder and what He has blessed, no man can curse. Therefore, please join The Bedell for Senate Exploratory Committee to extend sincere gratitude and warm sentiments to all Marylanders and friends alike, far and near, for joining this social mass movement that is now taking place throughout Maryland.  

Please be advised, The Glebos of the Western belt of the Glebo Peninsula known as the Kudemoweh Chiefdom, met in Rocktown on Saturday, October 26, 2013. Equally so, the Glebos of the Eastern belt of the Glebo Peninsula known as the Kudemoweh also converged in Wortekeh on Saturday, November 8 to reinforce, enhance and consolidate the Petition. All things considered, such convergence of our people with one solid goal of this nature will go into history as the first of its kind in most recent time. Indeed, it exemplifies the reunification of our people in concrete terms that our nongovernmental organization, KudeNumo Peace Initiative Foundation, Inc. (KNPIF) has been pursuing recently.  

Hon. Senator, we are honestly thankful to the two Paramount chiefs of both Chiefdoms: Hon. Dweh Sunday Prowd of the Numoweh Chiefdom and Hon. Nathaniel N. Huskin of the Kudemoweh Chiefdom including all clan, town chiefs, youths, women, elders and people of both Chiefdoms. Thus, we tip our hats to their farsightedness and vision in- choosing me as their candidate. 

Special thanks to the Clan Chief, Hon. Mle Wah Prowd, General Town Chief, Hon. Dweh Hodge, the Speaker, youth, women leaders and elders of Bigtown Clan. Thanks to Hon. Clan Chief Hon. Budu Clarke, General Town Chief, Hon. Alphonso Hne Wallace and a four-man delegation comprising leaders of youth, women, and elders of The Whole Graway Clan. The same goes to Clan Chief, Hon. Wade Harris and his four-man delegation comprising of youth, women leaders and elders of The Half Graway Clan. Our heartfelt thanks to the leaders, youth, women, elders and people of SpringHill. Kablakeh was well represented by its Honorable Commissioner and Town Chief as well as the youth, women and elders delegation. We are grateful to the leaders, youth, women, elders and people of Wortekeh who hosted the Confab. Without them, this Confab would not have been as successful as it was. Thanks to our donors. We couldn’t have made it without them!  

We cannot but thank Hon. Meshach Mle Bryant, chair of The Bedell for Senator Exploratory Committee, the Cochair, Daniel “The Educator” Appleton, Secretary Henry Kimba, Domestic & External Relations Chief, Phillip Mle Moore, Logistics, Robert H. Moore and Kuno Bedell, treasurer. 

The 2nd purpose of this letter is to seek your indulgence in submitting my call for peace, full human understanding and compassion with love for our Parents’ land to the Honorable Caucus. You will agree, I’m sure, gone are the days when our leaders bickered and go into catfights.  

Please relay this call of ours to the Caucus. Having worked on the ground free-of-charge for our county and country, we have to emphatically state here for the record that politics is not is not a war. So we must be our guns into ploughshare and learn war no more. 

Our past has been a Kaleidoscope of hopes, failures and rebuffs.

In 1979, a group of our leaders were placed on the gallows and executed by the Liberian government on charges of ritualistic killing. Whether or not those charges are true, becomes another question. And we will never know the truth. Following that sad incident, Prof. Joseph Bush, John Williams et al met their untimely fate. The sole of the Prof’s feet were slashed with razor blade. Whether or not the charges against those citizens are true becomes another question. Evidently, we will never know the truth.  

Then it was another sad incident of Hon. David Clarke and Dr. Joshua N. Bedell. All of them are dead now. They died of broken heartedness. They are gone forever. Their children, relatives and friends will never see them again. Whether or not the charges against them are true, becomes another question and we will never know that truth. In any case, they all are in their graves turning over for want of justice. 

The last case was that of yours. I was present. I saw the humiliation and the injustice. Thank God for our presence as human rights and social justice advocates. You all are still alive and well.  

All things considered, most of these charges were and are politically motivated. There’s evidence that some members of the Caucus were a part and parcel of the false charges against their citizens. We don’t want that happening again. Election politics is opposition, not enemy venture. If we disagree on issue it should not be because we hate each other; let it be because we see the world differently. It must be ideological, not personal. This being the case, we are seeking your help to place this sort of practice under control. Let us vie for leadership democratically and not through personality destruction. I do not have money like others do, but I have the people and God on my side. With them, I am sure we will triumph. Otherwise, why would Peter say, “Silver and gold have I none, but in the name of Jesus, get and walk” and the cripple got up and walked? 

3rd, Amb. Morias, I am here to also seek your unconditional and unwavering support for my candidacy. Because it represents a new dawn and dispensation, peace and unity in Maryland! It comes out of the voice of our suffering people and God’s divine promise to Maryland!  

Mr. J.A. Froude, an English writer, once observed, “When the air is heavy with impostors, and men live only to make money,… and the kingdom of heaven is bought and sold, and all that is high and pure in man is smothered by corruption, fire of the same kind bursts out in higher natures with a fierceness which cannot be controlled; and confident in truth and right, they call fearlessly on the seven thousand in Israel who have not bowed the knee to Baal to rise and stand by them. They do not ask whether those whom they address have wide knowledge of history or science or philosophy; they ask rather that they shall be honest, that they shall be brave.… They know well that conscience is no exceptional privilege of the great or the cultivated, that to be generous and unselfish is no prerogative of rank or intellect.” 

In conclusion, allow me to borrow Revolutionary Karl Marx’s words and feelings regarding the revolution. He once observed, “If we have chosen the position in life in which we can most of all work for mankind, no burdens can bow us down, because they are sacrifices for the benefit of all; then we shall experience no petty, limited, selfish joy, but our happiness will belong to millions, our deeds will live on quietly but perpetually at work, and over our ashes will be shed the hot tears of noble people.” 

I am, 

T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell


Letter to Ambassador Morias

November 19, 2013


T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell


Reevy Street, Harper City, Maryland County, R. L.

Cell: +231.886.920.151


Amb. H. Dan Morias


Maryland Congressional Caucus

Capitol Building, Republic of Liberia


Dear Chairman Morias:


I trust you are enjoying God’s grace and doing well with your varied responsibilities.


On November 7, 2013, I submitted heartfelt congratulations to you via SMS on your ascendancy to the chairmanship of our Congressional Caucus. The greetings came from the depth of my heart and abyss of my soul on behalf of my revolutionary comrades at home and abroad! It is our ardent hope and wish you will wield the mantle of leadership properly! If you followed, the SMS was sent to hundreds of Marylanders in Liberia and in the Diaspora. By so doing, most Marylanders far and near are aware of your chairmanship. Thus, we can all now agree that we have passed the threshold of bickering and divisiveness and that now we are heading in the direction of county development and progress.



The occasion of this letter is three-fold: 1st to duly inform you that the people of Maryland including youth, elders, traditional leaders and other pressure groupings that are several thousand men-strong, have petitioned me to seek the office of Senator of Maryland County come 2014 Midterm election.


2nd, After sober reflections, balancing all things against the past and present with respect to quarrel in the Maryland leadership which wrought untold sufferings on our people and county, I have no other choice but to wholeheartedly humble myself and with great enthusiasm accept the Petition as a new assignment to serve my people and county at a different level. I am confident I can make a significant difference and contribute to my people and county in this strict sense. Therefore, on my honor, I promise to do my best in justifying the confidence they have reposed in me.


Sir, the people of Maryland have spoken and consolidated the Petition. Being the voice of the people it is also the voice of God! For whatever God has put together, no one can put asunder and what He has blessed, no man can curse. Therefore, please join The Bedell for Senate Exploratory Committee to extend sincere gratitude and warm sentiments to all Marylanders and friends alike, far and near, for joining this social mass movement that is now taking place throughout Maryland.





Please be advised, The Glebos of the Western belt of the Glebo Peninsula known as the Kudemoweh Chiefdom, met in Rocktown on Saturday, October 26, 2013. Equally so, the Glebos of the Eastern belt of the Glebo Peninsula known as the Kudemoweh also converged in Wortekeh on Saturday, November 8 to reinforce, enhance and consolidate the Petition. All things considered, such convergence of our people with one solid goal of this nature will go into history as the first of its kind in most recent time. Indeed, it exemplifies the reunification of our people in concrete terms that our nongovernmental organization, KudeNumo Peace Initiative Foundation, Inc. (KNPIF) has been pursuing recently.


Hon. Senator, we are honestly thankful to the two Paramount chiefs of both Chiefdoms: Hon. Dweh Sunday Prowd of the Numoweh Chiefdom and Hon. Nathaniel N. Huskin of the Kudemoweh Chiefdom including all clan, town chiefs, youths, women, elders and people of both Chiefdoms. Thus, we tip our hats to their farsightedness and vision in- choosing me as their candidate.


Special thanks to the Clan Chief, Hon. Mle Wah Prowd, General Town Chief, Hon. Dweh Hodge, the Speaker, youth, women leaders and elders of Bigtown Clan. Thanks to Hon. Clan Chief Hon. Budu Clarke, General Town Chief, Hon. Alphonso Hne Wallace and a four-man delegation comprising leaders of youth, women, and elders of The Whole Graway Clan. The same goes to Clan Chief, Hon. Wade Harris and his four-man delegation comprising of youth, women leaders and elders of The Half Graway Clan. Our heartfelt thanks to the leaders, youth, women, elders and people of SpringHill. Kablakeh was well represented by its Honorable Commissioner and Town Chief as well as the youth, women and elders delegation. We are grateful to the leaders, youth, women, elders and people of Wortekeh who hosted the Confab. Without them, this Confab would not have been as successful as it was. Thanks to our donors. We couldn’t have made it without them!


We cannot but thank Hon. Meshach Mle Bryant, chair of The Bedell for Senator Exploratory Committee, the Cochair, Daniel “The Educator” Appleton, Secretary Henry Kimba, Domestic & External Relations Chief, Phillip Mle Moore, Logistics, Robert H. Moore and Kuno Bedell, treasurer


The 2nd purpose of this letter is to seek your indulgence in submitting my call for peace, full human understanding and compassion with love for our Parents’ land to the Honorable Caucus. You will agree, I’m sure, gone are the days when our leaders bickered and go into catfights.


Please relay this call of ours to the Caucus. Having worked on the ground free-of-charge for our county and country, we have to emphatically state here for the record that politics is not is not a war. So we must be our guns into ploughshare and learn war no more.


Our past has been a Kaleidoscope of hopes, failures and rebuffs.


In 1979, a group of our leaders were placed on the gallows and executed by the Liberian government on charges of ritualistic killing. Whether or not those charges are true, becomes another question. And we will never know the truth. Following that sad incident, Prof. Joseph Bush, John Williams et al met their untimely fate. The sole of the Prof’s feet were slashed with razor blade. Whether or not the charges against those citizens are true becomes another question. Evidently, we will never know the truth.




Then it was another sad incident of Hon. David Clarke and Dr. Joshua N. Bedell. All of them are dead now. They died of broken heartedness. They are gone forever. Their children, relatives and friends will never see them again. Whether or not the charges against them are true, becomes another question and we will never know that truth. In any case, they all are in their graves turning over for want of justice.



The last case was that of yours. I was present. I saw the humiliation and the injustice. Thank God for our presence as human rights and social justice advocates. You all are still alive and well.


All things considered, most of these charges were and are politically motivated. There’s evidence that some members of the Caucus were a part and parcel of the false charges against their citizens. We don’t want that happening again. Election politics is opposition, not enemy venture. If we disagree on issue it should not be because we hate each other; let it be because we see the world differently. It must be ideological, not personal. This being the case, we are seeking your help to place this sort of practice under control. Let us vie for leadership democratically and not through personality destruction. I do not have money like others do, but I have the people and God on my side. With them, I am sure we will triumph. Otherwise, why would Peter say, “Silver and gold have I none, but in the name of Jesus, get and walk” and the cripple got up and walked?


3rd, Amb. Morias, I am here to also seek your unconditional and unwavering support for my candidacy. Because it represents a new dawn and dispensation, peace and unity in Maryland! It comes out of the voice of our suffering people and God’s divine promise to Maryland!


Mr. J.A. Froude, an English writer, once observed, “When the air is heavy with impostors, and men live only to make money,… and the kingdom of heaven is bought and sold, and all that is high and pure in man is smothered by corruption, fire of the same kind bursts out in higher natures with a fierceness which cannot be controlled; and confident in truth and right, they call fearlessly on the seven thousand in Israel who have not bowed the knee to Baal to rise and stand by them. They do not ask whether those whom they address have wide knowledge of history or science or philosophy; they ask rather that they shall be honest, that they shall be brave.… They know well that conscience is no exceptional privilege of the great or the cultivated, that to be generous and unselfish is no prerogative of rank or intellect.”


In conclusion, allow me to borrow Revolutionary Karl Marx’s words and feelings regarding the revolution. He once observed, “If we have chosen the position in life in which we can most of all work for mankind, no burdens can bow us down, because they are sacrifices for the benefit of all; then we shall experience no petty, limited, selfish joy, but our happiness will belong to millions, our deeds will live on quietly but perpetually at work, and over our ashes will be shed the hot tears of noble people.”


I am,




T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell


Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Maryland County: Where We Stand on What We Know & See and What We Can Do!

Our dear County, Maryland, faces significant and urgent challenges that weigh heavily on prospects for future growth and on the cohesion of our communities. Our shared objective is the strengthening of growth, unity, employment and the quality of life in every part of the County.
But entering 2014, we worry about: 1). The kind of Congressional leadership we will have, 2). reuniting our people and county and addressing rising uncertainty and high unemployment, especially youth unemployment, with all its negative economic and social consequences
While our County faces severe challenges, it can regain momentum by supporting socioeconomic and cultural transformation. To do so, we need: Resilient & sustainable government support and participation of our people; Determined and coordinated structural reforms and to address inequalities; greater confidence in job-creating prospects. This can be done in two ways: implementing promised reforms and renewed cooperation amongst our people and partners.
All leaders MUST devote the necessary political energy to deliver concrete actions to exit our crises and boost growth. Each district of the county, working through its regional leadership and through the county leadership and institutions, has a role to play. Mutual assessment process, is a solid foundation upon which we must now build. Conscious of the boost to growth, we support youth development and advancement to intensify efforts to develop a more comprehensive action plan.
To solve the disunity issue and youth developmental decline, rid ourselves of socioeconomic crisis and reignite growth, we need to:  Restore confidence in banks. We can do this by: Helping banks safely transport money to the county; promoting access to capital for small businesses; Continuing measures to secure bank funding for small businesses; Address youth and long-term unemployment to provide decent work prospects, along with county-specific structural reforms that are fairly implemented to achieve faster growth.
We believe boosting jobs and investing in human capital is the most promising way of tackling inequality. We support the work of our partners in assisting us examine realistic policy options including cost-effective social policies to cushion the most vulnerable from adversity. Investment should target skills and education and thus equip people for the future. Rising inequality calls for heightened consideration of more inclusive models of growth. We must deliver tangible improvements in material living standards and greater social cohesion.
We are ready to work on improving the lives of our people, administration and institutional structures, on anti-corruption measures, as well as on the business and investment framework, and on employment, education and social policies. We know when the Liberian economy falters, our poor people suffer most. We need to provide active and sustained support.
Each individual, hands-in-gloves with the government, has his own distinctive role and responsibility, but working in partnership, we can together achieve more than the sum of our parts. We stand ready to do what we can to surmount the difficulties ahead and to contribute to building greater confidence in the future of our county  and people.
I am T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell, volunteer worker; working and speaking on the ground in Liberia and a victim of police brutality