See, I have been in Liberia over two years now. Well, to say I came to help in the Reconstruction effort as a volunteer, sometimes sounds redundant. Because I keep saying it each time I post an article. But I have to say it. Because that’s exactly what I am doing – working and speaking. Whether or not I am misconstrued, makes no difference on me.
I am an adventurer. That’s who I am!
I am beginning to appreciate myself more and more in Liberia. People approach me everyday to appreciate what I am doing. Not that I did not appreciate myself before, but my work is very visible when I see that it changes people’s lives for the best. Current November 29 preparations in Maryland County is a prime example of my work.
On November 22, I organized a group of young men. The purpose is for them to help clean Harper City for the upcoming observance of President William V. S. Tubman’s birth anniversary. Marylanders from all walks of life are expected to converge in the County. So the county needs to look better-off than it was.
During this Event, recognition will be given to some Marylanders who have continued to support the Cause of Maryland. Wreaths will be deposited on the graves and tombs of many of our fallen Heroes and Sheroes including, Vice Presidents Dr. H. Too Wesley (first indigenous vice president of the Republic of Liberia) and Allen N. Yancy, I.
Others will include but not limited to Dr. J. Bolton Williams (former supervisor of schools), Hons. O. Natty B. Davies, J. Sebastian Bush, Wakla Neufville, Gen. S. Wah-Kwee Bedell, Snr., J. Daniel Anderson, James Norman Anderson, Fred Gibson, Rev. McDilla Milton, William Alfred Tubman, Cllr. John Dennis, Prof Moraise, Cllr. Nettie Sie Brownell, Bishop Brown, J. J. Dossen, J. Hilary Brewer, and many more.
In my personal opinion, these young men that I have organized to help clean their communities, are doing themselves a favor. Why do I think so? Because I believe they are building for themselves a clean, safe and healthy environment. But all the same, they will receive a $3 (USD) Honorarium per day.
Currently we have 25 young men involved in this community task. They are expected to work for five days.
I have already purchased 25 cutlasses (machete) at $5 (USD) a piece, 10 bags of White Wash paint at $60 (USD) per bag, 7 rakes $9 (USD) a piece, 20 brooms at $1 (USD) a piece, 12 hoes at $5 (USD) a piece, 3 wheel barrows at $50 (USD) a piece &c. All this excludes food, water and refreshment.
I’m hoping, all along the line, donors will be forthcoming.
After the cleaning process for this Event is done, I have another plan. I want to maintain some of those young folks in a part-time employment. I mean the serious and most needy ones will identified and awarded this opportunity.
One of the major areas needing attention is The Merry-Go-Round Park. It needs constant maintenance. The grass in the Park grows so fast and high, the City Corporation cannot keep-up. Someone, other than the City, needs to step up. And I am. So I intend to hire at least four young folks to do the maintenance work. They will receive a monthly Honorarium of $50 per head. I am hoping someone somewhere can take such responsibility to help with the budget on a yearly basis. Or maybe on whatever level he or she can afford it. Otherwise, I will carry their load!
I am Thomas G. Bedell; I speak and work from on the ground in Liberia
Friday, 26 November 2010
Thursday, 25 November 2010
An Open e-Letter to President Sirleaf
November 24, 2010
An Open e-Letter to President Sirleaf
Republic of Liberia
Executive Mansion, Monrovia, Liberia
Dear Madam President:
Republic of Liberia
Executive Mansion, Monrovia, Liberia
Dear Madam President:
I’ll be honest; I didn’t vote for you. And that is because I wasn’t in Liberia during the Election. I was in the US where I currently reside. Now I’m in Liberia. I’m prepared and ready for Election 2011.
Madam President, during the 2005 Election, I campaigned for another candidate. But I did not vote for him. Again, I wasn’t in Liberia. So I did not register to vote. Maybe that would be the reason why you’ll take this epistolary column with a huge grain of salt.
Madam President, during the 2005 Election you portrayed yourself as a candidate of change. I’ve yet to see any change in at least two areas that mostly need a huge amount of change in Maryland County (my Hometown). One of those areas needing a huge amount of change is the Ganta/Harper Highway. The road to Maryland from Monrovia is a DEATH TRAP.
Laughably, your partisans of the Unity Party on the Maryland Congressional Caucus insist they are doing something about it. It is the same Road, during your Campaign speeches you promised Marylanders you would complete upon your election as President of this great Republic. Marylanders gave you their votes and you won. But the Road has yet to be rehabilitated and completed for use. In fact, the bad condition of the Road is responsible for the deaths of Marylanders on the Atlantic Ocean in ships not seaworthy.
The other area is employment. Each time you approved of a corporation to operate in Maryland County, nothing is gained from them. None of those corporations you approved to operate in Maryland has signed a single concession agreement. Interstingly, this is not the case in your Hometown where all the Corporations you approved are giving back to the community. Why should Maryland suffer for no apparent reason?
The Ganta/Harper Highway is being refurbished every now and then. But when the rain comes, it turns into a “Pig” pan and turns into a death trap. Madam President, Marylanders are closed to the deadly Quicksand, aren’t we?
Madam President, I just don’t get it: The Maryland Congressional Caucus is composed of majority Unity Partisans of your ruling Party. Out of 5 Legislators, your Party has four (4). Maryland County is the ONLY county with two of its Senators from the Unity Party. Yet and still Maryland is in the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to development. These Partisans of yours whine about how many Marylanders die and suffer due to bad Road condition. Yet they support the policies of “Do nothing" – which in the first place puts our people in such a deadly situation. Let it be known, these partisans of yours are not doing you any good.
Here’s something else I don’t get: Can you tell me why there are vessels plying our waters that are not seaworthy and continue to kill our citizens and residents without any redress?
Frankly, the Maryland Congressional Caucus of the Unity Party, Maritime Bureau, and Ministry of Transportation all do nothing but support foreign vessels owners to kill our citizens. Otherwise, they would pursue these shipowners to pay reparations to our poor citizens who are mostly women trying to make “ends” meet. That’s really kind of very embarrassing to you. Isn't it?
I’m sure you know who these characters in these Government functionaries are.
These Institutions are no good to our people and are not good to your administration. We Marylanders do not understand why we have to pay such a deadly price when we were the only county in the Southeast to overwhelmingly vote you into office.
Our workers at The Cavalla Rubber Company are being terrorized by white and sometimes black managers. And the Ministry of Labor sits by supinely watching our citizens suffer.
The administration of Charles Taylor granted several rubber companies freedom to slaughter our people’s economic interest. From one company to another, our people are being used like prostitutes and they do not benefit from their natural endowment – the land God gave them. To date, our citizens who have being declared “redundant” are slowly but surely dying. The Labor Ministry has been investigating year-in-year-out. And there has not been any result of their "investigation". Why?
Madam President, here’s another case: you set up a team to investigate and/or probe all other recent ship catastrophes in Maryland. According to you, the report was expected in June, 2010. We are now in December, 2010. Six (6) months later, no report has been made to us yet. What are they probing? Nuclear energy?
Madam President, our women who are victims of all the shipwrecks have their investment resting deep in the belly of the Atlantic Ocean with no reparation. Each time they hear that you are coming to Maryland they dance with joy. Soon their joy turns into disappointment. Because you have postponed your visit more than thrice. When are you coming to see our women, Madam President? If you do not come over very soon, most of them might be reduced to nothing and some might be dead. Currently, they are completely out of business. Their businesses are completely shut down.
Madam President we heard you are deciding to pay reparation ONLY to the victims of the most recent shipwreck (Havea)? If this is true, you will be very unfair to those women who continue to sing praises to your name to rescue them from banks that are trying to seize their properties. I know the recent ship that wrecked on May 31, 2010 belongs to one of your Cabinet Ministers (Hon. Harrison Karnwea). By placing him on the "Investigating" team you set in place a conflict of interest. Madam President, I hope this is not true what we are hearing – to pay one ship and ignore the rest. Because many of these women will cry out on to the Heavens. And God will hear them!
Is this the kind of change you were talking about Madam President when you ran for the office of President in 2005? I hope not. Because Marylanders are dying by the minute!
Isn’t it time we dropped this whole gbleh-belee-gbleh about PRS? Isn’t it time we stopped saying we are dedicated to Poverty Reduction Strategy when most, if not all, of our women and the rest of the citizenry wobbles in the corridor of despair and helplessness? Wouldn’t you agree, Madam President, the state is not protecting its citizens. And to say anything in the opposite is pathologically insane?
If you really were the president of change, you would change this madness; You would ask The Bureau of Maritime to serve a moratorium on vessels that are not sea worthy to save the lives of our citizens, mostly our women; You would order the vessels owners to pay reparation to our women whose investments, lives and families have been wiped out in a twinkle of an eye.
Madam President, Maryland County is heading into the oblivion with an economic whoosh!
Please do something, RIGHT NOW!
With great respect and Godspeed!
Your obedient servant,
Thomas G. Bedell/Social Justice Advocate/Chair/Shipwreck Victims Action Committee
My Mother Esther Wah-Wede Bedell Passed On
Women power did not just begin. Unnoticeably it’s been around for centuries. It isn’t about celebrity or popularity; it’s about influence. My late Mom, Esther Wah-Wede Bedell, affectionately known as “Ma Wede” and “O Lord,” is perhaps the most listened-to woman in Harper City during her lifetime. She reared good number of kids who have become respected individuals in Liberia and the world. Many are successful in their own rights.
In some cases to figure out a woman’s contribution, analysis looked for those who run countries, big companies or influential nonprofits. Their rankings are a combination of two scores: visibility and the size of the organization or country they lead. My late Mom, Ma Wede, did not lead a country. But she groomed young men and women who have joined leadership in very important parts of the world including Liberia.
Ma Wede was born December 20, 1929 to Episcopalian parents. At age 20 she experienced a serious biological problem that affected her womanhood. Consequently, she could no longer bear kids. Intrigued by her surrounding evidential circumstances to her life and Church, she gave her life and heart to Jesus Christ and accepted her condition. In early youth she exhibited traces of exquisite sensibility, soundness of understanding, and decision of character. She received no literary instructions.
Before her nineteenth year she became acquainted with Mr. Ngee (my spelling) Wilson, a mechanical engineer, who would be her husband in later years. Mr. Wilson possessed good taste and good engineering knowledge. He seemed to have given her the first impulse to the formation of her character. At nineteenth, she left her parents and resided with her brother J. Wah-Doe Bedell who had just entered Cape Palmas High School in Harper City. She was there to help her brother with his domestic chores. At graduation, her brother moved to Monrovia to pursue further studies. She took on her own roof and gave attention to her mother who was growing older. Her mother’s health made her presence necessary in her home. On the death of her mother, Ma Wede took on more responsibilities for her young sibling (Julia Wah-Kuno Bedell) and sometimes the older ones.
Ma Wede became a teacher from motives of benevolence, or rather philanthropy, and during the time she continued, she gave proof of superior qualification for the performance of its arduous and important duties. The pecuniary concerns of her father early death made her practiced rigid economy in her expenditures, and with her savings was enabled to procure her sisters and brothers situations, to which without aid, they could not have had access; her mother was sustained at length from her fund. She even found means to take under her protection other people’s children in dire need of academic education and social skills to maximize their full human potential through training and guidance.
Ma Wede was a true philanthropist and humanist.
She invested her time and resources in grooming kids of other parents. Besides those we may not remember, she reared Mrs. Elizabeth Bedell Woart, Messrs. Toh-Himmie (brother of Liberia’s football legend, WanniboToe – the wizard dribbler of the national Lone Star of Liberia), Henry Wah-Toe Bedell (her eldest brother’s son named in the stead of one of her brothers), S. K. Bedell, II (named in stead of her eldest brother Gen. S. K. Bedell), Sarah Wilson, Mary Dwedeh Bedell, Gbuo, Boryornor and little Kidau who is the youngest of them all. Among all of those she reared, Mr. Thomas G. Bedell is her only adopted son. At age 5, she adopted him from her late brother Gen. S. K. Bedell, Snr.
Ma Wede had not wanted confidence in her own powers of persuasion before. But the reception this work met from the public, gave her an opportunity of judging what those powers were, in the estimation of others. It was shortly after this, that she commenced the work to which these remarks are prefixed. What are its merits will be decided in the judgment of each person and/or reader of this document. Suffice it to say, she appeared to have stepped forth boldly, and singly, in defense of humanity, which by usages of all society, whether savage or civilized, have been kept from attaining their dignity.
She was blessed with six siblings. Besides J. Wah-Doe Bedell, all other siblings predeceased her including, Gen. S. Wah-Kwee Bedell, Snr., H. Wah-Toe Bedell, Snr., Helena Wahde Bedell Neufville, H. Wah-Gleh Bedell, and Julia Wah-Kuno Bedell.
1958 she was founder of the Harper Women Recreation Organization. She almost became involved directly into politics as she was being encouraged by her colleagues to seek political office. 1960 Cofounder, Kudemoweh Women Association in Harper. She chaired it up to 1963.
Honors: she was honored by the late Superintendent of Maryland County, Hon. James Daniel Anderson as the Most Outstanding woman of the Year.
Ma Wede departed this world on November 1, 2009. she was born on December 20, 1928 in Harper, Maryland County, Republic of Liberia
BY: T. Gbuo-Mle Bedell
Maryland: November 29 Is Dr. William V.S. Tubman Birth Anniversary
Today is November 24, 2010. In five days we will be observing the Birth Anniversary of the late William V. S. Tubman, 18th President of the Republic of Liberia. This Day is observed throughout the entire Republic as a National Holiday. Banks, Government offices, businesses, including general markets, shops, grocery stores &c. will be closed to the Public. The Government will hold an indoor Program to commemorate the Day.
In Maryland County the Day means something more than just a national holiday. And so it is observed in the County with deep passion. Marylanders always observe this Day differently than any part of the Country. All this considered, the Day is different in Maryland. Feelings of this Day run deep. And this is because the man (Tubman) was our own son. When I say “our” I mean Marylanders. Because I’m one. Shad, as he was affectionately called, was born and reared in Maryland County.
Marylanders are proud of Tubman’s leadership record.
Under Tubman, new policies to open the country to international investment and to allow the indigenous peoples a greater say in Liberian affairs were undertaken. The country's mineral wealth, particularly iron ore, began to be exploited, and there was a gradual improvement of roads, schools, and health standards.
We know Dr. Tubman became a controversial figure during his 27-year tenure.
Some people admired him. Others hated him. Some said he was” sincere.” And others said he was “oppressive.” Some praise him as a “True patriot.” Some said and continues to say he “sold” the country to foreigners. Authors like Robert A. Smith, A. Doris Banks Henries and Lawrence A. Marinelli, devoted eulogies to Dr. Tubman. But other authors like Albert Porte, Tuan Wreh, Robert W. Clower and Gus J. Liebenow never hid their criticisms and disgust at his policies and practices. All in all, Tubman was the man on the “spot!”
Truth be told, Dr. William V. S. Tubman’s presidency strongly influenced Liberia’s political and economic performance during the second half of the 20th century. Economically, the country could boast of a number of impressive achievements. In the 1950s Liberia had the fastest growing economy in the world, after Japan. When Shad (as he was affectionately called) died, Liberia had the largest mercantile fleet in the world, it hosted the world’s largest rubber plantation and latex factory. Liberia had become Africa’s main exporter of iron ore and it ranked number 3 on the world list of iron ore exporters. Liberia attracted more than US $ 1 billion of foreign investments including the largest Swedish investment abroad after 1945 as well as the largest German investment in Africa - at that time.
President Tubman was responsible for numerous reforms and social policies, including enactment of suffrage and property rights for all female residents of 21 or older; authorization of direct participation in government by all tribes people, who comprise about 80 percent of the population; and the establishment of a nationwide public-school system.
It was during his Administration construction and completion of the first international airport (Robert International Air Port) and a deepwater harbor (Free Port of Monrovia) at Monrovia were done. U.S. money was declared legal tender in Liberia, replacing British West African currency during his Administration. In 1943 William V.S. Tubman was elected to his first term as president. Liberia declared war against Germany and Japan in January 1944 and in April signed the Declaration of the United Nations. The new significance of Liberia became apparent after the outbreak of World War II. During the war Liberia’s rubber plantation was the only source of natural latex rubber available to the Allies, apart from plantations in Ceylon.
"Every leader is accredited for his political theory and achievements, so is Liberia’s eighteenth president, William Vacanarat Shadrach Tubman, born on November 29, 1895."
"The “Unification and Integration Policy” is accredited to him in Liberia."
"The independence of Liberia may have been the panacea for the imperialist aggression that confronted the commonwealth, (made of Montserrado, Grand Bassa and Sinoe Counties), but it did not address the most pertinent national issue of building a harmonious society. Harmony in post independent Liberia was difficult, because of the perception of the settlers about their native brothers, exacerbated by the constitution and motto of the new Republic."
"One of the grievances of the constitutional committee that declared the sovereignty of the government of the Republic was that while in America, they were stopped by law from all rights and privileges of man, and public sentiment trampled them down, but according to their native brothers, the very behaviors and norms that they condemned and rebelled against in the United States, were the ones they employed in their relation with them (natives). That is, because they were not regarded as citizens in America, they too, did not recognize the indigenous inhabitants as citizens of the new Republic."
"In search of a leader to break this un-precedented yoke, the Liberian people overwhelmingly elected youthful William V.S. Tubman as President of this nation. Tubman was one of the few leaders of the Republic who understood that a change of attitude by Liberians, especially the settlers toward the indigenous inhabitants was a pre-condition for economic development and National prosperity. So, Tubman made unification and integration his paramount priority upon becoming president in 1944."
"At his first unification council held in Harper, Maryland County, he frowned on the bellicose relations between the settlers and indigenous Liberians and called on them to register a new era of cooperation, mutual respect and understanding between the two communities."
"President Tubman challenged the settlers and the indigenous people to build a new and noble period of justice, equality and tranquility regardless of tribes and economic status. In the spirit of the unification program, the constitution was amended in 1945, making the indigenous population eligible to serve in the House of Representatives, and in the following year, women were granted the right to vote."
"Though Tubman was described by his critics as a benevolent despot, this political change was an eye-opener for charismatic and influential native chiefs to push open the doors to the lower house of Parliament to speak for their people. Probably the “Unification and Integration policy, being the center of true brotherhood and the corridor of political amalgamation, ushered into the house of Representatives for the first time such natives as Wehyeepa Paye, Gblorzuo Toweh, Tuazama, Boto Barclay, Barsee Kpangbai, Amulai Sanor, Korpuwee, Johnny Voka, Willie Belleh, among others. "
"Though this policy of the late Tubman was seen by his critics as an escape path from the cave, the light of constituency representation has, however, continue to shine since then. Under the expansion policy of his government, Tubman created additional counties, including Nimba, Bong, Lofa, Grand Gedeh, etc. and held executive council throughout the length and breadth of the country with the aim of explaining the policy of his government to his people, uniting them, identifying their development needs, as well as a way of bridging the communication gap between the hinter Landers and central government. The opening of the Nimba and Bomi mountains, the construction of schools and clinics in the hinterland and the building of roads from the capitol to the interior further buttressed his unification and integration policy. "
"In a country of sixteen (16) different local languages of diverse cultural orientation, one may see mending their socio-cultural and political differences as Mount Kilimanjaro, that is, insurmountable. Tubman took the challenge head-on, especially on the line of political accommodation, which was not the case during the days of Joseph Jenkins Robert until the Tubman’s Administration. There were powerful chiefs during the Tubman’s administration, such as Suakoko, Jallah Lone, Lango Lippy, Kpaku Taingay Dahn Laymengbe, Wehyee Dorlea, Baseegia, and Bona Suah, some of whom were his personal friends."
"His system of political inclusion, which began with chieftaincy, the position of district commissioner and later the lower house of Parliament, can be described as the “renaissance of a change of the political tide for every Liberian. The dream of Tubman was to ensure that the children of the natives and those of the settlers see each other as brothers and sisters, and peacefully co-exist. This dream has today become a great success in the face of his unification and integration policy. Natives and settlers are today members of the same political parties, share common interest and offices, and above all, are engaged in open inter-marriage system."
"As we celebrate the late William V. S. Tubman’s 112th birth anniversary, Liberians need to retrospect and retie the string of unification and integration after fifteen years of civil war, which split this once unified nation, so that Liberians will no more go to war with each other. Tubman was a teacher, Lawyer and a senator before becoming President of the Republic of Liberia for 27 years. Bravo President Tubman and congratulations on your 112th birth anniversary."
I am Thomas G. Bedell, I speak and work on the ground in Liberia.
Open E-Letter To Diasporic Liberians
I trust you are enjoying God’s grace!
Permit me to ask you, will you believe me if I told you, Liberia has lost most, if not all, of its modern infrastructures and quality human resource as a resort of a 14-year generalized anarchy of violence that bordered on hatred and disunity? Just think about the kids who were born into a 14-year physical & psychological violence; would you believe me if I told you, they stand a slim chance to compete in an academic world due to the lack of education and the total collapse of social institutions, including the family structure?
Well then, take note: thirty-plus years in the past, prior to the generalized anarchy of violence, this current situation of moral socioeconomic and political decay was inconceivable. But today, the remnants of war, terror, hatred, driven by disunity and a generalized anarchy of violence have forced us to come-face-to-face with such a reckless and dull reality, ushering in our society, total despair and helplessness that dismantles the very foundation and pedestal upon which our nation was built.
Our institutions of learning are dilapidated; broken down colleges and high schools have all nose-dived or to put it bluntly, become monuments of decay. All the “gateways” to our economy have seemingly disappeared into the oblivion. Not to mention, our people, most of whom are poor, now live in rubbles and wreckage of war.
Worse of all, the Country’s youth - the future generation of leaders - have become the “lost generation.” They have become incompetent to forge their future due to fear, helplessness, taboos of the mind and suspicion enhanced by the war.
Evidently, we are looking at signs of impending doom, if nothing is done to improve the situation!
Fellow Liberians, knowing all this, why would we not, then, give up any confusion we may have among ourselves that seems to impede our national and individual progress and begin to reunite in order to focus on our historic duty and responsibility – rebuilding our common patrimony? Do we wish to continue on the path of disunity, in spite of the inescapable, unanimous, unalterable facts and verdict of history and logic?
If the answer is in the negative, then let’s rise above petty differences and reunite! Because if do not reunite, there will no longer be any reason for us to plead ignorance as an excuse for our disunity! Posterity, in this case, will mark us as being "blind" and unmitigated ridicule and condemnation will heap upon our generation forever. The little innocent kids, who suffer as a resort of our disunity, will have no other alternative but to charge us as being either deplorably ignorant, or disloyal to the country and their future.
I therefore ask you to submit your resources, skills, education and numerical strength to the Country to move it forward. Otherwise, let us make no mistake about it, our posterity will virtually collapse at the hinges and set apart our collective quail at the seams permanently. In this case, there will be no need to look for anyone to blame; we have to blame ourselves for our selfishness!
So, be encouraged to think this over and reunite! For together we can make a difference!
I am,
Respectfully yours,
Thomas Bedell/Peace Advocate
I trust you are enjoying God’s grace!
Permit me to ask you, will you believe me if I told you, Liberia has lost most, if not all, of its modern infrastructures and quality human resource as a resort of a 14-year generalized anarchy of violence that bordered on hatred and disunity? Just think about the kids who were born into a 14-year physical & psychological violence; would you believe me if I told you, they stand a slim chance to compete in an academic world due to the lack of education and the total collapse of social institutions, including the family structure?
Well then, take note: thirty-plus years in the past, prior to the generalized anarchy of violence, this current situation of moral socioeconomic and political decay was inconceivable. But today, the remnants of war, terror, hatred, driven by disunity and a generalized anarchy of violence have forced us to come-face-to-face with such a reckless and dull reality, ushering in our society, total despair and helplessness that dismantles the very foundation and pedestal upon which our nation was built.
Our institutions of learning are dilapidated; broken down colleges and high schools have all nose-dived or to put it bluntly, become monuments of decay. All the “gateways” to our economy have seemingly disappeared into the oblivion. Not to mention, our people, most of whom are poor, now live in rubbles and wreckage of war.
Worse of all, the Country’s youth - the future generation of leaders - have become the “lost generation.” They have become incompetent to forge their future due to fear, helplessness, taboos of the mind and suspicion enhanced by the war.
Evidently, we are looking at signs of impending doom, if nothing is done to improve the situation!
Fellow Liberians, knowing all this, why would we not, then, give up any confusion we may have among ourselves that seems to impede our national and individual progress and begin to reunite in order to focus on our historic duty and responsibility – rebuilding our common patrimony? Do we wish to continue on the path of disunity, in spite of the inescapable, unanimous, unalterable facts and verdict of history and logic?
If the answer is in the negative, then let’s rise above petty differences and reunite! Because if do not reunite, there will no longer be any reason for us to plead ignorance as an excuse for our disunity! Posterity, in this case, will mark us as being "blind" and unmitigated ridicule and condemnation will heap upon our generation forever. The little innocent kids, who suffer as a resort of our disunity, will have no other alternative but to charge us as being either deplorably ignorant, or disloyal to the country and their future.
I therefore ask you to submit your resources, skills, education and numerical strength to the Country to move it forward. Otherwise, let us make no mistake about it, our posterity will virtually collapse at the hinges and set apart our collective quail at the seams permanently. In this case, there will be no need to look for anyone to blame; we have to blame ourselves for our selfishness!
So, be encouraged to think this over and reunite! For together we can make a difference!
I am,
Respectfully yours,
Thomas Bedell/Peace Advocate
Friday, 12 November 2010
A Response To Senator Archie Bernard
Thu Dec 7, 2006 9:52 am
Dear Senator Archie Bernard: The following points summarize my opinion which is a direct response to your claims submitted on the ULIBSAAFORUM:
1. Senator Bernard: We have a fundamental question here: The nation which is Liberia is currently gripped in a barbwire of continued miseducation and misinformation linked to doctrinal decay. Do you know this?
2. In Liberia we lack the sound judgment to determine exactly what our national "problems" are and what is responsible for them.
3. This backward tendency makes us clinch to symptoms rather than the cause of the "problem" we intend to solve. we harbor a fake sense and hope of alleviating the "problem" through osmosis.
4. Each time we tackle the symptom of the "problem", we create new problems. And each time we struggle with the symptom, we sink deeper into the quicksand of time.
5. Sen. Bernard, what is obtaining in Liberia is nothing new. When Tubman died, I am told, some Liberians were in the street jubilating. Why? Because they thought the "problem" responsible for the backwardness of Liberia which was associated with Tubman would go with Tubman in the grave.
6. When President Tolbert was assassinated, some Liberians also rejoiced; I know this because I was around at the time. I mean i was matured enough to know on my own. Some Liberians were hoping the "problem" associated with our leaders like Tolbert would also disappear along with Tolbert when he was assassinated.
7. When President Doe was bludgeoned to death in the public by another Liberian citizen, some Liberians danced and jubilated in the streets; they too thought the "problem" associated with him like all others that came before him,would also die with Doe.
8. When President Taylor was kicked through the back-door into Nigeria and then to Europe, some Liberians, I am told, danced and celebrated as well; I wasn't around. I was in the Diaspora. Those Liberians that were jubilating believed at the time that the "problem" which they thought was centered around Taylor, would go with Taylor in the Diaspora, especially in the Hague.
9. In all these cases, Liberians are as wrong as they can be. Because the national "problem" which they thought or still think is found in their leaders, still persists, even though those leaders are dead, imprisoned and gone.
10. Certain Liberians are under fire for "corruption" in Liberia. Again, there's jubilation and dancing in the streets with the fake hope "corruption" will be wiped out as soon as they put their hands on the perceived corrupt officials.
11. Studies and experiences teach us that Liberians will continue to be wrong as long as they view & wish to solve their "problem" on the periphery without taking a fundamental approach.
12. Liberians will continue to kill their leaders - both “good” & “bad” - and remain at each other's throats until they damage their country permanently.
13. Unless and until, Liberians begin to review the various doctrines that undercut their educational, socioeconomic & political systems for improvement, perish will they.
14. So every time Liberians think by ridding themselves of one group that they consider as the "problem," the more grounds they lay for their own self-destruction.
15. Essentially, corruption is an intrinsic value of our political system. Lies are embedded on our national psyche. To minimize all of these, we have to attack the foundational question, rather than ONLY prosecuting and persecuting individuals.
16. Because if the "problem" were locked in individuals, then the deaths of Presidents Tubman, Tolbert, Doe and the imprisonment of Taylor, would have solved our national “problem” long ago.
17. But since we all have learned that the opposite is true, we then need to begin to overhaul and re-examine our system of governance and education for improvement.
18. And there's where the redemption of Liberia lies. Anything in the contrary is to do nothing but anarchy and hypocrisy!
19. Power & titles are illusory. Personalities will come and go. But ideas will remain forever. All that is required of us as Liberians is to deal with ideas and not preach disorder.
I am,
Thomas G. Bedell
Dear Senator Archie Bernard: The following points summarize my opinion which is a direct response to your claims submitted on the ULIBSAAFORUM:
1. Senator Bernard: We have a fundamental question here: The nation which is Liberia is currently gripped in a barbwire of continued miseducation and misinformation linked to doctrinal decay. Do you know this?
2. In Liberia we lack the sound judgment to determine exactly what our national "problems" are and what is responsible for them.
3. This backward tendency makes us clinch to symptoms rather than the cause of the "problem" we intend to solve. we harbor a fake sense and hope of alleviating the "problem" through osmosis.
4. Each time we tackle the symptom of the "problem", we create new problems. And each time we struggle with the symptom, we sink deeper into the quicksand of time.
5. Sen. Bernard, what is obtaining in Liberia is nothing new. When Tubman died, I am told, some Liberians were in the street jubilating. Why? Because they thought the "problem" responsible for the backwardness of Liberia which was associated with Tubman would go with Tubman in the grave.
6. When President Tolbert was assassinated, some Liberians also rejoiced; I know this because I was around at the time. I mean i was matured enough to know on my own. Some Liberians were hoping the "problem" associated with our leaders like Tolbert would also disappear along with Tolbert when he was assassinated.
7. When President Doe was bludgeoned to death in the public by another Liberian citizen, some Liberians danced and jubilated in the streets; they too thought the "problem" associated with him like all others that came before him,would also die with Doe.
8. When President Taylor was kicked through the back-door into Nigeria and then to Europe, some Liberians, I am told, danced and celebrated as well; I wasn't around. I was in the Diaspora. Those Liberians that were jubilating believed at the time that the "problem" which they thought was centered around Taylor, would go with Taylor in the Diaspora, especially in the Hague.
9. In all these cases, Liberians are as wrong as they can be. Because the national "problem" which they thought or still think is found in their leaders, still persists, even though those leaders are dead, imprisoned and gone.
10. Certain Liberians are under fire for "corruption" in Liberia. Again, there's jubilation and dancing in the streets with the fake hope "corruption" will be wiped out as soon as they put their hands on the perceived corrupt officials.
11. Studies and experiences teach us that Liberians will continue to be wrong as long as they view & wish to solve their "problem" on the periphery without taking a fundamental approach.
12. Liberians will continue to kill their leaders - both “good” & “bad” - and remain at each other's throats until they damage their country permanently.
13. Unless and until, Liberians begin to review the various doctrines that undercut their educational, socioeconomic & political systems for improvement, perish will they.
14. So every time Liberians think by ridding themselves of one group that they consider as the "problem," the more grounds they lay for their own self-destruction.
15. Essentially, corruption is an intrinsic value of our political system. Lies are embedded on our national psyche. To minimize all of these, we have to attack the foundational question, rather than ONLY prosecuting and persecuting individuals.
16. Because if the "problem" were locked in individuals, then the deaths of Presidents Tubman, Tolbert, Doe and the imprisonment of Taylor, would have solved our national “problem” long ago.
17. But since we all have learned that the opposite is true, we then need to begin to overhaul and re-examine our system of governance and education for improvement.
18. And there's where the redemption of Liberia lies. Anything in the contrary is to do nothing but anarchy and hypocrisy!
19. Power & titles are illusory. Personalities will come and go. But ideas will remain forever. All that is required of us as Liberians is to deal with ideas and not preach disorder.
I am,
Thomas G. Bedell
Friday, 5 November 2010
Maryland County: Tubman University Agrees to pay Honorarium to Former TC Employees
In the 70s, the late President of the Republic of Liberia, H. E. Dr. William V. S. Tubman dream became a reality - The William V. S. Tubman College of Technology was built and operational. Before its closure, it graduated a huge number of Liberian and citizens of other sister African countries.
In 1989, a generalized anarchy of violence was unleashed in Liberia setting the stage for a brutal uncivil war. Tens and tens of hundreds of thousands of Liberian citizens and residents died. The violence went across the entire country. Suddenly, The Tubman College of Technology (TC) was forced to shut down. When the violence ceased 14 years later, the citizens returned home from refugee camps around the world to start their lives all over again. When the College reopened, it became a university. It is named after the same late President. Instead of Tubman College of Technology, it is now called, Tubman University (TU).
The "Aggrieve" workers of TC began to demand their wages from TU. According to them their wages were outstanding prior to the closing of TC. They could not convince TU administration. So TU administration refused to take responsibility for the liabilities of TC on grounds the Legislature had dissolved TC and established TU. TU administration claimed it had no record to identify previous employees of TC and their wages that were under question. And this is because the war had destroyed all the Records of TC. As such, TU could not pay any of the TC workers.
This negotiation between TU and the TC "Aggrieved" workers went on for two years without any successful agreement.
In June, 2010, the "Aggrieved" workers approached me to mediate on their behalf. I agreed and I did. Immediately, the TU administration agreed to pay them a Token for their services to TC. TU said it won't pay any outstanding salaries. I communicated this to the "Aggrieved" workers. After one week of perusal of TU's position, the "Aggrieve workers reached an agreement to accept what was being offer them. They told me that they had no choice but to get "something" than "nothing" at all. As such, I concluded the Agreement with TU. On November 1, 2010, all TC "Aggrieved" workers began to pick up their "Token." Below is the Public Service Announcement:
William V. S. Tubman University has resolved to give an Honorarium of USD $100 in its Liberian equivalent to Hundred & Seven (107) aggrieved former Employees of the William V. S. Tubman College of Technology (TC), as a Token for the services rendered before the closing of the college due to the Liberian Civil War. This settlement does not include former employees of TC that are currently employed at Tubman University. The period of this settlement is 90 days, commencing November 1, 2010.
In view of the above, all concerned individuals are hereby advised to report to the Finance office of Tubman University beginning November 1, 2010 to file and collect their claim. Two (2) 0f the following five (5) forms of identification are required:
1. Tubman College of Technology (TC) ID Card
2. Liberia’s Driver’s License
3. Liberian Birth Certificate
4. A Liberian property Deed (Original. No photo copy will be accepted)
5. A Pastor and/or Bishop to identify anyone who has only one of the above
NOTE: Surviving spouse and children of the deceased former employees of TC must submit marriage and death certificates of the deceased as one (1) of the two (2) forms of identification required.
Immediate relatives of deceased employees of TC are also advised to adhere to the aforementioned conditions.
Mr. Thomas G. Bedell, MEDIATOR
Aggrieved Former Workers of TC
Dr. Joseph T. Isaac
VICE PRESIDENT for Administration
Tubman University
William V. S. Tubman University has resolved to give an Honorarium of USD $100 in its Liberian equivalent to Hundred & Seven (107) aggrieved former Employees of the William V. S. Tubman College of Technology (TC), as a Token for the services rendered before the closing of the college due to the Liberian Civil War. This settlement does not include former employees of TC that are currently employed at Tubman University. The period of this settlement is 90 days, commencing November 1, 2010.
In view of the above, all concerned individuals are hereby advised to report to the Finance office of Tubman University beginning November 1, 2010 to file and collect their claim. Two (2) 0f the following five (5) forms of identification are required:
1. Tubman College of Technology (TC) ID Card
2. Liberia’s Driver’s License
3. Liberian Birth Certificate
4. A Liberian property Deed (Original. No photo copy will be accepted)
5. A Pastor and/or Bishop to identify anyone who has only one of the above
NOTE: Surviving spouse and children of the deceased former employees of TC must submit marriage and death certificates of the deceased as one (1) of the two (2) forms of identification required.
Immediate relatives of deceased employees of TC are also advised to adhere to the aforementioned conditions.
Mr. Thomas G. Bedell, MEDIATOR
Aggrieved Former Workers of TC
Dr. Joseph T. Isaac
VICE PRESIDENT for Administration
Tubman University
Maryland County: Pending Environmental, Political & Economic Woes
The Cavalla River swells to overflow. Transportation across the River is becoming more and more impossible. Rice, which is the staple food of Liberia and can only be transported to Maryland from the Ivory Coast, is becoming scarce in the County. As such, the population is getting nervous and nervous each day!
The Road from Monrovia, the capital of Liberia, to Maryland is extremely bad. Almost all sea vessels travelling to Maryland are sitting in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean due to the many shipwrecks. No one is brave enough anymore to take a sea vessel to Maryland. The many shipwrecks that brought many deaths and destruction of poor people’s investment and personal belonging still haunts the people.
The United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) controls the Air Space. UNMIL does not allow any Liberian citizen to travel to and from Maryland on any of its aircrafts without its permission. And if it does, one has to sign a Waiver on his or her life. Currently there’s no commercial airline in the area. In the event there’s one, the fare is extremely expensive for the poor to bear. Thus, nothing in terms of goods and services leaves and come to Maryland currently. The county is practically cutoff from the Republic of Liberia. Others think this means independence Maryland as it was until 1857!
There’s the Road problem. The Road to and from Monrovia to Maryland is completely cutoff. The current problem we face with the Road is now in Tapita (Nimba County) where it is completely cutoff. Between RiverGee and Maryland, the Road has become more difficult, if not impossible, to ply. As a result, goods cannot come to Maryland from Monrovia and parts adjacent. Shops as a result in the County, are empty. No milk, sugar, salt and basic goods and services. The Road from Pleebo (the commercial capital of Maryland) to Harper is a twenty-five minute driving time for motor car. That is ONLY when the Road is in good shape. In good time when the Road is good, it takes the motor bike ten minutes. Currently the condition of the Road from Harper to Pleebo can fairly be described as disastrous. Motor car now takes up to three hours and motor bikes up to two hours travel time. As a result, only NGO vehicles ply the Road. Why? Because they are 4wheel power trucks. And they are made for such conditions.
Sand mining is adding more insult to the injury. It has opened up the sand bridge between Lake Shepherd and the Atlantic Ocean. Notice, Lake Shepherd is the second largest lake in Liberia. Currently, the Ocean is flowing into the Lake overwhelmingly to overflow. Houses along the banks of the Lake are seriously in trouble. If the Local government does nothing about the sandmining in the area, Harper City may experience a Tsunami soon. If you know what I mean!
We have the Asbestos problem too. Churches and houses with Asbestos are becoming a fatal problem. Each time a storm hits, it breaks Asbestos from those structures. And each time that happens, Asbestos is disturbed. When the Asbestos is disturbed, it airbornes. According to research, when one inhales airborne Asbestos, chances are he or she will develop lung cancer and/or Asbestosis. Within 30 years that person will surely die. If this is true, the fact remains that within 30 years, many of us, including staff of International NGOs and The United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) and little innocent children, men and women will surely die within 30 years. It might be alright for those who are already 50 years old. Because if you add 30 to 50, you have 80 years person. And that person will have enjoyed his or her life already. As for the kids who fall in the ranges of 1 to 18 years old, that’s bad news. By the time they reach the point to enjoy life, they’ll be on the way to the grave yard. So, it is very necessary we launch a campaign to save our young.
As for politics of leadership, it is very bad. And that’s my opinion! Local and legislative leadership is extremely weak and backwards. Maryland County is 30 years backward in terms of infrastructure and human resource development. Harper City is closed to being a village. If the streets were not built with concrete by our forerunners, every street in the City would become a footpath. The example is visible on Marsh, Thompson and McGill streets. In fact, the concrete streets are splitting as if an earthquake has gone through the area. Printing Street is worse off. Maryland Avenue, right in the heart of the City, around Roxy Cinema, is a total mess. If repairs are not done, ten years from now, there will be no concrete streets in Harper City. The City shall return back into the Stone Age. This is no joke!
Pleebo, the Commercial Capital of Maryland, is worse off. Pleebo is the industrial heart of Maryland. All the giant corporations that come to Maryland are stationed in Pleebo. Unfortunately, none of them contribute to the development of the City and its inhabitants. In Rainy season, Pleebo is a total mess. Mud overcomes everything else. One cannot travel to Pleebo and expects to remain clean of mud. In the Dry Season, the situation remains the same. Dust fills every part of Pleebo. One cannot expect to go to Pleebo in clean clothing and expect to return looking the same. Dust covers every aspect of life in Pleebo. All the nostrils you see are clogged with dust. This is a health hazard! It is a no-win-situation!
The Cavalla Rubber Corporation (CRC) has been in operation without signing a Concession Agreement. It has promised to do so once the Government allows it to operate. When it was allowed to operate on its promise to sign a Concession Agreement later on, today there’s no sign for the Agreement. And this has been four years since it promised the people of Pleebo. As a result, Pleebo in particular and Maryland in general, receives no benefit at all. To add insult to the injury, SIFCA, which is the mother Company for CRC is bringing in another arm of its interest in the name of Maryland Oil Palm Plantation (MOPP) to replace Decoris. This company too, promises to sign a Concession Agreement in due course if the Government allows it to begin operation. Out of the experience of CRC, the people of Pleebo are jittery about this promise. Therefore they are refusing to allow MOPP to operate without signing a Concession Agreement.
Malcolm X once observed, “A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.”
This situation in Pleebo regarding another company promising to operate before signing a Concession Agreement has caused many students, youths and senior citizens of the area to go to jail. Currently, the Maryland Legislative Caucus is split on the issue. Sens. John Akel Ballout and Gloria Musu Scott are rooting for MOPP to begin operation before it can sign any Concession Agreement. Dr. Bhofal Chambers disagrees. He is the sole elected representative of the Pleebo/Sodokeh district where this Company is expected to operate. Hands in gloves with the people of Pleebo/Sodokeh district, Dr. Chambers is giving his skin to defend his Constituents. The rivalry continues!
Politics in Maryland is becoming a get-rich-and-polarize-the-county game. Sens. Ballout and Scott have their hands locked in the problems in the County. Recently, the Circuit Court confirms that these two individuals lie on Cll Fulton Yancy. Sen. Ballout falsely informed the entire world that Cllr. Yancy had human blood stored in his home. After series of forensic examination outside Liberia, it has been established that the blood is chicken blood. Not human blood!
Previously, the Magisterial Court threw out charge of murder against Amb. H. Dan Morais. Ten others were released for lack of evidence. Look all through the bogus cases, Ballout and Scott’s finger prints are written all over them.
The armed hostilities between Rocktown and Wetchukeh, according to report, was provoked by Ballout and Scott for political benefit. In fact, Sen. Scott did everything in her power as a Senator to convict all the young kids who were arrested on cardboard box evidence. As a result, three innocent citizens’ lives were taken. The Representative of the Harper District, where this hostility took place, Hon. James Biney, did not foot in the area to sympathize with the bereave and console others. Instead, it was business as usual – they were in Monrovia having a great time on the Beer table.
Politics in Maryland is becoming a dangerous game. Come 2011, we are hoping better leaders will emerge.
None of the Congressional leaders have a home in Maryland. Hon. James Biney lives in his late step dad’s house. Gloria Scott snatched away her closest friend’s home. Her friend has had all her investment snatched away by the many shipwrecks. When the bank sought its loan from the friend of Gloria, the friend ran to Gloria for help. Instead of helping her friend, she took her friend’s only home and paid the bank back the loan. As a friend, one would think Gloria would pay her friend's debt. And then rent the home out and get back her money. And in the end turn her friend’s house over to her. But no! Gloria took advantage of the situation and snatched away her friend’s house. Today, she’s making profit out of the house by renting it out for her own good. Her friend is practically living in the streets. Predatory! Isn’t it?
Ballout is now building a motel in Harper. Shamelessly, he is building in the Cemetery on Maryland Avenue in Harper City. The Cemetery land is Public land. And no one can buy nor sell the land. But for some unknown reasons, Sen. Ballout owns a piece of land in the Cemetery. He’s building on top the graves of our Dear Departed. What sort of leadership do we have in Maryland that has no feeling for our Dear Departed?
Another problem is shipwreck. From 2004 to 2010 more than six ships wrecked. 99% of the passengers were Marylanders. Most, if not all, the dead are Marylanders. Majority of the victims are mainly women. Efforts to achieve Reparation is becoming impossible. Sen. Gloria Scott and John Ballout are serving as stumbling blocks to the effort. As has always been the case, these two Senators continue to mislead President Sirleaf into believing that Maryland is a violent County. And so the President continues to backslide on her promise to travel to Maryland to look into the shipwreck issue.
The President cannot get to Maryland by air, sea and land. All her Government officials that traveled to Maryland during the recent ship wreck, traveled through the Ivory Coast. Unless Sens. Ballout and Scott realize that Maryland economy will not grow until all the women who are victims of the many shipwrecks are compensated, Maryland County will continue to dwindle. That’s my opinion!
I am Thomas G. Bedell, I speak and work from on the ground in Liberia.
The Road from Monrovia, the capital of Liberia, to Maryland is extremely bad. Almost all sea vessels travelling to Maryland are sitting in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean due to the many shipwrecks. No one is brave enough anymore to take a sea vessel to Maryland. The many shipwrecks that brought many deaths and destruction of poor people’s investment and personal belonging still haunts the people.
The United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) controls the Air Space. UNMIL does not allow any Liberian citizen to travel to and from Maryland on any of its aircrafts without its permission. And if it does, one has to sign a Waiver on his or her life. Currently there’s no commercial airline in the area. In the event there’s one, the fare is extremely expensive for the poor to bear. Thus, nothing in terms of goods and services leaves and come to Maryland currently. The county is practically cutoff from the Republic of Liberia. Others think this means independence Maryland as it was until 1857!
There’s the Road problem. The Road to and from Monrovia to Maryland is completely cutoff. The current problem we face with the Road is now in Tapita (Nimba County) where it is completely cutoff. Between RiverGee and Maryland, the Road has become more difficult, if not impossible, to ply. As a result, goods cannot come to Maryland from Monrovia and parts adjacent. Shops as a result in the County, are empty. No milk, sugar, salt and basic goods and services. The Road from Pleebo (the commercial capital of Maryland) to Harper is a twenty-five minute driving time for motor car. That is ONLY when the Road is in good shape. In good time when the Road is good, it takes the motor bike ten minutes. Currently the condition of the Road from Harper to Pleebo can fairly be described as disastrous. Motor car now takes up to three hours and motor bikes up to two hours travel time. As a result, only NGO vehicles ply the Road. Why? Because they are 4wheel power trucks. And they are made for such conditions.
Sand mining is adding more insult to the injury. It has opened up the sand bridge between Lake Shepherd and the Atlantic Ocean. Notice, Lake Shepherd is the second largest lake in Liberia. Currently, the Ocean is flowing into the Lake overwhelmingly to overflow. Houses along the banks of the Lake are seriously in trouble. If the Local government does nothing about the sandmining in the area, Harper City may experience a Tsunami soon. If you know what I mean!
We have the Asbestos problem too. Churches and houses with Asbestos are becoming a fatal problem. Each time a storm hits, it breaks Asbestos from those structures. And each time that happens, Asbestos is disturbed. When the Asbestos is disturbed, it airbornes. According to research, when one inhales airborne Asbestos, chances are he or she will develop lung cancer and/or Asbestosis. Within 30 years that person will surely die. If this is true, the fact remains that within 30 years, many of us, including staff of International NGOs and The United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) and little innocent children, men and women will surely die within 30 years. It might be alright for those who are already 50 years old. Because if you add 30 to 50, you have 80 years person. And that person will have enjoyed his or her life already. As for the kids who fall in the ranges of 1 to 18 years old, that’s bad news. By the time they reach the point to enjoy life, they’ll be on the way to the grave yard. So, it is very necessary we launch a campaign to save our young.
As for politics of leadership, it is very bad. And that’s my opinion! Local and legislative leadership is extremely weak and backwards. Maryland County is 30 years backward in terms of infrastructure and human resource development. Harper City is closed to being a village. If the streets were not built with concrete by our forerunners, every street in the City would become a footpath. The example is visible on Marsh, Thompson and McGill streets. In fact, the concrete streets are splitting as if an earthquake has gone through the area. Printing Street is worse off. Maryland Avenue, right in the heart of the City, around Roxy Cinema, is a total mess. If repairs are not done, ten years from now, there will be no concrete streets in Harper City. The City shall return back into the Stone Age. This is no joke!
Pleebo, the Commercial Capital of Maryland, is worse off. Pleebo is the industrial heart of Maryland. All the giant corporations that come to Maryland are stationed in Pleebo. Unfortunately, none of them contribute to the development of the City and its inhabitants. In Rainy season, Pleebo is a total mess. Mud overcomes everything else. One cannot travel to Pleebo and expects to remain clean of mud. In the Dry Season, the situation remains the same. Dust fills every part of Pleebo. One cannot expect to go to Pleebo in clean clothing and expect to return looking the same. Dust covers every aspect of life in Pleebo. All the nostrils you see are clogged with dust. This is a health hazard! It is a no-win-situation!
The Cavalla Rubber Corporation (CRC) has been in operation without signing a Concession Agreement. It has promised to do so once the Government allows it to operate. When it was allowed to operate on its promise to sign a Concession Agreement later on, today there’s no sign for the Agreement. And this has been four years since it promised the people of Pleebo. As a result, Pleebo in particular and Maryland in general, receives no benefit at all. To add insult to the injury, SIFCA, which is the mother Company for CRC is bringing in another arm of its interest in the name of Maryland Oil Palm Plantation (MOPP) to replace Decoris. This company too, promises to sign a Concession Agreement in due course if the Government allows it to begin operation. Out of the experience of CRC, the people of Pleebo are jittery about this promise. Therefore they are refusing to allow MOPP to operate without signing a Concession Agreement.
Malcolm X once observed, “A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.”
This situation in Pleebo regarding another company promising to operate before signing a Concession Agreement has caused many students, youths and senior citizens of the area to go to jail. Currently, the Maryland Legislative Caucus is split on the issue. Sens. John Akel Ballout and Gloria Musu Scott are rooting for MOPP to begin operation before it can sign any Concession Agreement. Dr. Bhofal Chambers disagrees. He is the sole elected representative of the Pleebo/Sodokeh district where this Company is expected to operate. Hands in gloves with the people of Pleebo/Sodokeh district, Dr. Chambers is giving his skin to defend his Constituents. The rivalry continues!
Politics in Maryland is becoming a get-rich-and-polarize-the-county game. Sens. Ballout and Scott have their hands locked in the problems in the County. Recently, the Circuit Court confirms that these two individuals lie on Cll Fulton Yancy. Sen. Ballout falsely informed the entire world that Cllr. Yancy had human blood stored in his home. After series of forensic examination outside Liberia, it has been established that the blood is chicken blood. Not human blood!
Previously, the Magisterial Court threw out charge of murder against Amb. H. Dan Morais. Ten others were released for lack of evidence. Look all through the bogus cases, Ballout and Scott’s finger prints are written all over them.
The armed hostilities between Rocktown and Wetchukeh, according to report, was provoked by Ballout and Scott for political benefit. In fact, Sen. Scott did everything in her power as a Senator to convict all the young kids who were arrested on cardboard box evidence. As a result, three innocent citizens’ lives were taken. The Representative of the Harper District, where this hostility took place, Hon. James Biney, did not foot in the area to sympathize with the bereave and console others. Instead, it was business as usual – they were in Monrovia having a great time on the Beer table.
Politics in Maryland is becoming a dangerous game. Come 2011, we are hoping better leaders will emerge.
None of the Congressional leaders have a home in Maryland. Hon. James Biney lives in his late step dad’s house. Gloria Scott snatched away her closest friend’s home. Her friend has had all her investment snatched away by the many shipwrecks. When the bank sought its loan from the friend of Gloria, the friend ran to Gloria for help. Instead of helping her friend, she took her friend’s only home and paid the bank back the loan. As a friend, one would think Gloria would pay her friend's debt. And then rent the home out and get back her money. And in the end turn her friend’s house over to her. But no! Gloria took advantage of the situation and snatched away her friend’s house. Today, she’s making profit out of the house by renting it out for her own good. Her friend is practically living in the streets. Predatory! Isn’t it?
Ballout is now building a motel in Harper. Shamelessly, he is building in the Cemetery on Maryland Avenue in Harper City. The Cemetery land is Public land. And no one can buy nor sell the land. But for some unknown reasons, Sen. Ballout owns a piece of land in the Cemetery. He’s building on top the graves of our Dear Departed. What sort of leadership do we have in Maryland that has no feeling for our Dear Departed?
Another problem is shipwreck. From 2004 to 2010 more than six ships wrecked. 99% of the passengers were Marylanders. Most, if not all, the dead are Marylanders. Majority of the victims are mainly women. Efforts to achieve Reparation is becoming impossible. Sen. Gloria Scott and John Ballout are serving as stumbling blocks to the effort. As has always been the case, these two Senators continue to mislead President Sirleaf into believing that Maryland is a violent County. And so the President continues to backslide on her promise to travel to Maryland to look into the shipwreck issue.
The President cannot get to Maryland by air, sea and land. All her Government officials that traveled to Maryland during the recent ship wreck, traveled through the Ivory Coast. Unless Sens. Ballout and Scott realize that Maryland economy will not grow until all the women who are victims of the many shipwrecks are compensated, Maryland County will continue to dwindle. That’s my opinion!
I am Thomas G. Bedell, I speak and work from on the ground in Liberia.
Maryland County: Pending Environmental, Political & Economic Woes
The Cavalla River swells to overflow. Transportation across the River is becoming more and more impossible. Rice, which is the staple food of Liberia and can only be transported to Maryland from the Ivory Coast, is becoming scarce in the County. As such, the population is getting nervous and nervous each day!
The Road from Monrovia, the capital of Liberia, to Maryland is extremely bad. Almost all sea vessels travelling to Maryland are sitting in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean due to the many shipwrecks. No one is brave enough anymore to take a sea vessel to Maryland. The many shipwrecks that brought many deaths and destruction of poor people’s investment and personal belonging still haunts the people.
The United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) controls the Air Space. UNMIL does not allow any Liberian citizen to travel to and from Maryland on any of its aircrafts without its permission. And if it does, one has to sign a Waiver on his or her life. Currently there’s no commercial airline in the area. In the event there’s one, the fare is extremely expensive for the poor to bear. Thus, nothing in terms of goods and services leaves and come to Maryland currently. The county is practically cutoff from the Republic of Liberia. Others think this means independence Maryland as it was until 1857!
There’s the Road problem. The Road to and from Monrovia to Maryland is completely cutoff. The current problem we face with the Road is now in Tapita (Nimba County) where it is completely cutoff. Between RiverGee and Maryland, the Road has become more difficult, if not impossible, to ply. As a result, goods cannot come to Maryland from Monrovia and parts adjacent. Shops as a result in the County, are empty. No milk, sugar, salt and basic goods and services. The Road from Pleebo (the commercial capital of Maryland) to Harper is a twenty-five minute driving time for motor car. That is ONLY when the Road is in good shape. In good time when the Road is good, it takes the motor bike ten minutes. Currently the condition of the Road from Harper to Pleebo can fairly be described as disastrous. Motor car now takes up to three hours and motor bikes up to two hours travel time. As a result, only NGO vehicles ply the Road. Why? Because they are 4wheel power trucks. And they are made for such conditions.
Sand mining is adding more insult to the injury. It has opened up the sand bridge between Lake Shepherd and the Atlantic Ocean. Notice, Lake Shepherd is the second largest lake in Liberia. Currently, the Ocean is flowing into the Lake overwhelmingly to overflow. Houses along the banks of the Lake are seriously in trouble. If the Local government does nothing about the sandmining in the area, Harper City may experience a Tsunami soon. If you know what I mean!
We have the Asbestos problem too. Churches and houses with Asbestos are becoming a fatal problem. Each time a storm hits, it breaks Asbestos from those structures. And each time that happens, Asbestos is disturbed. When the Asbestos is disturbed, it airbornes. According to research, when one inhales airborne Asbestos, chances are he or she will develop lung cancer and/or Asbestosis. Within 30 years that person will surely die. If this is true, the fact remains that within 30 years, many of us, including staff of International NGOs and The United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) and little innocent children, men and women will surely die within 30 years. It might be alright for those who are already 50 years old. Because if you add 30 to 50, you have 80 years person. And that person will have enjoyed his or her life already. As for the kids who fall in the ranges of 1 to 18 years old, that’s bad news. By the time they reach the point to enjoy life, they’ll be on the way to the grave yard. So, it is very necessary we launch a campaign to save our young.
As for politics of leadership, it is very bad. And that’s my opinion! Local and legislative leadership is extremely weak and backwards. Maryland County is 30 years backward in terms of infrastructure and human resource development. Harper City is closed to being a village. If the streets were not built with concrete by our forerunners, every street in the City would become a footpath. The example is visible on Marsh, Thompson and McGill streets. In fact, the concrete streets are splitting as if an earthquake has gone through the area. Printing Street is worse off. Maryland Avenue, right in the heart of the City, around Roxy Cinema, is a total mess. If repairs are not done, ten years from now, there will be no concrete streets in Harper City. The City shall return back into the Stone Age. This is no joke!
Pleebo, the Commercial Capital of Maryland, is worse off. Pleebo is the industrial heart of Maryland. All the giant corporations that come to Maryland are stationed in Pleebo. Unfortunately, none of them contribute to the development of the City and its inhabitants. In Rainy season, Pleebo is a total mess. Mud overcomes everything else. One cannot travel to Pleebo and expects to remain clean of mud. In the Dry Season, the situation remains the same. Dust fills every part of Pleebo. One cannot expect to go to Pleebo in clean clothing and expect to return looking the same. Dust covers every aspect of life in Pleebo. All the nostrils you see are clogged with dust. This is a health hazard! It is a no-win-situation!
The Cavalla Rubber Corporation (CRC) has been in operation without signing a Concession Agreement. It has promised to do so once the Government allows it to operate. When it was allowed to operate on its promise to sign a Concession Agreement later on, today there’s no sign for the Agreement. And this has been four years since it promised the people of Pleebo. As a result, Pleebo in particular and Maryland in general, receives no benefit at all. To add insult to the injury, SIFCA, which is the mother Company for CRC is bringing in another arm of its interest in the name of Maryland Oil Palm Plantation (MOPP) to replace Decoris. This company too, promises to sign a Concession Agreement in due course if the Government allows it to begin operation. Out of the experience of CRC, the people of Pleebo are jittery about this promise. Therefore they are refusing to allow MOPP to operate without signing a Concession Agreement.
Malcolm X once observed, “A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.”
This situation in Pleebo regarding another company promising to operate before signing a Concession Agreement has caused many students, youths and senior citizens of the area to go to jail. Currently, the Maryland Legislative Caucus is split on the issue. Sens. John Akel Ballout and Gloria Musu Scott are rooting for MOPP to begin operation before it can sign any Concession Agreement. Dr. Bhofal Chambers disagrees. He is the sole elected representative of the Pleebo/Sodokeh district where this Company is expected to operate. Hands in gloves with the people of Pleebo/Sodokeh district, Dr. Chambers is giving his skin to defend his Constituents. The rivalry continues!
Politics in Maryland is becoming a get-rich-and-polarize-the-county game. Sens. Ballout and Scott have their hands locked in the problems in the County. Recently, the Circuit Court confirms that these two individuals lie on Cll Fulton Yancy. Sen. Ballout falsely informed the entire world that Cllr. Yancy had human blood stored in his home. After series of forensic examination outside Liberia, it has been established that the blood is chicken blood. Not human blood!
Previously, the Magisterial Court threw out charge of murder against Amb. H. Dan Morais. Ten others were released for lack of evidence. Look all through the bogus cases, Ballout and Scott’s finger prints are written all over them.
The armed hostilities between Rocktown and Wetchukeh, according to report, was provoked by Ballout and Scott for political benefit. In fact, Sen. Scott did everything in her power as a Senator to convict all the young kids who were arrested on cardboard box evidence. As a result, three innocent citizens’ lives were taken. The Representative of the Harper District, where this hostility took place, Hon. James Biney, did not foot in the area to sympathize with the bereave and console others. Instead, it was business as usual – they were in Monrovia having a great time on the Beer table.
Politics in Maryland is becoming a dangerous game. Come 2011, we are hoping better leaders will emerge.
None of the Congressional leaders have a home in Maryland. Hon. James Biney lives in his late step dad’s house. Gloria Scott snatched away her closest friend’s home. Her friend has had all her investment snatched away by the many shipwrecks. When the bank sought its loan from the friend of Gloria, the friend ran to Gloria for help. Instead of helping her friend, she took her friend’s only home and paid the bank back the loan. As a friend, one would think Gloria would pay her friend's debt. And then rent the home out and get back her money. And in the end turn her friend’s house over to her. But no! Gloria took advantage of the situation and snatched away her friend’s house. Today, she’s making profit out of the house by renting it out for her own good. Her friend is practically living in the streets. Predatory! Isn’t it?
Ballout is now building a motel in Harper. Shamelessly, he is building in the Cemetery on Maryland Avenue in Harper City. The Cemetery land is Public land. And no one can buy nor sell the land. But for some unknown reasons, Sen. Ballout owns a piece of land in the Cemetery. He’s building on top the graves of our Dear Departed. What sort of leadership do we have in Maryland that has no feeling for our Dear Departed?
Another problem is shipwreck. From 2004 to 2010 more than six ships wrecked. 99% of the passengers were Marylanders. Most, if not all, the dead are Marylanders. Majority of the victims are mainly women. Efforts to achieve Reparation is becoming impossible. Sen. Gloria Scott and John Ballout are serving as stumbling blocks to the effort. As has always been the case, these two Senators continue to mislead President Sirleaf into believing that Maryland is a violent County. And so the President continues to backslide on her promise to travel to Maryland to look into the shipwreck issue.
The President cannot get to Maryland by air, sea and land. All her Government officials that traveled to Maryland during the recent ship wreck, traveled through the Ivory Coast. Unless Sens. Ballout and Scott realize that Maryland economy will not grow until all the women who are victims of the many shipwrecks are compensated, Maryland County will continue to dwindle. That’s my opinion!
I am Thomas G. Bedell, I speak and work from on the ground in Liberia.
The Road from Monrovia, the capital of Liberia, to Maryland is extremely bad. Almost all sea vessels travelling to Maryland are sitting in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean due to the many shipwrecks. No one is brave enough anymore to take a sea vessel to Maryland. The many shipwrecks that brought many deaths and destruction of poor people’s investment and personal belonging still haunts the people.
The United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) controls the Air Space. UNMIL does not allow any Liberian citizen to travel to and from Maryland on any of its aircrafts without its permission. And if it does, one has to sign a Waiver on his or her life. Currently there’s no commercial airline in the area. In the event there’s one, the fare is extremely expensive for the poor to bear. Thus, nothing in terms of goods and services leaves and come to Maryland currently. The county is practically cutoff from the Republic of Liberia. Others think this means independence Maryland as it was until 1857!
There’s the Road problem. The Road to and from Monrovia to Maryland is completely cutoff. The current problem we face with the Road is now in Tapita (Nimba County) where it is completely cutoff. Between RiverGee and Maryland, the Road has become more difficult, if not impossible, to ply. As a result, goods cannot come to Maryland from Monrovia and parts adjacent. Shops as a result in the County, are empty. No milk, sugar, salt and basic goods and services. The Road from Pleebo (the commercial capital of Maryland) to Harper is a twenty-five minute driving time for motor car. That is ONLY when the Road is in good shape. In good time when the Road is good, it takes the motor bike ten minutes. Currently the condition of the Road from Harper to Pleebo can fairly be described as disastrous. Motor car now takes up to three hours and motor bikes up to two hours travel time. As a result, only NGO vehicles ply the Road. Why? Because they are 4wheel power trucks. And they are made for such conditions.
Sand mining is adding more insult to the injury. It has opened up the sand bridge between Lake Shepherd and the Atlantic Ocean. Notice, Lake Shepherd is the second largest lake in Liberia. Currently, the Ocean is flowing into the Lake overwhelmingly to overflow. Houses along the banks of the Lake are seriously in trouble. If the Local government does nothing about the sandmining in the area, Harper City may experience a Tsunami soon. If you know what I mean!
We have the Asbestos problem too. Churches and houses with Asbestos are becoming a fatal problem. Each time a storm hits, it breaks Asbestos from those structures. And each time that happens, Asbestos is disturbed. When the Asbestos is disturbed, it airbornes. According to research, when one inhales airborne Asbestos, chances are he or she will develop lung cancer and/or Asbestosis. Within 30 years that person will surely die. If this is true, the fact remains that within 30 years, many of us, including staff of International NGOs and The United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) and little innocent children, men and women will surely die within 30 years. It might be alright for those who are already 50 years old. Because if you add 30 to 50, you have 80 years person. And that person will have enjoyed his or her life already. As for the kids who fall in the ranges of 1 to 18 years old, that’s bad news. By the time they reach the point to enjoy life, they’ll be on the way to the grave yard. So, it is very necessary we launch a campaign to save our young.
As for politics of leadership, it is very bad. And that’s my opinion! Local and legislative leadership is extremely weak and backwards. Maryland County is 30 years backward in terms of infrastructure and human resource development. Harper City is closed to being a village. If the streets were not built with concrete by our forerunners, every street in the City would become a footpath. The example is visible on Marsh, Thompson and McGill streets. In fact, the concrete streets are splitting as if an earthquake has gone through the area. Printing Street is worse off. Maryland Avenue, right in the heart of the City, around Roxy Cinema, is a total mess. If repairs are not done, ten years from now, there will be no concrete streets in Harper City. The City shall return back into the Stone Age. This is no joke!
Pleebo, the Commercial Capital of Maryland, is worse off. Pleebo is the industrial heart of Maryland. All the giant corporations that come to Maryland are stationed in Pleebo. Unfortunately, none of them contribute to the development of the City and its inhabitants. In Rainy season, Pleebo is a total mess. Mud overcomes everything else. One cannot travel to Pleebo and expects to remain clean of mud. In the Dry Season, the situation remains the same. Dust fills every part of Pleebo. One cannot expect to go to Pleebo in clean clothing and expect to return looking the same. Dust covers every aspect of life in Pleebo. All the nostrils you see are clogged with dust. This is a health hazard! It is a no-win-situation!
The Cavalla Rubber Corporation (CRC) has been in operation without signing a Concession Agreement. It has promised to do so once the Government allows it to operate. When it was allowed to operate on its promise to sign a Concession Agreement later on, today there’s no sign for the Agreement. And this has been four years since it promised the people of Pleebo. As a result, Pleebo in particular and Maryland in general, receives no benefit at all. To add insult to the injury, SIFCA, which is the mother Company for CRC is bringing in another arm of its interest in the name of Maryland Oil Palm Plantation (MOPP) to replace Decoris. This company too, promises to sign a Concession Agreement in due course if the Government allows it to begin operation. Out of the experience of CRC, the people of Pleebo are jittery about this promise. Therefore they are refusing to allow MOPP to operate without signing a Concession Agreement.
Malcolm X once observed, “A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.”
This situation in Pleebo regarding another company promising to operate before signing a Concession Agreement has caused many students, youths and senior citizens of the area to go to jail. Currently, the Maryland Legislative Caucus is split on the issue. Sens. John Akel Ballout and Gloria Musu Scott are rooting for MOPP to begin operation before it can sign any Concession Agreement. Dr. Bhofal Chambers disagrees. He is the sole elected representative of the Pleebo/Sodokeh district where this Company is expected to operate. Hands in gloves with the people of Pleebo/Sodokeh district, Dr. Chambers is giving his skin to defend his Constituents. The rivalry continues!
Politics in Maryland is becoming a get-rich-and-polarize-the-county game. Sens. Ballout and Scott have their hands locked in the problems in the County. Recently, the Circuit Court confirms that these two individuals lie on Cll Fulton Yancy. Sen. Ballout falsely informed the entire world that Cllr. Yancy had human blood stored in his home. After series of forensic examination outside Liberia, it has been established that the blood is chicken blood. Not human blood!
Previously, the Magisterial Court threw out charge of murder against Amb. H. Dan Morais. Ten others were released for lack of evidence. Look all through the bogus cases, Ballout and Scott’s finger prints are written all over them.
The armed hostilities between Rocktown and Wetchukeh, according to report, was provoked by Ballout and Scott for political benefit. In fact, Sen. Scott did everything in her power as a Senator to convict all the young kids who were arrested on cardboard box evidence. As a result, three innocent citizens’ lives were taken. The Representative of the Harper District, where this hostility took place, Hon. James Biney, did not foot in the area to sympathize with the bereave and console others. Instead, it was business as usual – they were in Monrovia having a great time on the Beer table.
Politics in Maryland is becoming a dangerous game. Come 2011, we are hoping better leaders will emerge.
None of the Congressional leaders have a home in Maryland. Hon. James Biney lives in his late step dad’s house. Gloria Scott snatched away her closest friend’s home. Her friend has had all her investment snatched away by the many shipwrecks. When the bank sought its loan from the friend of Gloria, the friend ran to Gloria for help. Instead of helping her friend, she took her friend’s only home and paid the bank back the loan. As a friend, one would think Gloria would pay her friend's debt. And then rent the home out and get back her money. And in the end turn her friend’s house over to her. But no! Gloria took advantage of the situation and snatched away her friend’s house. Today, she’s making profit out of the house by renting it out for her own good. Her friend is practically living in the streets. Predatory! Isn’t it?
Ballout is now building a motel in Harper. Shamelessly, he is building in the Cemetery on Maryland Avenue in Harper City. The Cemetery land is Public land. And no one can buy nor sell the land. But for some unknown reasons, Sen. Ballout owns a piece of land in the Cemetery. He’s building on top the graves of our Dear Departed. What sort of leadership do we have in Maryland that has no feeling for our Dear Departed?
Another problem is shipwreck. From 2004 to 2010 more than six ships wrecked. 99% of the passengers were Marylanders. Most, if not all, the dead are Marylanders. Majority of the victims are mainly women. Efforts to achieve Reparation is becoming impossible. Sen. Gloria Scott and John Ballout are serving as stumbling blocks to the effort. As has always been the case, these two Senators continue to mislead President Sirleaf into believing that Maryland is a violent County. And so the President continues to backslide on her promise to travel to Maryland to look into the shipwreck issue.
The President cannot get to Maryland by air, sea and land. All her Government officials that traveled to Maryland during the recent ship wreck, traveled through the Ivory Coast. Unless Sens. Ballout and Scott realize that Maryland economy will not grow until all the women who are victims of the many shipwrecks are compensated, Maryland County will continue to dwindle. That’s my opinion!
I am Thomas G. Bedell, I speak and work from on the ground in Liberia.
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